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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. This is a re-post from another thread, by request:


    I didn't pay $85 for a digital deluxe 100+MS latency. I also didn't pay nearly $100 in total subscription fees to reroll a new character on another west coast server.


    This screenshot was taken by me today after sitting in the LFG queue as a tank for over an hour.



    I don't care if you're from California, New York, Sweden, Australia, Mars, or Omicron Persei-8. I dislike having my money wasted without my consent. I'm under the presumption the people who are still on Ajunta Pall agree with me on this, as is evident by the above screenshot.


    Also, not everybody in California has internet that will leave them with such a forgiving ping when connecting to an east coast server, so the first person who says "I don't lag so you are just whining" deserves a mouthful of bantha poo.


    The sad thing is I had plans to drop another $50 and take on a double load of monthly subscriptions so a friend and I could play together. But I hope Bioware understands what they've done to my confidence in this decision.


    I don't care if people think this is a mistake, or a common sense issue, or if it's a capitalism conspiracy, or whatever. My end-game is broken. I'll happily follow through with my plans when it's fixed.


    EDIT: This post sounded very negative and not constructive, so I wanted to add, the primary issue is that we were not allowed to transfer to servers of a non-RPPVP family, and that just coincidentally screw-balled with the strategy of having only one west coast RPPVP server. Consider this my plea to Bioware to either drop their server family restriction policy with transfers, or give us a secondary RPPVP weast coast server. Also consider this my please to the gamers to not fight over this, but to let Bioware know that we need this, because our game on our server has been rendered unplayable. Playing the game is all we want to do.


    Good post, BW allowed the RP-PvP sever in Europe Lord Calypho or w/e to transfer to a PvP server. Given this there is no restriction and CS has acknowledged they know this is a issue however they seem content to make people unsub do the server now being unplayable. This is a different scenario the people wanting to consolidate toons its unique to AP as such a solution is required and paying for transfers is not an acceptable solution.

  2. Again an extreme lack of communication with the customers. They are trying to force out buggy crap and promised content in 1.2 finally released and completely disregarding those that can't transfer or play their characters.


    Ajunta Pall's only option is Jung Ma a East Coast server, it isnt right BW is forcing us to move to another data center tripling latency. What ********, its been 2 weeks since AP was playable I was told then by BW that they understand the concern and they want to first ensure that those that wanted to play on the same server type were afforded that option, expect that was a lie. Lord Calypho was able to move from RP-PvP to PvP why cant Ajunta Pall?


    A good portion of the population there would've moved to a PST server if given the option, instead the sheep just did what BW offered and those that didnt jump when the shepard told them to slowly trickled over as AP is not playable in its current state making the choice transfer or unsub. The latter is what we are doing. If the Transfer option was in 1.3 it might not have been as bad but this is the worst customer service I have ever seen towards paying customer whom are paying for a product that BW ****ed up and made unplayable its extremely comical that this is acceptable.


    If 750 people went to the McD's and ordered a happy meal each month, paying in 3 or 6 month advances. For the first 5 months its all good, then the 6th month even though everything was gravy with your happy meal previously and you already payed for it, they took everything out and gave you the box. That's all you get from now on shut up and like it. But if drive from Seattle to North Carolina we will give you another happy meal, regardless of the fact you bought it in Seattle. *** is up with that, jsut because 500 of the sheep drove to NC that still doesnt make it right.


    I would get my money back from McD's. Not at BW you get ignored despite paying for a product not being delivered. There is no business where this should be allowed.

  3. "The majority are very happy", that was funny, thanks for speaking for me and everybody else.


    lol agree where is this many resubbed? I see a lot unsubbing for the same reasons, lack of communication from BW and not being able to play their characters. Some of us needed to have the transfer service as we are stuck on Ajunta Pall or have to move to an East Coast data center. No thanks, we choose a West Coast server for a reason so let us move to a populated one. It isnt that hard for other companies but BW offering more then one transfer destination golly .


