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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. the way wow does it right now?


    I won't claim about others, but please god, no. it would make the game less fun for me.


    there's still a bit of wiggle room here and there in talents trees and you can customize your experience a fair bit, you can even chose to sacrifice certain keystone abilities for more points spent in another tree.


    what you are proposing removes any possibility of hybrid builds, removes any possibility of having fun with your playstyle and just.. blah.


    Exactly do this and I am gone. I hate what WoW did to their talent trees it removes choices, no thanks. I hope they never do this.

  2. Just to piggyback on this thread, are Mercs the most mobile range DPS now that you don't need tracer missile spam? It seems to me Lightning sorcs and snipers are less mobile with cast time abilities. Have only ever played melee other then a VG after release.


    As for the question about PTs, their number is dropping in PvP as people think the 2.0 changes made them UP. I haven't played my VG in about a year so I can't say whether its true or not. Others say they just require more work now to be good at them. I have seen some rip up WZs still although it could be a lot like madness sorcs/sins just dotting **** up for large score board numbers.

  3. The fact that the game doesn't have key-bindings assigned for the secondary or tertiary quickbars is also absurd. Nor does it tell you that you can add key-bindings to them. Given how important that is for effective P2P play, that too is pretty mind-blowing. There are so many controls the game never tells you about.


    You apparently have more problems then just playing your class if figuring out how to assign keys to quickbars perplexes you. I have a friend that never played an MMO before or any game on a PC and he had no issues understanding this last month when he picked the game up. Dont equate your lack of understanding to others.

  4. Yea some of the unlock prices seem a little high to me as well. I cant recall what I paid to unlock the entire Eradicator set minus the mask. But I really like the gloves, legs and belt for most of my characters so it was cheaper to equip the pieces I didnt like then sell the other legs and gloves I had in my bank for alts.


    The one I am hesitant about paying is for the Command Throne 600 CC seems a little steep to me for something I dont think is totally awesome and I likely would've just sold it is I knew the CC cost for the unlock was that high but prior to equiping it I couldnt find the unlock price anywhere or I am a tard and just didnt see it (I also asked on the fleet but it was a Sun morning and most know what fleet chat turns into the weekend mornings).


    All that said, you have to decide is the mask worth the cost? Or would you rather buy another one or 2 with credits? Anyway that is how I decide.


    Not to say I dont think they did a super job explaining the Collections functionality and they misrepresented it through their chose of words. Using Revan's Mask as an example was a sure way to create a buzz they just left out you need the gloves and sash as well.

  5. Have they even acknowledged this yet? I sent in a bug report when my WZ dummy got changed to 55 when 2.0 came out with the generic "we are closing your ticket, good day" response. Yet this is still an issue, it cant be that hard to fix this since the code was already in place to scale the WZ dummy.


    Or is this gonna be a part of the after 2.4 patch for PvPers that will make us happy? :)

  6. They have spent a lot of time getting this ready they will anticipate making a large profit on it I would imagine and most people will want to transfer multiple characters.


    You dont need to be Miss Cleo to predict that as anytime something changes or is released people wail in the night and "unsub" regardless how minuscule the changes are and if they even effect them. Due to this you know they are being very careful with how they approach it and that is likely what the delay is. IMO they are going to likely end up in a position where they cant win and make everyone happy.


    My guess is you will be lucky to get 1 free character transfer and by no means will it be a free all character transfer and with name changes at $10 you can bet transfers will be in the $25 range (which will cause complaints and I unsub threads per the norm of course) as people will want to transfer all their alts for the legacy bonuses you receive. They likely want to control this as well so they dont create less populated servers leaving the server to die and forcing others to pay to transfer which is why I think the price will be set higher to control that to a degree.


    I know I dont envy their position in this matter as they cant please everyone and its sure to be a storm of complaints, heck look at the dye release.

  7. Had to try and get their attention. It got yours so hopefully this does the trick with them too. Feel free to add anything or start your own thread. Paying my subscription fee and a few hundred when the first cartel packs came out, I felt like I should give the devs a chance to hear my frustrations and a window of opportunity to at least address them with a response on the thread or a fix in the game (or both) before I leave the game.


