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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. Main reason why i'm going to Wildstar when it comes out is simply because the dev's seem to actually listen and take into account what players say. Weed out what is just bads crying nerf and what are serious issues that need to be looked at not just feeding the community "working as intended", adding random sh*t to the game that doesn't fix anything, or just flat out not even acknowledging the issues altogether. This applies for the game as a whole and all classes, not just shadows.


    Hard to make a judgement on a game prior to release BW listened to beta testers at 1 time too. But no Dev team takes all the input from players and makes change based on that it would make balance a nightmare. Comparing games that are released vs unreleased is really fools gold as we should all know by now. Look at all the former WoW killers ;)


    That said good luck in your future endeavors.

  2. I have one shift modifier keyed on the pad. I run a Razer Naga mouse with 12 buttons, that can be shift modified. There is not one class in this game with even one ability that is not bound. Stims, grenades, medpacks, adrenals, all my interface tabs, I got everything bound. If that is not enough, you can add a cnrtl modifier key to double the amount of binds.


    If that still is not enough, Logitech has one with a few more buttons.




    Concur I use a Nostromo and a Naga and I have everything bound. To be the most effective at PvP you have to as well as focus target mods. I however don't use any macro functionality because as noted by Eric in the recent PvP forum post it's against ToS to use them to stack abilities that are on the GCD, I did test it out with shroud/FC it works nicely however it's not needed. Granted they probably wont catch you but just as an fyi.


    That aside with modifiers you have more then enough keys there is also the newer Oblivion that came out with mechanical keys however it changed the dpad to a mechanical button that the reviews seem split in the usability for moving.


    Anyway just practice use the dummies and mobs eventually you'll get to a state where it's natural. GL

  3. Damnnnn!


    Really need double EXP right about now :(


    I don't know about Treek but HK at level one has all his level 50 abilities which can help in leveling up. I can't recall what comps have at level 20 normally but HK destroys mobs at lower levels. It helps some in speeding up combat.

  4. Razor had a program called Razor Game Booster it essentially puts your PC in a clean boot state when running games killing all the unneeded crap your PC fires up at start up. This is good for those people who aren't comfortable using msconfig to shut all the crap down you don't need at start up.


    It also runs a diag on your PC and tells you when to update your drivers and launches you to the driver download page. Very handy.



    One thing is you can't have it launch swtor due to the double exe startup it uses so you have to turn on game boosting then fire up swtor.

  5. You don't even have to use the stickers tbh, there's a little ridge on 4 5 6 and 10 11 12. It shouldn't take long to remember those.


    Of course you don't need to use them but they help new people get comfortable with button placement for obvious reasons. But of course not everyone is as superior as you with your nimble little fingers of magic that make you awesome.

  6. I am curious have you guys seen the reaction and comments that threads get that someone from BW posts in?


    If I was them I wouldnt want to put myself out there either. Plus if they say anything people perceive it in different ways and either take it to be gospel or start slamming them for it. If the community acted more like you would if you were talking to a person face to face it might help a lot.


    People dont have any idea of what it takes to maintain a programming schedule and how far things can be thrown off when bugs show up or the level of effort that goes into making some changes or fixing things. No program will every be flawless or bug free, regression bugs happen its just the way it goes with programming it also doesnt help when you are understaffed (if they are). A little understanding would go a long way in particular for people that have no idea what goes into maintaining a code base of this size. It's a 2 way street if they are more responsive then people need to be more understanding and realize somethings aren't plausible without major work and minor things dont take precedence over larger issues just because they think this QoL issues is uber important.


    Granted there are going to be some trolls that cant be helped but most of the time people are just dbags because its the vogue thing to do on the internet these days. Point being its on us as a community to make them want to respond with good ideas and questions and a little understanding when something they say doesnt occur or when they make a mistake and say something that is incorrect.


