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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. pretty much this.


    in 72-75 you may get 2-4% more damage 6% more hp, but you have under 1200 expertiese, so you recieve 18% more damage then others.


    don't listen to people trying to tell you that pve is a monster in pvp. It isn't. Every one claiming that some guy came in WZ in PVE gear and was destroying them, are bads.


    Exactly this, what is hard to understand. These people are spreading misinformation but hey pls wear your awesome iLevel 72 in WZs so we can make you exploded. All it takes is inspecting a few people in WZs to get it. People are either getting dumber or lazier put a little effort in and figure it out for yourself or look at the best PvP guilds and inspect them. If PvE was BiS they would get the pieces that are needed.

  2. 1/10.


    They already said there was more to be revealed PvP wise for 2.4. If you missed it, it'd be in the dev tracker. There will definatley be something for ranked, as they keep saying the lack of ranked ques will be addressed.


    EDIT: Also, with arenas coming, I'd be suprised if there wasn't at least small tweaks in class balance. I would favor small fixes to widely known weak specs (madness sin, pyro both ac's, anni/watchman and more) instead of sweeping changes though.


    This, lets wait to slam them till we see what else is coming in Aug and Sept. Lets try to keep positive discussion going about balance changes, arenas and see what comes of it. If it turns out to be a bust then do what the forum goers do.

  3. honestly there is nothing wrong with madness/balance with sorc/sage. They are a dot class with back ended burst. If we had more front ended burst we would be way to overpowered since we can be on the move for every attack except TkT/FL I am almost always on top of dps chart. Not sure aboot the tree for Assassin/Shadow since I always seem to pick Sage/Sorcerer at level 10 no matter how much I want to try them. Just because a spec isn't wanted for rateds doesn't mean the spec is garbage.


    The Bastion

    Rellik - Jenna'syyde - Crackroxx


    For sins madness is lackluster and more or less fluff dmg since the changes made to move duplicity out of reach in deception effectively removing maul and essentially shock from the rotation. You can tab dot it and put up pretty scored board numbers as a sin but not overly effective. I believe there's some hybrids other then Wakajin that go up the tree 28 and into Decep to get the talents to enhance maul but not many people use a full madness build. Speaking of which Wakalord posted some interesting ideas in the Shadow/Sin forums to spark discussion on what changed would help madness for sins good read check it out.

  4. I think SWTOR has done a good job making objective maps HB and Voidstar at release were fresh new map styles.


    That said I loved AB, AV and WSG in WoW. So much fun running with a priest friend and levitating from LM to the middle. Later Rocket boots + parachute cloak into BS. Huge AV battles or premade WSG prior to the timer in WarSong those were great times. I would think I would be tired of it after grinding Justicar in TBC all good times.


    One thing it reminds me of is using the Eng skill and the old rocket launcher with a friend blowing people up.

  5. The subject is about Surging charge's Discharge usage...

    Therefore I raise the question yet again... Why are you bringing dark charge into this conversation.

    Don't talk about sniper or assassin, answer the question

    If you cannot answer the question... dont talk period


    Think about how the chargers interact with discharge and cds then you will get to how he got to dark charge. Lets try to keep this thread as a healthy discussion and not taking jabs at people presenting ideas. I know it's tough being on the Internet and all but really this is a discussion in how to improve the class lets keep it positive regardless if you dislike Waka's ideas or him personally.


    Thank you

  6. You're correct that the uber fail groups are often a result of random pairings of 4+4 or a series of 2s, but when you see the same 8-12 people for hours in those matches it can hardly be called random. For randoms i bring 2-4 people most often and thats tank+heal+dps+dps. We expect to get grouped with 1-2 more healers and 2-3 more tanks. At least that way we can pewpew through a random without it turning into an elementary battle of tanks vs tanks.


    If we see a consistent misbalance, we swap setups. But it seems some people will repeat the same bad group for hours and not swap even after getting owned on some maps.


    I personally enjoy semi-pug matches more than ranked. Sometimes you meet some good duos or get a really competitive match against a few good players that hold the other team together. Often ranked becomes a matter of push-pull-push until one side stretches too far. In a pug, things can be less calculated and more exciting.


