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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. You essentially described what I did, but please stop using the term hitbox, as the game simply doesn't have them.


    You have got to be kidding me... You don't think that the lead target indicator is the hit box? Hint, you click on that to make the game reward you with a hit...


    PS, I know that you know this is the case, but why argue that it is not a "hit box", when it obviously is.

  2. To all the non-believers about scoping back making the hit box bigger... any of you ever use a real life scope on a rifle before? Heck, binoculars would work too, or even a zoom on your cell phone camera.


    Let's use your cell phone camera as an example:


    Reality - you are filming something, let's call this your target. Say the target is a person, but you are kinda far away. The person is small on your screen so you zoom in. That person gets MUCH larger on your screen! Recap... zoom out =small on screen, zoom in = big on screen.


    Game - you scope with your railgun at a scout, let's call this your target. Say this target is just flying around minding his own business at 12km. That's far, can't be seen by the naked eye, right? So you activate your scope and whamo, there is a circle on him, that IS HIS HIT BOX for the railgun (just as the lead target circle IS THE HIT BOX for a primary weapon) If you zoom back to 0% zoom, that is the same as naked eye, right? Then how come the circle is still as big as it was when zoomed in at 62% (iirc)? Because it GREW in game, that's how. You now have a larger target area to hit now that it is proportionally larger than before. Zoom all the way in to 100% and you would expect the circle to GROW, but alas, it does NOT. The ship's image grows, but that is not the hit box, the circle is!


    You folks are confusing how they designed the game's hit mechanism with how it would work if space ships, shields, lasers, etc would act if they actually existed.


    Recap, if you zoom in with a scope, everything would appear larger to you, and if you zoomed out everything would appear smaller. Since the target circle never changes, it is the inverse of this regarding hit box size.

  3. I mentioned this on the forums before. And it *is* BS that the target's hit box GROWS if you zoom out and SHRINKS if you zoom in. That's backwards and ludicrous! I'd be happy with a minimum detection range of less than 15km if some common sense things on GSs got changed. (still have massive CC power, insta stop with a zoom, hit box size changes with zoom) Turn them into a true sniper - off on their own (or with other snipers) trying to maneuver into position undetected for a snipe shot.


    Let them have the ability to dampen sensors enough that 14km (or closer, but 12km is my recommendation for min detection) is not detectable without range sensors and/or focus sensors, which would force satellite defenders to be a little more "active" in their defense. (patrols anyone?)


    Turn their survivability into "cat & mouse", not "I can out-fly you".

  4. they already give you 500 + 100 if you use the security key. But alas, like many things..MORE MORE MORE!


    If you do not like your current setup feel free to cancel said sub and use the $15 you spend now on unlocks and whatever else you do.


    the 500 monthly is mainly to be used for unlocks and small things here and there. Any big ticket items are to be purchases separately or saved from the allowance. If it happens to encourage others to spend more money on CC as well as maintain a sub, so be it. But wanting more for less is not how the world works.


    Wow, I was trying to give the company an idea for some incentives to keep people subscribed. It was a "loyalty bonus" and would not hurt you... at all. For the record, I have been playing since day 1 and have always been a subscriber, so do some math as see how much I spent so far. There *should* be rewards for being a loyal customer.


    Honestly what I use my CC for are account wide unlocks for emotes, toys, etc. So yeah, I am spending my "allowance" on features that should be in place for paying customers anyway. (note that I do not mind having to acquire emotes, moods, toys, etc from the GTN, but having to unlock them on several characters is... well extreme, in my humble opinion.)

  5. Honestly I think I would be happy with alphabetical order...


    But... something!


    Hrmm, while we're on the subject of collections navigation, how about a "collapse all" and an "expand all" option for the menus?

  6. Damage reduction is very common on turrets, which are an important target. They have weird amounts of armor, though, so maybe that should be tweaked anyway. (The delta in time to kill between someone with armor penetrating weaponry and someone without is currently huge, which shouldn't be the case IMO.)


    So you think that scouts should be particularly effective at attacking armored targets? Think about it. This would also increase the viability of DR armor/crew members/abilities, which are currently... not viable.

