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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. Another one i've thought about, but not quite sure if it will work or not,



    Hutball, you steath over to enemy score zone, say west corner to try avoid to much attention.

    You then get ball, either by running to spawn point or by someone throwing it to you. lets say for the sake of conversation your at enemy acid


    Sprint to have your PW in range of your ball throw, (only just to allow as much ball airtime as possible)

    Throw ball and instantly use PW


    Tele to ball landzone, you've essentially thrown the ball to yourself lol.

    Score and watch enemy team scratch their heads.


    If i get the chance ill try this tonight unless someone else does or its impossible


    Anyone tried this? would it work? or would ball land before you/reset as you weren't there when it was thrown or something?



    I believe I read on the PST forms that you can't pass the ball yourself as someone brought this up as being op. that said I don't know if they fixed it or not so its worth a try! :)

  2. I feel bad for people that didnt understand this previously but when an expansion drops gears changes. Like noted, was everyone pissed when your Battlemaster gear was outdated? No you just moved on and grind new gear. This MMO is a gear grind (sorta, I wouldnt say its bad anymore not like the bag days).


    Yes the I-level might be the same but the intent from the devs wasnt for you to use that gear at 55, if you can use it in someway at 55 just be happy about that before they make a change so that you cant use it.


    This is pretty much the way of certain MMOs and given SWTORs past with PvP gear and releasing new gear killing the older gear this should be no shocker what so ever and I am shocked there are this many threads about it.

  3. Sigh... The only gear removed from the game is the level 50 gear there is still the 20/40 in DK I would assume its in Coruscant as well. But that really is just PvE gear and now you can convert WZ coms to planetary coms allowing you to buy mods and gear will them.



    Really nothing has changed except the location where it is purchased.

  4. After they fix bolster not just Tues patch but tune it we can really see where the put liers are. As I posted in another thread dropping someone in 4 hits shouldn't happen but I have done it however I don't think the person adjusted for bolster bug and had lower expertise as there was another sage in the same WZ I couldn't come close to the dmg I did on the other one as well as other classes in WZs there are many classes putting out insane dmg right now but I don't think any have the up front burst of Decep/Inf that I have seen.


    Out of multiple WZs I have only hit 1 person with an 11k maul but worse then that I crit spike first then maul then a 7k assassinate totaling close to 20k in 3-4 globals that is op and shouldn't happen. However I am not doing that to everyone. Not to say Decep isn't strong it is but I would hate to see nerfs or buffs till bolster is fixed. As that will sway dmg and dmg reduction.


    That said hopefully Tuesday will be the start if shorting it out.

    My experience is all in the 30-54 lvl bracket no clue how 55 is it could be balanced for all I know.

  5. I've hit one 9k on my level 36 Shadow, and I max like 8.2k on my 50 Assassin, so I highly doubt people are mauling constant 10ks at 55 if bolster is just as screwed up there.


    Also, why are people fussing over 9k mauls? Commando can hit back to back 8ks with High Impact Bolt and Demo Round.



    Juggernaut can leap (with root) and Ravage you a 10k and then have a chance of ending Ravage CD within a GCD and getting out another 10k.


    Where's all the QQ threads for those?


    Not to detour the thread but I think the qq is from people not adjusting to bolster either wearing PvP gear or something of that nature. I just dropped a sage in 3-4 hits but another sage I couldnt come close to the same numbers on. The one I dropped with easy was a spike out of stealth for 2kish, Maul with proc 11k, assassinate 7k. They weren't naked and I was shocked at how fast they dropped but that is not the norm typically maul crits around 7-8k. Once bolster is fixed we can get a true read on the burst but I think it will be like the latter sage were I couldn't 1-2-3-4 burst her down.


    Yes I am aware of different specs and I don't know what the 2 were using and I don't think we should be able to drop a class that fast it's like launch OPs with adrenals and we can't have that going on. If after bolster changes we still drop anyone in 3-4 hits then Decep needs toned down.


    Pre-55 WZ experience


    On topic I have noticed Force shroud isn't working as expected as well. Much to my surprise on a Huttball hail marry I thought I had pulled off lol!

  6. As many people may have noticed, we had a nice little yellow writing in here about expertise in the new bolster system. You can read the whole post from the link, but I'm going to quote a part concerning expertise crystals.




    Now, what I'd be interested in is, will this also make expertise +41 cartel market crystals a disadvantage? If yes, will anything be done to it? I mean, this is stuff that people have bought with real money (or GTN of course, but someone bought it before with real money and put it in GTN). Or are they "safe", since they most likely are different items than the level 55 pvp crystals? Or have they been given any thought at all?


