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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. I rerolled a few months back to a healthy Ajunta Pall, however in the past few weeks since 1.2 pop is dwindling down. We has 56ish on the fleet around 7 PM PST, I went to the Fatman listed at full: 108 on Koriban and 124 on The Jedi starting planet.

    They really need to make transfers happen, f the LFG tool if there's no one to use it with what's the point. It should be all hands on deck attending to this.

  2. The real issue is the population and the fact that some people cant even get a WZ pop. That is out right ****** and I have sympathy for those players. This does need to be addressed cause people are dropping subs due to it and asking them to wait a month or till whenever I dont believe is a solution unless they can provide clear and informative details.


    The more people that leave angry the more likely they wont come back, I dont want this game to be underpopulated I want it to flourish and for people that like the game to stay, but if they cant get WZs or groups to do what they enjoy they dont have many choices. It's kinda sad to see this happening.

  3. PVP was neglected during development and BW has already admitted that. They didn't expect PVP to be such a large draw for so many. Pretty much all that's left to be honest is people who PVP primarily.


    Now they're stuck trying to play catch up and they're slow to do so. Pop's are so low that there aren't even queues anymore and people are leaving in droves.


    Open world pvp is not even on the radar right now, they have more pressing issues. Cross server queues would do a lot to alleviate some of these problems. Right now I cannot even get one WZ queue to pop all day long and thus I've had to resub reluctantly because I can't play the game anymore at all.


    I completely agree, this is sad and unacceptable imo.

  4. While I love Star Wars in general and I still like the game I rerolled on Ajunta Pall a few months ago if I would've stayed on Warriors of the Shadow I would have to reroll anyway and when I did it WoS was still popping but not anymore. I logged in and checked my guild 74 people none are online or have been for some time that server is losing people fast like most servers.


    Interest is dying 1.2 didnt help things (the sudden removal of Rated WZs, which if they werent good I agree with but more then a days notice should've been given), they have to get transfers up or merge servers ASAP. I have heard they can maintain the IP with around 500k people but they need to do everything they can to fix the population issue if not more and more people will stop playing instead of rerolling on another server. It baffles me that they havent figured this out or arent in haste to make this happen.


    From the interviews you get the impression the Dev's are arrogant and out of touch with the player base. Look at these forums, General and PvP specifically, how many positive threads are there? I know the forums only represent a small percentage of the player base but often what is relayed here is being talked about in guilds and in game chat. The 1.2 PvP TTK changes, Dev thinks every things great, players dont look at the chats in game and forums. How many people have dropped since the free 30's? AP hasnt been above standard since the 7 days after 1.2 we are mostly Light now. I am perplexed by how they cannot understand this or didnt learn from past MMO's mistakes. The only thing I can figure is they thought the Star Wars IP was stronger then a typical IP and they could take their time and not lose this many subs. Instead of not mucking up PvP 1.2 should have laid the ground work for transfers and merges. Then do it, then release Legacy (people will be pissed if they lose their legacy name, in particular the people that raced to 30 during EGA to get it) and the PvP changes although I dont agree with most of them. *** is a LFG tool gonna do for servers with 30 people online? Those 30 are likely big fans of the game but they wont be much longer if pop changes arent made. This is really a make or break time for them if they dont come out of this and address the issues fast pop will plummet and people will not come back due to the bad taste in their mouth.


    Sorry for the rambling it is frustrating as fan of SW and the game to see it crumbling due to negligence and lack of listening to the community (yes you have to balance that but if you dont listen somewhat you lose players) .


    Maybe this is the new MMO market a game is released people flock to it, love it for a few months, Devs make sweeping changes and open to many servers at launch, people drop in masses and move on to the next game. The game goes on with a small player base consolidated to a few servers.Kind of sad to be honest. Maybe GW2 will hold on to people with WvWvW cause at the moment unless they add more then 2 stand in this spot to take it instanced PvP people will complain its boring playing the same things over and over again and how you can't queue with a friend (I know its beta just noting things that if not changed people will complain about).


    Edit: how you can't queue with a friend

  5. I actually played it with HEC and not Ion Cell. Probably not as long as I would of needed to in order to perfect some techniques and rotation. I did not take PG as I can't understand any PvP spec that requires you to be stationary as a good one. The only talent I see that benefits from HEC being active is Battlefield Training. Is the 5% increase in elemental damage from HEC that much of a bonus? Is PG 20% increase in damage to only Pulse Cannon without the 70% slow really worth it? I will test it further later on but right now I'm testing out the Ion 31/8/2 build.



    TheOpf - Bug Note: 4/19/12 - Currently The Vanguard Pulse Generator ability is broken. The 70 percent slow is not working at all (for those of us who played AP pre-1.2 we know how frustrating this is) though their Pulse Generator does affect both Mortar Volley and Sticky Grenade. This is a noted bug, and I would recommend everyone post it in the Bugs both in-game and on the forum.