    First it was "only to same server types" then they let Lord Caylpho move from RP-PvP to PvP but wont allow Ajunta Pall to do the same it appears they would rather have us unsub then give us the ability to transfer to a PST server, which is what most are doing. BW made such a big deal (and I quote from BW response) "WE HAD TO LET THOSE THAT WANTED TO REMAIN IN THE SAME COMMUNITY TYPE DO SO FIRST". Yet look at the Europe RP-PvP they are not given that option nor an option to move to RP-PvE, its all a bunch of lip service and BS.


    Yes we are the minority but no we are not sheep like the rest of them and the Shepard thinks by ignoring us we will move. More like we will leave BW with their sheep to do what they please...

  4. I should get the option to go back West. I sent emails and tickets but got nothing. I have limited time to play and also I am paying to play. So I had no option but to transfer to Jung Ma. And this is not a job dude, it is a service I am paying for, they are not paying me to put up with this crap.


    People who transferred to Jung Ma should not be penalised. All people who were originally on Ajunta Pall should be given the option to go back West if they desire to do so. I am paying and I am not totally happy but BW have said to be patient, so I expect a free transfer back to a thriving West Server, as all others in the same situation as me should rightly get. In the meantime I am playing on Jung Ma until we get our free transfer to a West Coast server. I encourage others to do the same, cos really can you really continue to play on Ajunta Pall as it is now.


    No it inst playable and I have thought about transferring this past week since I have been unable to PvP at 50. But I am stubborn and I figure if they cant handle the situation correctly and communicate with their player base (when they created the issue) as this is a unique situation, then I am out I will move back to a game I played prior or wait for something else to be released.


    Telling us to be patient is a blatant lack of disregard for the situation anyway you look at it, they depopulated the server and the sheep that didnt move immediately and tried to hold out eventually bleed out and moved because of no communication from BW. If they would've said from the beginning we are initially letting that that want to stay on a RP-PvP server and dont mind moving to an East Coast data center transfer, then we will offer those that remain a free transfer to a PST server, how hard is that? They compound the situation with lack of communication so that most of us now are in a position of dont play and unsub or transfer to Jung Ma like they want us to help the pop on that server.


    Anyhow it is what it is now I will wait out my 50+ days left being more bitter by the day.

  5. For some reason I have this feeling that they might charge us to move which would be total BS for obvious reasons. I am just curious how others feel about that? I am not sure I would pay to move after BW made the server pretty much unplayable for the past 2 weeks and have yet to provide a solution or any communication for that matter.
  6. Regardless of anything at this point, a legitimate response other than to wait (probably until it is too late) is unacceptable. Bioware needs to take responsibility for their decisions and give us a definite answer. The more they disregard us the more jaded we get towards them and their game.


    On the OP thoughts...I could honestly care less about the people that already jumped ship to Jung Ma. If they "didn't want to" transfer they shouldn't have. However Ajunta Pall became a ghost town in less than 4-5 hours of the option to server swap becoming available, meaning they all knee-jerk reacted and thought the grass would be greener on the other side instead of having the patience and resolve the few who are still there have. If you feel slighted or believe in something you fight for it, not jump ship at the first sign of adversity. They took their crap sandwich that BW gave them and at it happily without thinking.


    Let me put it another way, if you leave your job for another because it seems great and awesome (grass looks greener over there), and then come to find out that it sucks, sadface. Meanwhile you hear that the person who filled your position at the old job was able to negotiate better terms with management, now making your old job more desirable than the new, are you by rights entitled to your old job......the answer is NO.


    These people made the decision to move, and we decided to stay and chain ourselves to the tree and protest for what we believe is unjust, why should they get any of the benefits if by chance things work out in our favor? They shouldn't. Atlas Shrugged should be mandatory reading for any and all humans (especially Americans) in this day and age, people are not entitled to anything unless they work for it, period.


    Completely agree and as DarthKraze noted I have unsubbed as well describing in great detail to them why I unsubbed. (Among my multiple emails and in game tickets, I figure at the very least with my already payed 50 days left I can annoy the piss out of them).


    I choose a West Coast server for a reason. It sucks that we are ignored mostly because they want us to be sheep and follow the herd east. This is a unique situation much like Lord Calypho, time to let us transfer to another West Coast server.