    Agree, thanks for buying the crystals but they are now useless in PvE and PvP while leveling. :)


    But I agree with whomever posted there should be a crystal swap vendor where 1 exp crystal for 1 power/crit/end crystal. Then they can leave them in packs on what not easiest fix. Probably wont occur for a long long time though.

  7. He didn't spell it out but reading between the lines it seems likely that the issue is highly situational which makes specific issues difficult to wade through when you're working with an ocean of metrics. They're looking for patterns that will help pinpoint the issue and then extrapolate out from there using their metrics to determine a baseline, calculate variance, etc.


    Seriously people, if you're going to complain about the state of PVP and insult the developers, don't be a jerk when they ask for your help gathering data. If you're not part of the solution, don't be part of the problem. The least you can do is stay silent and not get in the way.


    Clearly, some of you don't understand how the business world works or you'd be a bit more understanding about the need to release, warts and all. You can iterate forever, eventually you have to set a date and launch. As long as they're committed to squashing bugs quickly and have devoted the resources necessary to make it happen, I'm fine.


    Exactly I understand being angry and entitled to a degree but if you have any software release experience that deals with direct release to customers you know what happens.


    But clearly by the responses the entitlement continues and they would rather complain and bash them then help. Thank you to those that are assisting once I am not at work I will assist as well when I get home.


    Someone posted in another thread about fostering a better PvP community it is up to us to do that. So lets get one thread everyone go bash and complain about things you dont like in there. Then lets get helpful threads going on logging what we can to help fix the problems and get back to kicking each others *** in game.

  8. That may be true man, but when everyone can hit 10k crits and everyone have like 20k hp the skill cap of the game goes way down.


    Agree the TTK is worse then the 1.2 change or at least it feels that way to me playing a tank in pugs. This bolster is suppose to allow for better tuning so hopefully they get on it ASAP for us.

  9. Lol when you first PvP'd in your first MMO why did you love it? In WoW if you PvP'd when leveling up you got NO experience and really no rewards, yet the brackets were allows full of people pvping.


    I love the competition period, I will PvP in any game if it is fun the gear progression is whatever. I want to gear up so I am on even footing with every one else.


    I realize this is not how most people feel these days and that a lot of people are like old twinks who really just want a gear gap to stomp people and pat themselves on the back. But times are changing MMOs are targeting casual players that's the bottom line no amount of complaining changes that. Look at Rift they have a bolster in place very similar to SWTOR and people still PvP and their PvP is not neary as engaging.


    Generally this is the typical overreaction by people, is the new system really worse then the buy a bag and pray your gears in there? Did that provide your carrot or did it piss you off someone else could get luck and hit the bag lotto and gear up in half the time as you? Then stomp people as a 50 vs a level 10?


    Really though when you started pvping was it because you wanted better gear? I am curious as I tend to assume most people started pvping in a MMO at lower then max level and fell in love with the competition however it seems like the forums are more concerned about what I get for it. There is nothing better then a nail biting 1-1 Huttball and you pull the ball carry with 10 secs left back and kill him to save the game IMO.


    ** I apologize for going off on a tangent it's 5:45 am still waking up! Also looking for like minded PvPers on the Baston :)

  10. Incidentally, I found that wearing pve stuff is better than being naked, at least on sub-50 characters. On the other hand wearing ANYTHING with expertise, including recruit will get you buffed to the level of wh/elite with 19k health or so. I took out expertise crystals from my weapons and it jumped up about 300 points to cap or very near it. So go with pve gear until 55.


    Exactly what I found as well as a level 40 sin my 2 exp crystals lowered my total exp. also the maxtrix relics augmented was better then no relic vs the level 30ish relics I had better stats removing that one. Meh it wasn't too bad HPs are double as is dmg more or less.


    I didn't try the 29 and under bracket but I imagine as a lowbie it isn't too bad.


    I think as noted by others if you are a good player you still standout regardless. Once they fix the naked bug they can tune bolster if needed.

  11. Just finished a CW. Everyone's 19K HP - 24K. Except an L33 in half greens with 29404. lolwut :rak_02:


    So I went into a WZ on my Sin to test this out. All gear off - 24k hps and 2018 exp and will power. Now all my gear minus relics - 25k hps and 2100 WP, exp the same. Now add my offhand and lightsabre with +41 exp crystals, exp drops to 1800ish.


    What I see is as long as you dont have exp and remove your relics (minus the matrix cube this seemed to raise my stats) and gear in every other slot I was at 2600hps and 2018 exp and my highest WP.


    **Naked with only offhand and saber was not as good from what I could tell.


    Just curious what others are experiencing exactly and what gear is the most viable for you?


    (stats are off a 5-10 in example)


    Also the WZ training dummy being bumped to 55 for all characters kinda blows :rak_02:

  12. While I respect your opinion this follows every other "expansion" in MMOs path of new gear. There is no trade in for prior work done. It is in essence a way to level the playing field again for new players or characters.