    Also for the OPs idea, you cant seriously expect them to assign someone to talk to or address everyones class ideas because frankly a lot of them are asinine as they dont think of balance as a whole and how it effects PvP, PvE and other classs and mechanics in the game. In addition some of these people just arent that skilled, they think because they play rage and put up awesome AoE dmg in WZs that Carnage sucks bad and needs a major buff, while a skilled player can spec to carnage and wreck shop. The game needs to be balanced for the upper echelon of players. Maybe not the top 1% but the top 10%. If you balance for the median range skill, you will have the top skilled players just destroying these median skilled players in Regs then they will start complaining and asking for nerfs. Balance is tough in that way.


    Look at Sins/Shadows in PvP, its difficult to balance Deception because in Regs when you can exit combat regularly against non min/maxed conq or even partisan players you can destroy them quickly with little skill involved, yet in RWZs that is not the case.


    So what do they do? If they just added sustained DPS without raising the skill cap to achieve the sustained DPS in PvP Regs will be a nightmare with median skilled players being a force and the top 10% would be monsters completely wiping teams (maybe an exaggeration but you get the point). The only way to go about it is to raise the skill cap to achieve the additional DPS.


    In addition to all of this you have to consider how does this effect PvE? Can this be used to increase Sins DPS in raid environments to get them on par with other DPS classes? How does the change effect mechanics in FPs and OPs, does it work? Does it make it so you can stack sins and cheese some mechanic in an encounter?


    You get the idea.


    Sorry for the rant and thanks to anyone that reads it. Just some things that have been on my mind that I really wish people would take in to consideration all the factors that play into changes in the game. I know its unrealistic and its more likely that I will see the Tooth Fairy on my way some from work.

  7. Takes a few days of getting used to, once you get a hang of it there is no thought to it anymore ^^


    Agree, use the stickers that come with it placing them on the back keys so you get use to the positioning. By the time the sticky wares off you will remember the key location through muscle memory. The only ones I don't use for abilities are keys 10-12 but I have 12 to set focus target, 11 to acquire focus's target and 10 as the focus target modifier so I can taunt and interrupt and CC my focus target without switching to it.

  8. I thought there was a lot of good explanation for why particular things were done the way they were, the give and take that is necessary to consider for various changes, a few acknowledgements of issues and realistic projections for when fixes might come down the pipeline. One outright "uh, dunno, that does seem kinda dumb" admission.


    I am comfortable with the idea that things take time to implement fixes given their long list of fixes and new content to get all working together. I like hearing that considerations are complex, and that they are open to making them. I'm also fine with some answers being no, just as I am fine with people suffering from real or perceived issues preventing them from full enjoyment of the game to unsub until things are working as they want.


    I agree with you. People obviously will choose to interpret the answers in a negative light however I thought the Sent/Mar questions and response was detailed well all things considered. They acknowledge issues explained their spec thought process between burst/substained and the idea they want all specs to have some AoE.


    It appears some people think their rep is gonna say what they want changed and balanced they don't get it. I mean go look at the Mars thread about their concerns I can't imagine how op players would make their class if BW did what they wanted. (Not that us Sins are much better in some regards)

  9. How exactly do you add Treek to the Collection? I fear I may have messed up.


    I bought the contract for 1M credits, and then used it. I progressed the mission, and got Treek. Now, the contract is gone, and I fear I missed my window to add it to the Collection. When I go to my Collection, I see Treek there, still greyed out, even though I have her, and I can't seem to click on anything to add her.


    Was I supposed to add the CONTRACT to Collections, rather than her?


    If so, bummer. :-(


    I believe some people have had to quit the game then restart it and log back in to get it to count in collections. If you have done that I am not sure.

  10. The Assassin Class Rep's response was on page 2:



    I guess she doesn't care :(


    No offense to any one but the class has bigger issues and it would be silly to waste one of the first 3 Q's we have on this. Maybe down the line after the first round this can be brought up. At the moment there are just for pressing concerns.