  7. Some of those who have already transferred will complain, because they were specifically told they have only a single option. Bioware would then have to allow return transfers or face cancelled accounts, either of which damages Jung Ma. Additionally, the stable population the developers hope to create on Jung Ma includes those that have currently chosen to remain on Ajunta Pall. You will be moved at some point, likely as soon as the developers manage to offer us additional character slots per server. It's pretty obvious the eventual goal is to eliminate the source servers.


    This is likely the case however at some point they will allow transfers so characters can be consolidated and people will move to where they prefer to be. Junga Ma is likely to be the most effected by this since there is a smaller player base then the other massive servers. Hopefully people will also transfer to the server as well.


    I agree with you completely on the point if they allow the remaining people to transfer to a PST server the people that moved but didn't want to will be pissed as well. Really though forcing people to move data centers shouldn't be acceptable regardless of what people think about latency and such as there are extremely varied opinions however most just take into account their locations and experience.

  8. Couldn't agree with you more. Every day that goes by without a response shows us how much you care..........and strengthens me and my fellow guildies urge to unsub. Do you really want one of your top end 16m raiding guilds to up and leave? I hope you know there are other games and MMO's out there.


    I really hope you (BW) are not banking on 1.3 to keep the peace...time and time again you have disappointed by pushing things back to the "next" content patch, and I'm sorry but I could care less about ranked warzones, sandpeople outfits, oh and nightmare mode IS NOT new content.....


    Completely agree, I am not sure what to do I can't pvp and I don't want to move to JM.


    I have launched multiple tickets and emails to them with only 1 acknowledging the issue with data centers and I was told be patient this is phase 1. It sucks to be **** on when they fractured our server and people left because it was the only option, now AP is dead and I can't pvp there with 1.3 launching and this issue not addressed it shows how much they give a crap about the actual player base. They can transfer to other server types so make it happen.

  9. Keep the attention on this thread I was told by CS that dev and staff members read the general forums but judging by the extremely slow communication and lack of any action to help the remaining RP-PvP servers thats hard to tell. I really think they are dragging this out and they will end up offering transfers to PvP realms and they are afraid of the lash back of people whom already transferred but with the different server type transfer others will be up in arms.


    I think free transfers to another server of any type should be offered to the RP-PvP severs that have to little option other then time zone/laguage server moves. Then open it up to everyone and charge anyone that already took a free transfer that wants to move server types. Something like that will be the solution and better to do this ASAP. They don't have many choices on how to proceed but it's amazing they are taking this long really as there are people still subbed that can't play their 50s.


    I would suggest opening tickets and emailing its amazing what responses come if you are a pest.

  10. While I liked GW2 there are a few people in here who are fan boys and think GW2 is the end all be all and there are people that think that of SWTOR but be realistic GW2 is in Beta no one has gotten to 80. You "think" that because of level scaling it will keep people interested as well as the dynamic events. I am not so sure. I loved them in Rift others got bored of them (yes they arent the same but not to far off).


    This game had balance issues, GW2 does have and will have balance issues, people complain about 3 then 4 PvP maps. GW2 has 2 currently but it does have competitive PvP which will keep some people hooked. And the wPvP. It is impossible to say how GW2 is gonna go. It is not the next evolution that it might be a step in the right direction but claiming it is the next evolution is a heavily fan boyish anyway you cut it. Try to be objective, I know its hard cause you are jizzing over the game but stating the same thing over and over again that is your opinion doesnt make it fact.


    Believe me I have had it with SWTOR and I like GW2 a lot. However a little reality here would be nice.

  11. On a related topic, isn't it really annoying to see threads like this being created and have yellow responses in them? =D




    The excellent customer service and care for the players should come as no surprise of course. :rolleyes:

    Unless you are an outlier to their current "transfers allowed only to same server types" then you are ignored or dismissed but I am sure they figure lose 500 subs save 5000 (made up numbers of course). As stated before if they allowed the RP-PvP servers to move to a different server type now the people that already transferred would have a fit thus creating 5000 unhappy subs to please 500. What great forethought and planning I cant imagine the brilliant minds that thought of this.

