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Everything posted by Excedrin

  1. Sorry, but yanking someone into an area where the game insta-kills them for the purpose of preventing spawn camping can be seen as nothing but an exploit. I seriously think that I wouldn't be able to find a single issue with this game where everyone can freaking agree.
  2. Congratulations! You're the one millionth poster on the internet to conflate tedium/timesinks with challenge/difficulty!
  3. Yeah OP, you should have known. When it seems like there's a problem with TOR, remember that the game is flawless and it's all on your end.
  4. Great, now all the highly defensive fanboys can stop pretending like this doesn't exist.
  5. No it won't, not if your thread is ACTUALLY about TOR. I swear to god, the posters on these forums sometimes.
  6. I honestly couldn't care less about anything else in this game. /Discussed
  7. I don't get why the cutscenes get so much criticism. I think Bioware has done one thing better than any other MMO I've played yet. The pacing is wonderful. Combat is often frantic and fast paced, involving multiple chain pulls and quick kills mixed with some slightly tougher enemies to change pace from time to time. After combat in most MMOs you turn in a few quests grab a few quests and head right out, but anyone telling a story knows you need to give the audience a chance to cool down and gain an appreciation of the more exciting parts. Cutscenes seem to serve this function (at least, they do for me). And if I'm not in the mood to hear it, skipping over it is a spacebar tap away. I think it was fairly successful.
  8. What's with this whole "THAT other game" and "THAT other developer" nonsense? My god, it's just so childish. Call it Warcraft, call it Activision, call the FPS Call of Duty, just say what it is and be done with it. Why do people throw fits when Warcraft or things tangentially related to Warcraft are mentioned? Are people really that fragile?
  9. 7-8/10. Has the potential to be a 9 for me, personally, but that potential has yet to be realized.
  10. I wonder if Bioware devs read these posts with the same stunned amazement I do
  11. I'm sorry that you feel that way but that's the way it works with interrupts and cast times. I played a Mage alt in Warcraft (yes, I raided on him) and if you need to interrupt something in that game you absolutely have to drop what you're doing and interrupt it. Losing a cast may show up on your DPS, but not in a hugely significant way. Acting like having to interrupt is the reason people did shoddy DPS is dishonest. It's not something exciting to react to. That's environmental damage, a damage proc, as a healer it's a sudden spike in damage that gives me a split second to formulate a solution and react. It's a choice. Sometimes it's no choice at all, you're right. But then you learn to adapt to that. You mentioned having to interrupt and drop cast time during a cooldown. Have you considered timing your cooldown to come directly after your interrupt? By that time, at least on my sorc, I can't chain interrupt it so I'm going to eat one anyways. Be strategic should be everyone's mantra when they come up against something that seems too tough.
  12. PvP, Operations, HM Flashpoints, finding spare datacrons and filling out my codex, rerolling for a new story, single player quests you didn't already complete, they're even adding 4 more encounters to the KP operation! I'm sorry, but when people say there's a lack of stuff to do right now all I can think about is what a daunting task it would be to complete all of that. Game on, I say.
  13. See, they're trying to teach you how to play by doing this. The game isn't too hard and as an MMO vet I didn't have any problems anywhere unless I overpulled. When you die your response should not be to ask for the difficulty decreased - it should be to examine your toolkit and see if there's anything available for use. Be strategic! Place your AOEs well, CC dangerous targets, interrupt priority abilities such as those that heal, use your other various weak/standard control spells to easily crush pulls of 3-4. This is part of the fun of games. You hit a roadblock and eventually solve the 'puzzle' (or problem). If you have yet to solve the puzzle, you do not progress until you do. This is pretty much how things work in every game I know of. EDIT: No, that ruins the choice element in the combat. Basically, when that happens you're faced with the dilemma of whether to eat the cast time and interrupt the spell or finish the cast and eat the spell. It depends on what you see as having greater value at the moment, increased survivability or increased damage. Perhaps there are some abilities that are not worth interrupting and some that are - in which case, you decide based on the ability being cast. I'm pretty sure that almost every class has a channeled damage spell and faces this dilemma. Not entirely sure about Ops/Scoundrels.
  14. They have to combine servers? No they don't. I always have something to do Empire side on Terentatek. I do not have to wait long to find something to do on my republic alt. While I usually get Huttball, I still get Voidstar and Alderaan every once in a while. Terentatek isn't even the highest pop server out there. I'm all for constructive criticism. The game does need to get better in some respects. This, however, is a stupid idea. PvP east. Republic players just dont want to play on a PvP server it seems.
  15. Another person who thinks that people who are 50 currently are going too fast. False. You are just going slow. That's totally fine if that's your preference, just don't act like hitting 50 in 3 weeks means you "raced" to 50.
  16. Aion got a 6.5 and Age of Conan got an 8.5, huh? Clearly they aren't very good at this.
  17. Finding a group really isn't hard. If you can't be bothered to be nice and social with people you bring it on yourself. I don't think I've ever wanted to tell someone to quit the game because I want it to be strong, but if your sticking around is contingent on a feature that has the potential to gut a part of the genre from the game for the sake of not having to, god forbid, talk to people , then I really don't feel bad if you'd leave over it. Sorry. No one is asking you to become best friends with these people. They're asking you to use words to convey meaning, rather than pushing a button and ignoring everyone else unless it is absolutely required to get what YOU want.
  18. Here we go again. These threads, unfortunately, always have the most vitriol in them even compared to other topics where the community is split. It's really unfortunate that people get so mad one way or another about it. Also, 1) Random CS Guy isn't the best person to ask and 2) He may just be referring to the fact that you cannot currently have addons. You aren't going to learn about Bioware's next move through a ticket. Developer tracker is better.
  19. To soothe your hurt feelings, I'd like to say I'm pretty much on board with everything is posted in this thread.
  20. I've made my point, and there's no use continuing because your reaction is one to you specifically having a hard time finding a group. What may or may not be the consequence of this is immaterial to you (not even specifically you, but others as well). Just understand one thing clearly. The way that community operates pivots on these points of social interaction. The way people interact with others when they are forming a group by picking and choosing players and asking them questions about their goals/gear/skill is very, very different than the way people interact when they are thrust into a random group and told to proceed. It changes entirely the lens with which people view other players that they do not already know. It is not just a matter of time.
  21. I quoted the dictionary definition that proves you wrong. However, when you start serving the function of defining commonly used, proper words then maybe you can change the definition of "friend" to suit your vision.
  22. The two aren't at all comparable. You guys are all playing the same game, not people with no thread connecting you but commerce. If I played chess with someone at the park and really had a good time, I don't think it would be weird to ask if they wanted to play some more chess when we both have some time. In fact, it'd be just great. But yes, it does. You need to stop thinking about the people playing this game as disparate strangers and more like a bunch of players playing chess in the park. I might not share my entire life with them, but it would be weird if we didn't talk about chess, play it together, and plan to play some more later.
  23. When I log in at this point I usually get at least one whisper within the first hour of just being online (not even searching for a group) asking me to do something - PvP, flashpoints, whatever. I can get a group faster than that if I actually try. Wanna know why? Because every time I grouped up with people in a Heroic 4 quest, every time I did a flashpoint, every time I did anything at all involving other people I tried to be nice, cracked jokes, played well and told them to ask me to do stuff with them if they wanted! I did that through out my entire time leveling, and I am now reaping the benefit of it. It's not hard to do, and when you do it you're making the game more enjoyable for everyone else playing as well. Someone else said it best earlier in the thread. MMOs are social games. If you're not willing to be social with some people then things are going to be harder to accomplish. This is the way it should be.
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