    If that's truly the intent behind it then it's really piss poor design. There is no reason to be PvP in the first place there. No goals, no objectives, and no reason to engage the opposing faction. Doing so will just hinder your attempt to complete the quests given. It's hard enough to finish the dailies there as it is why would I make it harder on myself by throwing PvP into the mix.


    It's no surprise people ***** about anything and you can't make everyone happy. A ton of people like it but if you butch and moan and call it piss poor maybe they'll change it for ya I bet it will work! Just let them know you will unsub if they don't to round it out.

  12. I can't get past the 0 mvp votes I get playing carnage. The total dmg is so low... Go visit the assassin 3 questions forum guys. Why can't we ask for buffs like that? :)


    What do your MVP votes have to do with balance? Nothing just because playing a AoE spec that isn't that difficult to pump out great dmg on a scoreboard while carnage you don't do well. Doesn't mean Carnage sucks maybe you aren't as good with it or you aren't use to the play style with the procs. Point being you can't balance based on that. Watch Guda play carnage in his past broadcasts he puts up good numbers and gets MVP votes, what does that say for balance?


    As for sins they are in a different completely different place.

  13. First might I say that the Bioware douche waiting until November to address class problems is ridiculous. How about two classes per week until finished and actually show that you give a crap about the concerns of your player base. So we talk to this dude in November and when will they get around to addressing the issues maybe next year? Unacceptable. The issues are real and dear to our hearts and need to be fixed and these idiots wonder why they are hemorrhaging players.



    What makes you think they are going to make balance changes based off the 3 questions. I think that is a mistake believing that.


    In addition I expect they will make some changes with 2.4 to account for arenas release. I think they would have to be high to use the player bases suggestions. Very few people take into account PvP, PvE and how the change effects other classes as well as the balance in PvE encounters. For an example of this check out the Mar forums, there are some good suggestions from Guda and a few others but some think they need range protection or CC immunity during berserk and my personal fav is the one that suggests that Anni's dots with berserk cause them to phase in and out of stealth. You get the idea. But look at many of the suggestions in other class forums. Yes the rep should weed these out but if they made changes based on the questions imagine how ridiculous the questions would become.


    Its up to the reps to ask well thought out questions that hopefully address the root of issues that Sins and Shadows are most concerned about. With Shadows up first Kitru has done a good job putting the questions together which is very relevant to Sins as well since they are essentially treating the ACs as 4 vs 8 pairing the mirrors together. After the first 8 reps ask there in theory will be another vote and another round of reps asking questions. This suggests this is an ongoing process to reach out the community and answer the top concerns we have. I would also wager they read the threads compiling the questions as it consolidates a lot of the info and concerns into 1 place they can monitor.


    Contribute your ideas and thoughts to Kitru's thread first once those questions are answered it might lead to other questions or provide clarity on questions the Sins were to ask.

  14. Thanks so much for the replies everyone. A lot of what been suggested is what I've been doing but its always nice to know your doing it right and there are some really cool ideas (the taunt to prevent sap I like especially). Thanks!


    I dont know if you checked this out before but I would recommend watching Waka's dueling guide for Sin vs Sin. Its pretty informative and has an example of using the AoE taunt so Majinn cant use his mez on him.




    There are other ones as well, yes its pre-2.0 but most of this is still very useful.

  15. WOW!


    sucks about how everything you say is recorded and stored forever on the internet huh devs?




    and now bolster if that was in the game at launch you woulda been laughed outta town. Remove it.


    You are posting remove bolster in multiple threads. Let it go man, it isn't going anywhere despite you posting "remove bolster" every chance you get today. Maybe articulate your issues but I have a feeling it will just be rehashed crap and there's no point any longer. Yes they know implementation should've gone better but it is what it is and it's goal is to get more noobs pvping don't know if that's been a success or not but its stopped the massive gear gap complaints if you augment your gear which makes a huge difference.