  12. Players on RP servers are probably the most passionate about reserving their character names, yet it's the RP players that get last pick after everyone else has already taken the best names? Truth be told: server transfers have been a negative experience for me. My guild is gone to a server that is in another time zone. If I follow them, I lose my favourite names and will have to put up with higher latency. Sure there will be more people to play with, but overall, it would be a worse experience for me. My server has gone from medium population to low. It's a lose-lose situation.


    I'm hoping there will be another round of free transfers and I'll be lucky enough to have my server chosen as a destination server, but it's looking more and more like I'll eventually be forced into a merger where I lose my character names that I reserved the minute I was able to log in for early access. That's not really a good way to treat a customer who pre-ordered the CE as soon as it became available and recommended your game and company to friends by word of mouth.


    Just off the top of my head, in the interest of providing constructive criticism, here is my suggestion for a more equitable way of handling the server consolidation going forward:


    New, empty servers are launched.

    Everyone has the same chance to log in and reserve their character names with placeholder characters.


    Turn on free transfers to new servers based on server type (PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP) as well as data center!

    *Important* I don't want to have to choose between staying on a dead server and transferring to a laggy one.


    Once a server fills up to desired population, turn off free transfers.


    This way at least those of us who weren't lucky enough to have started out on one of the chosen destination servers in round one will not be forced to choose between giving up our character's name and playing on a deserted server.


    Thanks for reading.


    I mostly agree the names don't concern as much as the different data center what they did/are doing to two RP-PvP servers isn't right and they should've planned ahead. They are not technically limited to server type and I have a response saying here is the reasoning "At this time, however, we are currently processing the free transfers according to server type, to ensure that players can join similar communities and preserve their preferred play type."


    Their foresight is horrible as is the customer service it took 6 tickets/emails to get a response after I unsubbed due to my character being virtually unplayable because of BWs complete lack of concern or communication.

  13. I think the transfers were a great idea. It was a neccessary move, to transfer from a low population server to the destination server they offered up for free. Let's hope we'll see transfers that have a few more options in the future. :)


    I have been "assured" and asked to "remain patient" as this is only phase 1. They apologize that I am "unhappy" with the current transfers and they understand that forcing players to switch data centers is a concern and it has been sent to development staff. However for "phase 1" they want to ensure that players are in the same "type" of community server type.


    All I would like is to go to a PST server as that is what I am on currently that was a top 10 server and not nearly as bad as other servers, however due to the transfers people lept because guilds or friends did and others that didn't want to are moving because now this server is essentially unplayable causing further trickle and more people transferring.

  14. The we don't care customer service approach.


    The inability of bioware to communicate openly and honestly with its customer base.


    The inability of bioware to make decisions the consider player needs and concerns.


    The lack of urgency on the part of bioware to provide all players with a positive game experience.


    Exactly my thoughts

  15. forcing entire server populations to a different time zone = BW didn't actually THINK about what destination servers they were using.


    Completely agree I have launched tickets/emails ect and was told essentially "we are sorry that we f'd up your server and you feel that the positives of the transfer do not out weigh the negatives. If we did not offer transfers to Jung Ma there would have been none for Ajunta Pall. Please be patient and remember this is only Phase 1"


    This was only after I told the BS bot to stop treating me like an idiot that I got the above response and read the issue just dont link the general forums to me. How condescending of them to ask those that are left to be patient after they created this situation.


    I think they dont care that they made the server unplayable for lvl 50s and they would prefer those of us that remain to be good sheep and follow the herd despite the fact we choose a PST server for a reason. However they are going to have to allow the Euro RP-PvP server different server type transfers so hopefully they pull their head out and do the same for those that remain without a transfer fee.

  16. The support ticket system is awful and that's putting it politely they treat you like you are stupid not even addressing the issue in most responses whether its a email or in game ticket.


    For most they loved the transfers but for some they killed our server with the only option being go to the East data center with no other option. Then they are most likely going to charge you to transfer if you don't go where they want. Submit a ticket to get help? Good *********** lucky you get the BS bot or corky that responds.


