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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. Pretty sure 2700. Game shows no other evidence that distance exists in anything other than 100 meters.


    And, I mean, I simplified my math for a not-mathy thread. Eff me, right?


    I'm pretty sure that the game tracks ranges more definitively than units of 100m, but only displays your target's range in units of 100m. And I think that it rounds down, though I could be wrong. (meaning if you are actually at 581m, the game tells you that you are at 500m)

  2. I mean the buff over time effect (which, yes, is recharging shields). I get the first tick on activation, but no subsequent ticks every 2s after.

    That happened on both a Clarion and a Rampart Mk4.


    You are only seeing the "visual" effect of the ability. You indeed get a "buff" on your ship's buff bar and the shields regen as they are supposed to.

  3. I have a question about the messages that flash up in TDM. I get the normal ones from both sides (pilot x was destroyed by pilot y.....pilot z self-destructed, etc.), and I get the green messages when one of my teammates grabs a power-up. What I don't get is a red message for when an opposing team pilot gets a power-up. I only see it in the chat window in the corner (which is very hard to monitor while flying).


    Is this a bug or working as intended? I get the feeling from other posts that other people get the big red message. It sure would make it easier to adjust tactics if I knew who had what. I just want to know what it's supposed to do so I know if I should put in a bug report. Thanks.


    That is to let you know who to avoid/kill (the damage overcharge) on the other team. Triple damage (bugged, supposed to be double) hits HARD and fast.

  4. Or...


    How about making cloth materials yield something more desirable than the garbage they make now?


    In fact, how about some crafter love other than Cybertech (armorings, mods and ear pieces), Biochem (implants, med consumables), Artifice (hilts and enhancements), and Armstech (barrels). Synthweaving and Armormech are really left out in the cold. (MK-9 mod kits which SUCK to craft)

  5. I'm very excited to have a strike with a sensor component, actually. Mostly for range sensors. However, this is all predicated on sensors being useful- right now, sensors are pretty worthless on ANY ship.


    I think I'm really gonna like the new ships. I am very interested in their support roles.


    Range and Dampening sensors received a stealth balance. So did the appropriate crew members.

  6. False, false, false, and also indicative of a lack of actually looking at the math.


    Scout base shield is 1300. Large shield represents 260 shield points.


    Scout shield regeneration is 65/s. That means in order to beat Large, Turbo has to give you an extra four seconds of regeneration you wouldn't have had otherwise. (And that extra time has to matter - if you'd have time to fully regenerate your shields anyway, it doesn't really matter that they fully regenerate slightly faster.) After getting hit once, even after 6s you've only had an extra 3.6s of regen from Turbo vs Large (i.e. it wasn't worth it yet).


    If you get hit once every 3s, it takes ~20s of sustained fire at that hit right in order for Turbo to outperform Large (and you are probably dead in either case). If you get hit once every 2s, Turbo never outperforms Large.


    It is a very narrow window of average hit frequencies that justifies Turbo, and under those hit frequencies you will probably DIE before you actually see the benefit.


    Also it is a TOTAL benefit when your shields are GONE from attacks and saving you hull at this point with every shield point regenerated sooner. When dissecting one attack and figuring out the math, you are usually better off with large reactors, but in the actual game environment, turbo is very useful (and I would argue more useful the more "defensive" your ship build and piloting skills are).


    Now as a point of math, turbo beats regen reactors in all but 1 situation.

  7. we need more good looking blaster rifles, the only one i think passable is the one from the rakghoul event rifle. is there a blaster rifles that resembles an M16? or at least something that looks like this.



    i really don dig current blaster rifle models, it has some of the most ridiculous looking gun point.


    Better *sounding* blasters is at LEAST as important.


    See my other suggestion about adding a sound effects slot to weapons and offer sound modules on the cartel market for a reasonable price.

  8. If I know the name of an item I'm looking for in my bank or inventory, it should be easy to find. Right now, unless the item's icon is incredibly distinct among its rarity class, I have to examine each item individually to see if it's what I'm looking for. Then having found it, I still have to examine the rest of the items in the bank because there might be another stack of it somewhere else in the window.


    The lack of an alphabetical sort is also incredibly annoying if I'm trying to organize partial sets of collection gear. Do I have all 4 boxes of Dramatic Extrovert armor? I don't know, let me slowly scan through this tab of 80 identical purple boxes. :(


    This should not be a hard thing to implement, especially since the Sort By UI element is already a select box.


    The sort function in the inventory is garbage (and I don't usually call anything garbage that could be useful, even if rarely).

  9. yeah the Eradicator’s Warsuit and the mast ,Destroyer Armor Set was on sale for us at 4-6 in the morning....


    so would be cool if we could get some answer if they will think about this in the future or run the sales longer so everyone gets a chance to buy the stuff thats on sale in the cartel market


    For what server?

  10. Next time it would be cool if you could have the deals run for maby 2 times or 24hrs so ppl fromEU dont have to sit and wait to 5-6 in the morning to be able to get the good stuff


    The European servers are running them in the early morning?!?

  11. Funny thing is they are different enough that they feel special. I was PISSED when I solo'd the 1st part with my assassin (yeah a lot of deaths, but I did it) only to find out that I HAD to have 4 players to click locks at the same time in the next one. Basically I spent several HOURS in the solo missions leading me across the galaxy to dig/recon all the things and the end missions required 4 people?!? Great end missions, TERRIBLE design making people team up for the end when they all solo'd the LONG prerequisites for them.
  12. Say I want only a white/black dye (for ease of reading, we assume it drops from a pack we can buy now). Sure, I get something everytime I draw a pack, but those "somethings" are useless to me - because those "somethings" are not what I want. What I want is THAT particular dye and it is my right to calculate my chances, especially since we are talking about real money.


    I AM willing to bet real money on the fact that they will NEVER publish their drop rates. This is about the part which you didn`t understand.


    I highlighted the yellow portion, which said nothing about drop rates.

  13. I don't think anyone in this thread has said that mines are used for anything but area denial.


    The problem is that they're too good at it.


    And why is it good tactics to attack a node with a scout or strike on it, or a gunship overlooking it, but if there's a bomber on it, all of a sudden it's "cockiness" to try to, you know, win the game?


    Bombers are just flat out too good at area denial and position fortification for not enough skill investment.


    Because that is what bombers are made for... if I said I was gonna dogfight a T2 scout in my gunship you'd look at me funny (and with good reason).

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