    Either way I don't care if its here or not. If it gets more people pvping and shorter queues more power to it. And it makes it so good players can roll out alts and still be a force regardless of gear. But if we go back to a recruit set oh well. I just don't see it with the time they have in to bolster and with bigger issues to address just cause some people want a gear gap to wreck fresh 55s

  16. It kinda sucks at low levels after the 2.0 talent changes. Use guard staying within range of it and rotate it on to the person being pressured. It tough without a healer help keep your health up. Since you should have Partical Acceleration maybe put a point into Upheaval for some added burst when it procs so your projects have a chance at additional dmg.


    Or you could spec into balance to FiB but run the tank charge, this gives you a 30 meter range AoE that hits 5 people and will help add done burst but you should also take the 2 talent points to reduce the cost by 20. Also don't forget Shafow Strike, it's a force eater but a crit in one will put a hurt on people in the lower levels brackets.


    I would recommend getting the unlock for talent respecing and test different things out to see what works while running the tank charge. Just have to stick it out till you till you get the talents and skills later in that pull it all together.

  17. the irony in this statement is golden:rolleyes::rolleyes:


    This is the

    so take care in challenging him.


    Aside from that though this is a pretty entertaining listen I would highly recommend it.

  18. Total dmg is a misleading stat in WZs and you can't use that to aim for balance. Rage does AoE dmg so its totals can look absurd conpared to some single target specs. PTs and Madness Sorc/Sin can dot the crap outta everything and have good looking numbers at the end on the scoreboard but they are not desired in high end PvP. Snipers are an outlier to a degree and their tools make them essential on some maps for entrench in HB in particular.


    Different classes and specs have different roles. Some classes are all burst like Deception sins yet their substained is at the low end of the classes.


    Point being score boards aren't whar balance should be aimed for as its unreliable not to mention skill plays a factor as well as opponents. I think the classes function is what should be noted such as the idea of Anni being a healer killer like it was at launch when everyone played it. Yet on the score board total dmg wouldn't match AoE specs dmg yet locking down a healer is a very valuable role that can win matches and none of this takes into consideration that PvE and all classes need to stay balanced to a degree in relation with each other.


    I don't know particularly how to go about that but score board dmg isn't what needs to be used as the metric of balance.

  19. What else would you call it? When someone lacks the basic fundamentals, as you referred to them, we don't call them unfundamentaled. We call them unskilled. Whether you think they're difficult skills to acquire is another matter, but they are skills, and some players completely lack them.


    Agree there is a level of skill that comes with awareness of positioning, how to counter what, when to anticipate what occurs next, teamwork ect. A lot of is just experience SWTOr has brought in a lot if non traditional MMO Fabs who are just learning PvP. Obviously there is much more to being a good player and although the bass think topping the dmg is what makes you good and skilled.

  20. I do well with most dps spec in warzone and top dmg much of the time but with carnage and annihilation my numbers are terrible. A lot of other people get the similiar results and I am wondering why you think carnage does not need a buff? I know it is used in hutball because of its speed boost but other than that I don't think there is any reason to pick carnage/annihilation over rage in warzone.


    I think in warzone annihilation and carnage are inferior to ranged dps and rage, why do you disagree?


    Here is one of the issues that make balance tough. Watch RWZs they have Maras that do very well as Carnage. As such if they balance Carnage for the mid level of skill in regs it's now OP for the best players. When think of balance this plays a part in it.


    The real indicator is what classes are taken for RWZs and how do they preform there. This is how balance choices should be made.

  21. Please no, never. The The new talent system in WoW is horrid and even more simplifies the game and is a big reason for many I know who left.


    Overhaul the talent system with some sort of replacement? Sure. But copy WoW, hell no!


    Agree I hate it as well. I don't mind SWTORs besides there are much bigger things that need addressed then ruining the talent trees. It really feels like they dumbed it down and I don't recall many people I played with liked it.

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