    Well no new map is coming as stated in the comments from them yesterday, at least anytime soon. The rest is just a complaint about mechanics using an over dramatic title for attention, you should know better by now it makes no difference. Your best bet is to post in the thread that they responded to recently with new PvP ideas in it as it is clear they read them and noted some are being worked on atm.


    Good luck getting a response.

  8. http://www.torhead.com/item/eEWaNUk/tirsa-elite#comments


    The comments note this drops a few place it seems I cannot confirm that but I was curious the other day and looking around at mounts and the locations you can get them.


    -Got it from the last boss of the new 4 player flashpoint Kaon Under Siege (hardmode).

    -Got this from the Droid (Bonus) boss in Kaon Under Siege. I guess he shares a loot table with last boss.

  9. Delays are normal and bugs are a normal part of MMO's none are perfect, dont like? Then dont play MMO's.


    These *********** must be perfect in life never have crap popup working at McDs unexpected so they can't correlate their job to software development. Is the cheese melted? Who cares its done send it out!

  10. Conq [aug] vs Partisan


    Now let's start with the initial difference.










    +8 Armor

    +9 Endurance

    +8 Willpower

    +3 Power

    +4 Surge Rating


    For the sake of saving time and making this easier for readers, let's convert the off stats to 1 stat: Off Stats. So basically, we'll combine Surge, Power, or Crit, Alacrity etc.


    +8 Armor

    +9 Endurance

    +8 Main Stat

    +7 Off Stats




    Now this is 1 piece of gear, we have a total of 14 pieces to upgrade. So let's multiply these numbers by 14 for the full set.


    14x8 = +112 Armor

    14x9 = +126 Endurance

    14x8 = +112 Main Stat

    14x7 = +98 Off Stats


    Now this is the shift from full Partisan to full Conq. Next, let's calculate the augment (purple) differences.




    +20 Endurance

    +32 Willpower


    Now, let's multiply this by 14, because we need to augment all our gear.


    20x14 = +280 Endurance

    32x14 = +448 Main Stat (aka WP for me)


    Now, let's total it together in order to find true values of geared people, vs entry-geared players. Remember, these values can change based on the player's profession. IE: Tank, more End.


    +560 Main Stat

    +406 Endurance

    +112 Armor

    +98~200 Off Stat


    Think gear doesn't matter? Think again. By the way, this isn't even optimized. Imagine fully optimized?


    Why aren't your shells augmented already and rip out the mods? The aug part sounds like an excuse to back your numbers. That said how many people are full augmented conq right now? Not everyone and win trading doesn't make it alright you can note people slandering Shins thread but it was the truth with a screen shot of the convo telling people what to do.


    I am not on this server but as a person who is a vocal point for the game b choice you get the recognition that comes with that, do something frowned upon by the community and expect to be called out it goes both ways.

  11. VS is the only game besides ACW that i like, the mechanics of VS are understandible and can be a quick win or a quick loss but AH draggs it selfo ut regardless of whos winnign and loosing


    One thing SWTOR did right with PvP was interacting maps and objectives. I like VS a lot as well. As a stealth class I like AHG too though I sorta feel like they tried to give people a death match style of WZ as that us what most people do. At least a couple good players can turn it around for you in pugs. Now rateds I get why it would suck *** for similar reasons like CW.

  12. There is conflicting info, from what I understand crafted Artifact implants/ear only lose you 10 expertise if this is correct buying conq pieces first doesn't seem like the best purchase upon hitting 55.


    Just curious what route others have gone if the above is true?

  13. Found a fun spec. It's all about Shock damage. You use Dark Charge and a focus. Recklessness on Energize Procs only. Exit combat for more recklessness. Maul on proc, thrash to proc energize, and I use Discharge for extra AoE damage + debuff. Low slash for positioning. Key talents: Crackling Blasts, Energize, Electric Ambush, Induction, Duplicity.


    The only build is about the same, but different in the sense that you go up more in Darkness for the Force Regen over Madness.



    Personally suggest the top build, but you can play around with it. Has more survivability than full DPS, and can use Blackout for defense. First build also has the reduced AoE damage.


    Have fun! Remember to use focus for shock damage, and guard healers.