    Translation: RWZs are too hard and we get rolled so I'd rather take a 4 man premade of tank, Healer, 2 DPS and completely ou comp pugs and steam roll them. As compitition is not what I look for.

  7. Awesome news I look forward attending this I hope to get the date verified but since I live in Seattle should be there regardless reping the Bastion. Hopefully meet some other peeps from in game as well. Pistols report for the SD attendance makes this sound like a good time.
  8. That's just the darkness/deception hybrid, There is no tri-specs out there currently. You must be hallucinating


    This... It's a fun spec to play at times I like that I can guard people and still drop scent burst when energize procs. Not sure where you got tribrid from unless someone was messing with ya.

  9. Funny, that means that I'm either God's gift to gaming for topping charts on my sorc in full greens pre-bolster.......or you're simply horrible at the game. It hurts to say it but I'm leaning toward the latter.


    As unfortunate as it is I have to agree with your conclusion. They're catering to potential customers instead of trying to keep the ones they have.

    The truth is there is turn over rate in MMOs people leave, people comeback and they need new players and returning players to not bail and they want them to sub or buy WZ passes. New players getting crushed doesn't encourage staying or subbing. Granted people that are PvPers and good will win most of the time vs the new players but if they feel like they stand a chance you can keep them here. Plus I think they hoped to bolster queue times with PvE players since we have no cross server queuing.


    Bolster helps soften the curve for new players, returning players and alts which helps generate revenue which is the bottom line. The Devs may love the game but EA is a business with a goal of return on profit if they see this as a way to generate revenue that's the way they will go. If it isn't generating revenue then I could see if bring scrapped but I doubt they will ever do that so it's time to move on from this and focus on arenas!! Let the qq train start about balance and allowed class comps!

  10. This is the single greatest post I have ever read on these forums, and it bears repeating!


    Agree, they are better off not saying **** and just letting the patch release to the test servers then live at the rate they get slammed no matter what they say. The fact its freaking July 16th and the patch Oct 1st target and they are made because they said "with tons of new content and big PvP updates especially targeting Ranked play." And they dont consider 4v4 Arenas as a "big PvP" update. Which really is interpretation really and the forum goers expecting more just like the Sub Bonus some people thought it meant they were getting a Death Star but they in turn only got a lousy 500 CC. Its a never ending cycle and people will never be happy.


    **I am a exclusive PvPer and I might want more but the lack of decency and complaining by my fellow combatants is sad wait till Sept and lets see what else is coming and how many Arena maps there are. Hopefully S1 will start, with a ladder system, solo ranked queue (which was in the original ranked release till they pulled it at the last minute) and arena. this would address a number of complaints.

  11. Well anytime a thread is all about the QQ....I try to find something curious worth salvaging in it such as your posting abilities as a F2P!



    The qq train is back in full swing, although for the poster you reference his never stopped. They are better off not saying **** till they release it the way the forum goers act.


    LF3M for Arenas on Bastion! Looking for all stealth team, need another Sin and 2 Ops. Lets queue up and practice in Regs! lol

  12. WoW had that and the only ones that used it where the people I queued with to Scolds point. I don't think it makes a difference the issue is that plus group comp. In HB if I queue with a Jug, Op Healer and a DPS, I stealth to the end zone and setup to fire pull fools we pretty much have a win unless the other teams comp can match us. It's a multi part problem with no real resolution that is easy. Not all pugs are bad players but even the best can't lead a pug to count a good comp regardless of skill and teamwork. This debate will rage on but as long as there is no penalty for bailing on a march that's the solution really.
  13. Its sorta a catch 22. If you solo queue enough you run into good 4 mans with Tank/Healer/2 DPS that just **** **** up which can be frustrating but you just need to get out of their queue sync, wait 5 mins requeue.


    The real issue is the idiots on your own team, at some point it becomes frustrating that they cant handle simple tasks to even attempt to win once your patience wears thin you group up eventually forming a good 4 man. At this point you start to just steam roll pugs, which isnt fun either because we PvP for the competition and that isnt competition. The other option is get into RWZs which is great for some but for others they get their **** pushed in so they go back to stomping pugs in 4 mans cause that's funner then getting their own **** pushed in repeatedly.


    Whats the point idk just felt like rambling on the topic.