    Yes it is worth it, it is harder to get off without the slow but it can be done with some practice. WIth PG buffing MV and SG right now its pretty much required imo.

  6. The number of people who are happy that the servers won't be going down will be equalled by the number of people who are upset their matrix cubes aren't back yet.


    Morale of the story pt. 1: You can't please everyone.

    Morale of the story pt. 2: Test your patches before releasing them so you don't find yourself in this predicament.


    Agree but to be honesty this out of all the things f'd up bugs. My friends the most well and the lower TTK.

  7. Hey all,


    I am about to hit 50 on a Vanguard I rerolled on another server prior to 1.2 due to pop issues and being on the emp heavy side. That said I have pretty much pvp'd to 50 I have 2000 wz comms, 1000 merc, 1600 rated wz. I am looking into the best investment to gear up the quickest.


    For the spec I would like to be able to play all any of them but will probably play Assualt or a variation of it. Given that I am thinking of getting the BM Elim rifle first. From there I am sure what the best route to go with the rest of my comms.


    What do you guys thinking?


    Thanks for any advice or input.

  8. I vote usually for those that were trying to actually complete the warzone's objectives without worrying about their medals, someone who managed to save the day or push things forward in a match that was going south, or the best reason I might vote for someone is if they were working as part of the team while Johnny B High Score was off on his own.


    Sometimes that person is the highest scorer and sometimes they're not. Anyone can farm medals and high scores but then the team loses the WZ since not enough were actually trying to play the warzone's objective.


    Atleast thats what I've seen happen sometimes on my server.


    There's no rules on how you vote and I don't think there should be. If you dont like that people aren't voting for you then try to evaluate what you were doing in the WZ's that might of caused them to vote for someone else.


    Completely agree. The only time I don't vote is really if no one was playing to win and just trying to farm kills (which they generally suck as players). I look for people in Huttball who move a head for a pass or the guy who cc's the BH below so he cant pull the ball carrier or the people rotating guard or the clutch stun that lets a member plant a bomb, the dude who calls out incs or stays at the node with me, the healer who is the most effective not the most heals. Sometimes I give it to the person just getting railed but sticks it out. I never give it to elitiests or people that ***** at others.


    I had this one guy campaigning for votes, he even pst'd me when I was in the next game while he wasn't in there to ask why I didn't vote for him as he voted for me and was only like 25k dmg behind me. Except he wasn't trying to win or help the team score.


    However the general populace doesn't watch or pay attention to that stuff, it's nice to see others do.

  9. I have been a staunch supporter of SWTOR until 1.2. Lots of broken promises and empty words. I play MMO's mainly to PVP and find a good group of people to PVP with. On my server, all the good friends I made are basically waiting for GW2. I tried to hold out and keep faith alive and all that BS.


    There's a guild on my server named "Diablo GW2 waiting club" or something along those lines. After playing the FIRST beta weekend, I must say I am now apart of this club. I could care less about SWTOR rated at this point.


    GW2 has its flaws, but it's beta. I am not expecting the "Jesus Game" just like 1.2 was supposed to be the "Jesus Patch" But the devs don't shun the PVP community or penalize you for pvping to level up. And are actually looking to base PVP around skill based combat instead of "lol stun stun oh you're dead". And LOL look at my gearz! They are actively listening to the community about valid concerns and really aren't putting alot of weight on derpy suggestions.


    Here's a quote from a GW2 dev in a thread asking for MORE CC with LONGER durations:


    "Our CC tends to be shorter in duration because long durations are simply not fun for people who get hit with them and end up stunlocked till dead. On the other hand, almost every profession has access to at least some form of CC between stuns, knockdowns, knockbacks, chills, etc.


    Everyone will need to learn that one of the keys to GW2 combat is WHEN to use your CC, and not just hit it as soon as you engage so you can roflstomp the target. Trust me, knockbacks used on people ressing can turn entire fights."


    Instead of creating a lazy and failed attempt and diminishing returns (resolve) they address the problem at it's core: the amount of CC itself and the durations. You have to make sacrifices somewhere in your skill layout if you want alot of control. I like this.




    I am part of the GW2 waiting club after the beta weekend. They are getting pvp and don't have EA telling them what to do around every corner. I could care less about when SWTOR rateds come.


    Just to clarify, you get no experience in the instanced 5vs5 PvP but you can level up in WvWvW pvp. People get all like the next game is the next best thing because they aren't happy with x or y. Every game will have issues and every game will be rebalanced making people made that's just the nature of the beast.