    Have your tried running it with a shield and adjusting the Darkness talents to get the force regen and dark bulwark? I am just curious if you substantially noticed a dip in dmg or an increase in surviability?

  14. CW has great uses enhancing our mobility. When you control mid placing the marker up top either in the hall or at the adjoining point with the balcony. You can quickly get from a side node back to mid or if you are overwhelmed at mid port up there and proceed to annoy them and stop the cap or have them chase you over the edge, let them jump after you then port back up. Anyway I can annoy the piss out of them is a win IMO.


    Bradleeys Troll Diaryies makes great use of pull/port/push.

  15. I don't like this idea either but if it is put in you almost guarantee it will not be what people want. It's gonna be expensive and likely have a level cap on it. That is all I would agree with. At max level it can cause too many problems and will cause massive whining due to it if it went that route.


    If it goes in level 30 should be max allowed level IMHO for all the reasons already stated.


    Good day

  16. Ok but shouldn't new bolster, just bolster the PvE pieces to a certain lvl? Why they get bolstered to a maximum?


    I think PvP gear should always be better than PvE gear in PvP environment so i do not understand why my full BM gear is worse than green PvE gear ( i mean i understand i just don't understand why it was changed in this way). Regardless of how the new bolster is working, it's strange to have crap PvE gear performing better than PvP specific gear.


    Anyway, thanks for answers. Will have to adjust to the change it seems.


    You just came back to the game, if you came back in Jan your gear would've been obsolete and you would be crushed in 50 PvP by WH you would have to get Recruit gear. They adjusted the top end PvP gear most players had that were active at the time.


    This really is no different. I just came back as well I have toons in Champ/BM but I fully expected I had to regear for some reason you seem hung up on that but you cant expect to be gone for a year then come back in a gear grinding MMO and not have to adjust the PvE gear part doesnt really matter with BM/Champ/Cent ect no longer available in the game. Take your planet comms go to the Makeb vendor and switch out mods, shazam.

  17. With the lack of f**** being given to PVP by this dev team, I think Ill be moving on if 2.4 is a let down.


    Ive been watching a friend play friends and family beta for ESO and that game looks and plays like poop.


    Wildstar looks way to cartoony and I'm sure as much as they are saying its nothing like WoW, it'll be closer to WoW than any other game and every video I see reminds me of games like "ratchet and clank" and "crash bandicoot".


    I may play FFXIV.


    Kinda my thoughts as well on other MMOs right now, Wildstar in particular. Maybe I am wrong but I am not a huge fan of the look of it and the skills that I have seen. Maybe it will great idk.


    There really is no other MMO right now that's attractive which is a bummer but I do love Star Wars I just wish they get it together for PvPers and stop with teases like the comments in Dallas about PvPers are gonna be happy because they are so far off the mark. You would think they could've gone forward with the original ranked plans by now of solo queuing and season 1.

  18. Not again....


    As others have noted numerous times sell the packs for 250k or w/e then buy the skiff for 700k on the market.


    I am sure you just wanted to vent but your post isn't changing shyt they are making money off the packs.


    What if you got the skiff you don't come here to post? So the packs are ok if you get what you desire?


    Next time sell the packs and buy what you want if you don't like the random chance game.


    Good luck and have a good day.

  19. Personally I think you have to decide otherwise the grind gets boring if it isn't a class you really like. Heck pick up your Marauder again and try some WZs and your Merc. Watch some PvP YouTube clips and see what changes were made and what the classes can do.


    For me I prefer playing a class with multiple roles so I can contribute in different ways.


    Good luck and welcome back.

  20. The PVP team needs to show a heck of a lot more love for SWTOR, and sooner than 2.4.


    Exactly, I am sure it's important to them and they love the game but the way they drop teases inparticular the comment in Dallas, then to hear there is nothing till at least Fall coming it sure doesn't feel that way to the player base.

  21. It is a shame that some PVP centric folks are not happy with what is coming to the game in the short term.


    I hope they change their mind.


    It's tough because we want to love the game and stay but the lack of support, communication and the delay is pushing players away creating longer queue times for us that don't want to play the cartoony Wildstar or ESO however they are going to make it difficult to hang around till then.


    This impacts other players as we do buy a lot from the CM as well as paying subs and such. It's never good to lose a section of players.

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