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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. ^this.


    The others I could live without.


    So every time you pull the trigger, you want to see miss, miss, miss?


    Do you know where to aim? (The lead target indicator. Your reticule will shrink when you are "on it". When you are in range, it turns red.) Does seeing "miss, miss, evade, miss"... change how you'll aim??

  2. Yeah, but if you *somehow* hit a Scout w/ an EMP missile, you could have hit them with a Concussion Missile instead, and a Scout that gets hit w/ a Conc Missile is as good as dead.


    Quit thinking *inside* the box... maybe you hit the bomber, or turret, or etc with the EMP and the scout was in the blast radius.


    Will a good scout/strike/gunship pilot ever get hit by an EMP missile? YES! When they are the scout/strike/gunship using the bomber's drones/mines for cover they will, if you are smart...

  3. If you are using EMP missiles against fighters (other than bombers), you are doing it wrong. If you use it to force the other ship types to make them "waste" a missile evasion maneuver, then ok. EMP missiles are NOT meant to do massive damage. But in a huge cluster of mines/drones, they do end up with massive numbers.


    They work wonders attacking a satellite, especially when defended with bomber(s). I recommend pairing them with concussion missiles on the Pike/Quell, but I really would shy away from using them on a T1 Striker.


    Target something that cannot evade from 7200 (ish) meters, and use cover to protect yourself. They hit all turrets around a satellite if you target one of those and stop them from firing at you for quite a while (long enough to take out 3 turrets if there are no other defenders).

  4. I spent a good long while thinking, "What's not classy about asking questions during a twitch stream? Is there some twitch etiquette I don't know about?"


    Thanks for the heads up.


    We should gather a list of questions...


    That's ok, it took me a few seconds to figure out what prompted your response... :)

  5. What the turrets did is to give the newer players a feeling like they had a refuge where they could recover and not be overwhelmed/farmed so easily, and get their bearings to counterattack.


    Yeah but then the experienced gunship pilots were using this to their advantage.


    Complain about bombers protecting a mass of gunships now? Same thing except that the opposing players have to coordinate this strategy as opposed to the NPC gunners doing it for you.

  6. Several times it seems like I destroy a seeker mine that is right in front of me, then it hits me anyway. This was pretty much confirmed yesterday when I saw one, shot it, saw the message "You destroyed so-and-so's seeker mine," then I see the thing flying straight at me anyway, and it kills me. Combat log verified that I was killed by said seeker mine.


    I suppose there is a slight chance that another mine from the same player hit me at the exact same moment, but that seems pretty remote. And even in that case there was the graphical bug of the mine flying at me after I blew it up.


    Anyone else seen this?


    Crazy question, but was there a 2nd mine? And can you be certain that there was not? Your missile alarm was going off already...

  7. I've seen too many supposed "aces" sit in their bomber at the team's only sat during a domination round, get 3 or less kills/assists combined, wrack up 400-500 objective points but ultimately have been a major contributor to the team's loss by not lifting a finger to help the team win.


    Gawd I can't stress this ^^ enough... but the game rewards that behavior in the form of more requisition earned. If you have 7-8 minutes of defending time and your team lost, you should have switched to offense way before that (at less than the 2 minute mark).

  8. It's called tunnel vision, and/or extremely persistent scouts.


    You know Rhint, that neither of these are ship weaknesses...


    Face facts, you do play the gunship a lot... and when you need to play to your fullest (vs a skilled team), you ALWAYS pick the gunship. That says a lot when an experienced pilot picks the same ship to "fall back to" when faced with tough opponents. Most "fall back" ships are T1 gunships, or T2 scouts. Which leads to the logical conclusion that they are the strongest.


    Note I said most... don't use Itkovian, Shayd, Courtney, etc as your counter argument for "the other ships are fine".


    Things are mostly balanced... but there are still issues.

  9. If we're talking about a single bomber holding a node against a single attacker, the gunship is by far the best attacker to bring*.


    1. The gunship can clear out all of the mines in one ion shot.
    2. The gunship can clear out the turrets without exposing himself to the mines, drones, or turrets.
    3. If the bomber isn't holding LOS well, the gunship is best suited to actually killing it with ion into slug.
    4. If the bomber is LOSing, a gunship has the durability to close on the satellite (especially if it spends a few seconds clearing out mines/turrets first), and it has the armament to actually deal with an armored bomber (BLC armor piercing). A scout that tries this is far more vulnerable, and a strike has to run heavy lasers to get AP (and has more difficulty with the turrets, etc.).


    * A strike fighter with an EMP missile might, MIGHT be competitive here, but ion's AOE is far superior here.


    EMP missiles are MADE for clearing a satellite with mines/turrets. Ion AOE is capped to 4 total hits per shot (3 turrets, 1 bomber (plus 3-7 mines/drones) = way too many things to attack at once) where as missiles have no cap on number of hits. They also disable the entire field for 18 seconds (upgraded iirc) which is plenty of time to take out the turrets and maybe the drone. The trick is to not rely on the ONE missile, take out half of the defenses and fly away quickly... come back after you disable what's left (or been replaced by the bomber).


    Now personally, I only use the EMP missile on the Pike/Quell (concussion for the other) so I have utility vs anything and lasers are still a big part of their repertoire.


    In a simple 1 v 1 at a satellite, where the defender is an experienced minelayer, the best attacker is a Pike/Quell.

  10. I'm not saying I wouldn't love it if they were removed. I hate bombers. I'm not a fan of gunships either, but I hate bombers. Prior to bombers I played 5-10 matches a night, every night. Since bombers I've played maybe 10-20 matches total, and none in the last month. I have no intention of doing so, either.


    Yet here you are, posting on the GSF forums...

  11. No, the solution for Ion Railgun is "Dont get hit"...


    Ummm you know that means you are not allowed to fly near friendlies then? Including turrets, bombers and other things that really have zero evasion because the AOE will hit you automatically.


    Your solution applies to anything that is imbalanced and is not feasible.

  12. This idea would work very well for a 4 v 4 TDM mode. You get each ship in your hangar once and must have 5 ships in there to be eligible for this mode. (kinda like arenas?)


    If they implement this, it needs to be for when you queue as a 4 player group ONLY (vs another 4 player group)

  13. Why does this always come up ?


    Seriously asking, since as far as I recall the size does not matter in GSF.


    But people want to use logic... even with zero empirical evidence to back it up.


    Actually the gunship's zoom out feature is the only thing to change (grow) a ship's hitbox size. (hint: the lead target circle is the target ship's hitbox)

  14. I've been a bit of an evangelist with GSF, trying to get both real life and WoW friends into it. It's a hard sell, being nested inside a larger MMO that they are, for the most part, not that interested in, and being pretty demanding of both dailies and personal skill, as well as having a pretty solid computer and connection.


    But these restrictions should end there. The additional restriction where my Red-Green colorblind friend (he's likely "deuteranomaly", the one where green mostly collapses into red, and probably the most common variant) is entirely unable to guess how much hull or shield arc he has left is generally not acceptable. I love colors a super lot and wouldn't want to lose the existing display as we have it, but either add some numbers, a bar, or at least the option to make it scale from something besides red to green.


    Not to mention Operator IX...

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