    Given the aforementioned there is no way that allowing a trade in is plausible it would not level the playing field per say. You can slam people that disagree but it should be no surprise to anyone and once the expansion got close there is no point in spending your coms on upgrades.

  13. When you check what the packs contain it says the newest 2 have an additional rep item in them. I wish they had back filled the rep certs and such as if you want Revans mask you have to buy the enforcer to get the rep and certs or you can by blockade and pray you hit the jackpot. Plus the GTM is flooded with the newer items like the skiffs.


    Or as pointed out many times on here you can sell the packs for credits and buy the items. Personally I like the roll of the dice :)

  14. Not a bug it's a feature (ask any developer :) those that asked for death match style PvP. The first team to tap out loses. The real problem is they made it random, I saw make it an option and don't drop the Rez wall till all team members are behind it to start again!
  15. EXACTLY!!!


    Curious OP...how many of you are pimped out 49s? Seriously, you aren't as good as you think you are if you and 3 other guys CAN'T carry lowbies in an under 50 wz.


    Truth, I am shocked the OP would think anyone would sympathize with him. A premade of 2 decently geared good players can swing WZs in pre-50 the use of vent cannot be understated in objective based WZs. In particular pre-50 where half the people dont understand what they are doing fully or dont have all their abilities or up to level gear on top of the fact both teams get similar amounts of tools more or less.


    The game does not need full 8 man premades stopping levelers and F2P players, what a f'n joke.

  16. I just came back recently and this week noticed it in Huttball were as before I left last summer this want present. The other WZs seem to be better for me at least might be not as noticeable without all the levels.
  17. I agree with you sir. If they let you race change as well then I don't see how it would be of no cost. In addiction if you are a sub you get 500 CC you can use on it. That said we should see the cost as well before mass rants ensue. But to each there own people only really complain because they care about the game for the most part obviously there are out liers. But I will take people that complain any day.
  18. for infiltration what rotation of abilities and attacks would you suggest ?


    Just a question, your sig states you have a 50 Sin and a 50 shadow yet you don't understand the attacks of each tree? Just curious don't mean to be a dick but I can't believe you level 2 of them to max and would be that clueless.



    By some off chance you aren't trolling check the class forums both Shadow and Sin have stickys that include videos and convo of PvP specs and rotations.


    Good luck

  19. Like with all other rating stats, how much you need for a certain percentage goes up as you level up so it doesn't saty constant. Running it trough my spreadsheet, 2 expertise crystals at level 20 (it doesn't start scaling until then, so this applies for level 1-19 too) will give you:

    Damage increase 4,9179514617

    Damage reduction 4,6874261203

    Healing bonus 2,6550152143


    At level 35:

    Damage increase 2,8724415977

    Damage reduction 2,7922362424

    Healing bonus 1,5472053304


    And at level 50:

    Damage increase 2,0284822093

    Damage reduction 1,9881528818

    Healing bonus 1,0916151816



    (also worth mentioning: contrary to popular belief, the damage increase being higher than the damage reduction does not mean that 2 players each adding 100 expertise will do more damage to each other - assuming equal expertise, the damage increase and reduction cancel each other out perfectly since the damage reduction is applied to the boosted damage rather than base damage - for example, if you have 100% damage bonus and I have 50% damage reduction you'll do double the damage, but I'll cut it in half again so it's back at its normal level. A DPS and healer doing the same will mean the healer has an easier time surviving though since the damage reduction cancel out the damage increase, but the healer also get his healing boosted a bit more. )



    Awesome thank you very much

  20. At 31 I am running 2/3/17 I am eventually going for the 24/1/17, I was running 8/1/13 but I find the extra dmg on thrash and insta WW is awesome. I put 3 in the maul proc since the 2 points in another tree at the moment do not provide anything better.


    I love this insta WW in Hypergate catching the fools out in the bomb if you time it right you can sap 1, WW another and speed back in. Besides I figure gotta enjoy the WW while I can before 2.0 drops


    I use a Thrash, Shock, DF plus Maul on proc rotation in some order. I like to run the tank charge for guard. When I get some more points I will likely mess around with Decption as well. I would recommend changing specs and seeing what you like and depending on your level you need to adapt the build.

  21. I had this same question and asked it on the PvP forums. I was told crit wasnt that good and to use power or expertise. I went with expertise in my saber to test it out 41 exp adds like 1.64 or 1.8 I can't recall off hand expertise providing the dmg reduction and dmg versus players.

    *Edit: it's 1.64 dmg to players and 1.62 reduction


    Not sure which is better but if power is preferred at 50 now might be more useful to buy it now of you have the additional credits.


    **please excuse any misinformation I just returned to the game from last July so I know I might be off in some assumptions :)

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