    There has been no response from BW on the issue which seems clear they have no desire to make a change to this, what they should do is follow through with the original implementation of RWZs which was to include a solo queue that would solve part of the problem allowing people to queue for solo RWZs if you enter under geared or no gear I would expect verbal assault though lol.

  14. One other good habit is after you call inc if you clear the enemy let your team know by saying "clear" this can help in CW in particular saving someone from rotating over. I often call 1 inc when node guarding but if I clear them by myself I let people know. Really though good players will realize hey there's 4 of us here and 2 enemies likely means we are out numbered elsewhere rotate. You don't need to stay to get the killing blow this tactic can save games when you are the last to rotate into mid in CW you can stall the cap long enough for your team with a well placed grenade or some good sap and stall tactics since your an operative.


    Good luck and stick with it you will run into some frustrating games where team plays death match and doesn't seem to give a **** or run into 4 man premades that wipe the floor with your team despite what some people claim class comp make up and voice chat is an enormous advantage on some maps. Running into a HB where it's a premade with a Jug, Op healer, Shadow, DPS or healer gives them a huge advantage when you have a random comp. take the lumps try to learn something from it and move on, you will genome a better player in the end.

  15. All mods and whatnot were transferred properly and I am using cartel warhero crystals. If this is how bolster is supposed to work, not IMO but some say it's fine........why have PvP gear at all then :(

    What iLevel are the mods in your chest and head? Higher PvE mods get less expertise so that high level PvE gear isn't better then PvP gear. You are likely over that level in those 2 pieces is my guess.

  16. In lower level WZs the MVP vote seems to be assigned out more and a bit more balanced to people contribute at max level people just give it to their friends or names they know a lot of the time versus the person that turned the tide. Last night I have a vote to a guy that CC'd the attacker so I could cap their pylon allowing us to win the game. Problem is others don't see it and to be honest most players in pugs are selfish players whom only care about their dmg done or their "DPS" it's just the way it goes.


    In a match last night I said "gg great teamwork" and some ****** gets all indignant about it. Oddest thing I have seen telling me "have more then 6 medals to say that bro" while in fact I had 13 prior to the win. Like he's offended I offered positive comments to the team when we win. Point being its impossible to understand the other players and their motives unless you know them.

  17. I work as a Test Engineer for a software company even though my background in DB development. Sometimes you let bugs go live if they are not game breaking and the level of effort is high to fix them. You weigh the cost of resolving the issue. Sometimes it's a issue with a 3rd party toolbar or piece that is outside of your control and another company has to address first. Then you need to upgrade internal pieces before you can resolve the issue in your software which can be a cumbersome process.


    I am not saying this is the issue but it could be. For instance our product uses the 4.0 .NET Framework now there is a bug in this framework that effects the Isolated Storage folder in user machines. We reported this to MS and they acknowledged the bug but said the level of effort was to high to fix in 4.0 and when they release the new framework they will address it even though the bug was introduced in 4.0 by them.


    Just a little perspective on how it goes sometimes. To assume they missed obvious bugs is a reach they like noticed them but there are reasons they didn't address them is my guess.

  18. He is right you a very wrong bolster works only in lowbies in 55,s it is terrible to say the least I have been through every change since beta saw some very bad changes to pvp this is by far the biggest mistake BW have done so far


    Lol it's not by far the biggest mistake were you here when subs dropped like a rock months after release the causes of that were the worst mistakes. This is so freaking minor boohoo its got a bug they are going to occur what actual game breaking bug is there?


    As for the dude on a warpath to denounce bolster who has "many friends who spends hundreds on CM stuff" of course nice one there, it's not leaving you are wasting your time. I could careless either way but the constant whining and entitlement laced with out right fabrications or at best exaggeration gets old. Queue times aren't slowing down and RWZs are cracking with transfers bolster isn't effecting that.


    (1) ... (which, for balance's sake, could be fixed to not be allowed to have you teleport while you've got the Huttball)...


    Just a note, I didnt think I saw anyone else respond to this yet. If you use Phase Walk will carrying the HB it resets the ball. While handy to reset in those times when its the best option it doesnt really help to score in this regard. Unless something has changed in the past couple weeks since the last time I accidentally used it with the ball.

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