    Yes GW2 beta was fun, yes there were bugs and with their data center having a major issue as well. Right now people are glossing over issues but there are no Party frames in Instanced pvp, you cannot queue with friends even if you get on the same team auto balance can change that in a flash (although hopefully that can be turned off). Just a few examples in the pvp forums.


    Don't get me wrong I had fun and played hours of pvp in BWE but it's naive to think that other games are perfect and won't encounter similar issues.

  10. You would have figured with all that server down time they would have actually fixed some of that crap, as they noted yesterday the rewards for losing teams and late added members blows.


    Instead this is what they did:


    1.2.0b Patch Notes



    An issue that prevented players from receiving the final Codex entry for the event has been corrected. Players that previously defeated Urtagh but did not receive the Codex entry and associated title will need to defeat the boss again in order to obtain it.


    Tionese and Centurion gear have had their stats corrected to pre-update 1.2 values.


    Good thing that will help keep the people from canceling their subs.... Not that I am that upset with everything however I want people to play with and dont want to sit in queue forever or have to back feel people bailing. The hard fought nail biting games where few and far between before now its good luck on even getting a close game due to people leaving.


    The only close game I had was last Wed a 0-10 Alderaan loss where we started 2 people down and were 3 capped to come back and lose by 10. It is discouraging that BW doesnt recognize the issues and move immediately to remedy them.



  11. Most people like the Thrawn novels I think you might be the first person I have seen post they didnt like them (I am sure you arent the only one however). When I read the first novel, Heir to the Empire, the first time I was a little disenchanted by it, but I had just finished the Darth Bane books so I think it took me a bit to switch to a different style of book. I did enjoy the next 2 books in the series. The Hand of Thrawn books I liked as well they are well written and the smuggler organization plays a big part again which I like a lot.


    There are so many books and a lot of people love a lot of different ones. What book did everyone like the best or what series of novels?

  12. I just asked myself, where is the dabmage if they would give it out for warzone comm's for people with valor rank 40+. BW could even prize it like the BM set, obviously the set requires level 50 to wear. PvP players could use the gained warzone comms to prepare for lvl 50 unranked warzones. Instead of getting steam rolled as soon as they get into 50 brackets.


    I don't understand why people talk about how much credis you make via PVP on the live servers. Welcome to the PTS forum, we're talking 1.2


    Most of the responses arent reading your post if they are they don't understand the PST changes. The PvP lowered credits and rewards is a concern for people that just want to PvP while leveling and do class quests. I dont see how what your asking is unreasonable.

  13. Look what happened in WoW when they put in the XP lock and separate queues only a handful of us with twinks moved to Ruin (49s other brackets tried other BGs) to try to organize games, which did work for awhile, however most just want to pound under geared people with competition here and there. I dont think the pop is large enough to support a separate queue for lvl locked people and you cant put them in with levelers the way bolster works and bracketing is not a good idea at least until cross server queues come out and even then a 10 level range I dont think is a good idea.


    Its not so much different at 50 where Full BM + 4 man premades like stomping PuGs. Sometimes its fun to be OP but it gets old fast. I personally would prefer competition every time I zone in. There is nothing like a 1-1 Huttball with 30 secs left with 2 good teams. Even now in the 1-49 most of the time it is a stomp one way or the other. Add twinks in there and people will feel they cannot compete and it will discourage people from queueing and new players will be completely turned off.


    Maybe when the level cap is raised if you dont by the expansion you will stay capped at 50 and will be back in the leveling queue. This was available at one point in WoW as well and was actually fun for a lot of people to run old raids with their guild.


    Anyway for right now the way the population is fluctuating we cannot afford to turn new people or current players off to certain aspects of the game.

  14. Correct. For example, I (personally) have Taunt macro'd to most of my other damaging abilities for my PVP profile, so that I'll taunt + Ion Pulse, for example. Since I tend to hold the button down instead of push it repeatedly, you'll typically see the wall of red text in situations where I'm stunned, CC'd, or my target has managed to significantly evade my range/facing.


    What I am NOT interested in doing (and I never will) is to use any sort of macros or set-ups which effectively play the game for you by (for example) using Storm/Leap, waiting a full 1.5 seconds, then using some other attack like Stockstrike, all with the push of a single button. Neither do I have my entire rotation keyed to a single button. My macros are more the sort that, say, use a particular melee skill if I'm within 4m, or a longer range skill if I'm greater than 4m but less than 10m. This allows me to focus on kiting/circle strafing/etc in PVP, and know that whether I'm in melee or not at any particular moment, my most useful ability for that particular situation will fire with a single key.