    The communication between players and dev/management is a joke like the Q&A session where they are lobbed softballs not even addressing any real issues. Most of my reason are not do to the game itself but the piss poor management and communication.


    Like a lot of people been here through some betas and EGA day 1 and I really didn't want to unsub but they made the game unplayable for my 50 unless I move to an EST server from PST with no response to the concern.

  17. Ajunta Pall was ok before these transfers were introduced. I was happy with the way it was and now introducing a transfer from East to West is now making Ajunta Pall a ghost town. I was quite confident when 1.3 came Ajunta Pall would have picked back up with the introduction of LFG and Ranked WZs. Many people left because these were not here. I chose this server cos it was West Coast. You tell me latency is not an issue, but yet it is, how stable is the latency, it spikes all the time and it will be much worst being on server that is further away. And also the time zone is an issue. You say if everyone transfer to East then we will have people on at the same time as the West coast time zone. People will adjust to the new time zone eventually.


    This is my personal opinion and as paying customer, I have the right to express it. I chose West and active server when I joined and if I do not get this anymore (this is what I initially paid for), I have no problem leaving. I know many will go to the East because they feel that is their only option. This is so wrong, customers should not feel they are being forced to buy something that did not initially pay for.


    All I ask for is an option to transfer to a server that is on the West.

    This sums up exactly the support tickets and emails I sent in. They told me to be patient... As people begin to given and move our server becomes unplayable. Baston is out of control with people I wish we could go there.

  18. Personally I dislike the option that BW has given us. Different time zone, higher latency. I picked the West Coast cause it had a good time zone, good latency. If I knew we would be transferred to the East I would have chosen a PVP server on the West. I for one am not rerolling. The hours that I have put into levelling and gearing my toons is too much. We need another option, I do not care if it is a PVE or PVP server. All I care about is staying on a West Coast Server. If I do not get another option I think I will have to give up this game. I am not wasting my money and time on a game where the company who runs it is not putting the customer's best interests at heart.. :mad:


    Completely agree and I have made this point to them through tickets and email everyone do the same!

  19. Here is the response I received:


    Dear <player>,


    I am contacting you regarding the follow-up e-mail you sent to us with your concerns about the Free Character Transfer Service.


    I am going to try and explain as best I can about how the service currently works, and the intentions of the service in the future.


    The first stage of the Character Transfer service has the specific purpose of addressing server population. As stated in the community blog about server transfers, we considered allowing players to transfer immediately to any server of their choice. However, a free-for-all approach had the potential to have an extremely detrimental effect on the game, with the highest population servers being swarmed and overrun.


    Because of our goals to address server population issues, the servers that have been picked as origin and destination servers have been required to match server types. Player who have selected a PvP server can only transfer to a destination server that is also PvP, and this server is predetermined.


    Your server, Ajunta Pall, is an RP-PVP server. If you look at our full list of servers, you will see that currently Ajunta Pall is the only RP-PVP server on the West Coast. All servers that have been assigned as origin servers were chosen because we wanted to give players the choice to move to a server with a higher population.


    It is unfortunate that in this case the only option is a server that does not match the Coast location, however - if players are comfortable with the potential latency, or they live in an area that can accept both East and West Coast server locations without problems, then it is better for them to have the option to move, than to offer nothing at all. At this point in time we are only offering transfers that match server types, so if we did not offer Jung Ma, then nobody on the server would be able to move anywhere.


    I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you, and I appreciate your frustration at finding the costs of the move outweighing the benefits. The only thing I can ask for is your continued patience as we continue to roll out this service. More servers are becoming available all the time, and this is only the first phase of the transfer process.


    The reason why we ask people to post their feedback on the forums is because this is the best avenue for the development team to receive player feedback. The reason why we ask players to keep checking our official website for updates is because all information relating to server transfers is listed there in our blog, the transfer page and on the community forums. Any announcements relating to server transfers will also be posted on our website first.


    I hope this has given you more insight into the process as it works for now, and I apologise again for any frustration or inconvenience caused by the current option for your server.


    Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.



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