    Like I said, I don't really want to kick off a firestorm over macros, but I definitely do appreciate the feedback. :)


    Not to be a dick, but placing taunt in every attack seems like a waste to me. You could taunt someone with 1,500 health while another target is next him that you would get full use of the taunt on. I typically taunt the guy I am not attacking to make full use of the debuff and c/d. Certainly there are occasions when I taunt the person I am attacking but that isnt the most efficient use of taunt imo. I understand your rational is probably so you keep it on c/d but wasting on targets that are about to die or healers isnt effective and that would balance out the gaps where there is time it is actually on c/d I would think. Maybe my rational is incorrect and you have done testing if so I would like to hear your thoughts on it.


    Per the macros I dont really find they are needed in this game with a Trooper, if you have the muscle memory you know what to hit when and you are situationally aware. Not to detract from your thread about the macro issue as that surely gets people going! Personally bringing the macros usage outside of the game up detracts from the video. Maybe next time just dont slip that in :)

  15. They are both fun to play imo. Despite what is insinuated in the thread mars arent really that much harder to play with the changes in 1.2 I believe they are trying to make it slightly easier due to the amount of people who complained. Personally I think mars are awesome and had no trouble leveling without a healer comp or in PvP as long as you have a firm grip on key bindings and using a lot of them.


    It is really your playstyle and what you prefer as noted there is a lot of mars leveling currently.


    As noted I wouldnt be surprised after 1.2 to see a nerf to mars as right now a good player is near unbeatable 1v1 with cds up with all the changes I think they will annihilate people. PTs have some different spec options and guard and taunt are awesome for team pvp.


    Good luck!

  16. They are both fun to play imo. Despite what is insinuated in the thread mars arent really that much harder to play with the changes in 1.2 I believe they are trying to make it slightly easier due to the amount of people who complained. Personally I think mars are awesome and had no trouble leveling without a healer comp or in PvP as long as you have a firm grip on key bindings and using a lot of them.


    It is really your playstyle and what you prefer as noted there is a lot of mars leveling currently.


    As noted I wouldnt be surprised after 1.2 to see a nerf to mars as right now a good player is near unbeatable 1v1 with cds up with all the changes I think they will annihilate people. PTs have some different spec options and guard and taunt are awesome for team pvp.


    Good luck!

  17. i dropped my 50 JC for my Commando and love it, dont want to go back.


    Agree I more or less abandoned my valor 59 Marauder after I rerolled a trooper on AP with a friend. I liked the SW story and love the Mar/Sent mechanics but the Vanguard is awesome and more suited to my play style. Now I just need to grind 20 more levels & 30 valor lvls. And find a PvP guild with nondbags lol. Not sure which will take more time, probably the guild rofl.


    If anyone knows of Ajunta Pall guilds looking for people hit me up so I can app.



  18. This is a help us help you. What role do you want to play? Are you a solo pvper, interested in rated wzs or play with friends or a guild? Sith or pub?


    That said I would recommend trying a few up to 10 then research their acs and pick one. For instance In beta I played a handful on each side up to 15 to see some story and mechanics. Then in EGA played a Jug to 17 then had a friend start a SI Sin so I rolled one with him in EGA and pvp'd to 24. Then I started a new SW and rolled a Mar and decided that was the best fit. Now I kinda wish I went powertech first as I started a pt alt which the mechanics are perfect for my playstyle.


    Lomg rambling short try out a few classes and see which fits your playstyle we cant answer that.

  19. Yeah i find vanguard to be great, i have a Mar at valor 58 but since i rerolled a trooper i cant stop playing it. There are things i miss for survivabilty like cloak to get the f out and the healing debuff and lightsabers but the ability to open at range, taunt and guard plus the awesome looking trooper gear make up for it. Bummer i didnt roll one first! Gotta regrind valor i am hoping on Ajunta Ilum is somewhat feasible for pubs.
  20. Actually, if his team was beating the other team so badly that they were dying before they could do anything that's another way that things like this happen. I've been in war zones where either we've done that to the enemy team or they've done that to us. So your assumption isn't necessarily accurate.



    Well a battlemaster premade of 4 steam rolling the other team, which they out gear and probably out skill, is essentially what that was. The video is good for entertainment purposes as he isn't on here pushing this as anything else at the moment. It is fun to watch and see how others react in situations and gauge how opponents react to the situation, die lol.

  21. Mars use the cam as a tool to open gaps with all the knockbacks and range and to survive as we are rather squishy outside our defensive cds CoA and saberward and such. I don't personally think it is op as we have no real stuns, pull or knockback which all others do. FC stuns us as well. If it was longer then 4 secs maybe and it doesn't drop combat. We have a lot of tools and by no means am I implying we are up as some forum posts indicate. I think in PvP we are about right if we use all our tools.


    I am not really sure why you might think there's an issue with the camo but if I didn't have that I would die a good deal more that is for sure.

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