  7. Problem here is that there are plenty of 'legit' self destructs in the game. Forcing a panicked engine maneuver with a missile lock, Sabotage Probe, hell even flying in a little too hot to get that Damage Overcharge nestled in the crevasse etc. These things should not be punished by such a broad sweeping measure such as you propose.


    Yep, and it happens to me too (especially learning to use power dive. after 2.7)... but honestly if you had a reason to be just a little more careful, maybe you would be?

  8. I think that the best way to reward subscribers would be to give slightly more CC every month as a loyalty reward. Face it, after 2+ years, subscribers deserve some extra CC without having to spend more money.


    After 6 months of continuous subscription, every month after that you earn 25 more CC per month, with a cap of around 1250/month for a long-term subscription. I mean let's face it, the CC reward is for digital items anyway, so it doesn't cost EA anything extra to "make" them...

  9. Face it, the only reason that you all feel that a gunship is too powerful at close range is burst laser cannons. If they did not have these, this would not even be a topic.


    So I think the best "fix" for BLCs is to remove armor piercing from the choices. That would leave it strong against most ships up close, but give it a weakness vs some. And it isn't like damage reduction is all that popular, so it would be a minor nerf.

  10. Also, what on EARTH does "Deals an additional 15% damage every 15 seconds" even MEAN?


    For how long? A dot that ticks every 15 seconds? This talent is really hella undefined!


    It's called an editing error.


    Obviously it is meant to read, "Deals an additional 15% damage over 15 seconds."

  11. There isn't much they can do, other than maybe punish people that are reported for it. Simply put programs are not intelligent enough to tell between a intentional suicide or accidental ones.


    There is a simple fix that would help, but not eliminate it completely.


    Respawn for a self destruct gets longer and longer, and does not reset to the normal time until the end of the match. (1st self destruct, normal respawn timer. 2nd, normal +15 sec. 3rd normal +30 sec, etc)

  12. You shouldn't be using more than one pool at a time, if you are your doing it wrong.


    The only situation where you would need two pools is a head to head where you need shields and weapons, but in that situation your wasting power on engines by using balanced.


    Seriously L2PowerSwap. I frequently change my power settings, sometimes once every 3-4 seconds.


    I'm not sure where you got the idea that I sit at balanced ALL the time, but I don't. I change power settings as needed. Also, I am old/wise enough to step back and see benefit where most kids think that there is only one way to do something.


    And seriously, when one on one you need engine regen too. When you get a lock-on sound it is too late to power to engines if they are clusters.


    Oh last thought... all the power pools add up to 100% of your power usage. If you are regenerating weapons, shields and engines, THAT is efficiency. If you are using "one" at a time, then you are wasting the other two, even if they are reduced that power is being sent their way.

  13. I was thinking of a function that we could borrow from World of Warcraft partially. Basically, when you are below level 6, you worn equipment will degrade through use but will suffer no durability damage from being defeated, thus saving beginners on repair costs. However, once you reach level 6, being defeated will damage equipment normally.


    Who dies before level 6??

  14. Then again, we still don't see req awarded for keeping a white satellite contested so that the other team doesn't capture it.


    I never understood why this did not count as "offensive" objective points (time spent in the capture range of a satellite that isn't yours)


    Also, 1 defender who can circle a satellite like no other can frustrate 2-3 attackers (especially if they do not coordinate). Why does 1 defender get to hold a satellite vs more opponents? I would like to see a satellite turn neutral if you get outnumbered, but you have to clear it to capture it. (1 attacker with 1 defender would not turn a sat neutral)

  15. When you need both of those it is more efficient to just swap between them. Running neutral wastes energy on shield.


    Have balanced power = 100% normal shields

    Having high weapons or engine power = 90% normal shields


    And you call that a waste?

  16. Well, if they'd make a 1-50 story arc with wookies, at least the voice acting would easy to do - just ask your developers social questions before their first coffee. :p


    I know you're making a joke, but the wookiee "voices" in SWTOR are TERRIBLE. I wanted to kill Bowdaar after listening to his convos. Not sure why they didn't use the sounds similar to wookiees in Clone Wars, but they didn't.

  17. I've seen this happen on other ships before. I think hardly anyone ever flies with balanced power, though.


    I use balanced power distribution frequently. It is particularly useful when you need weapon and engine power regen (when close fighting more than 1 other "dogfighter" especially) simultaneously.

  18. Yeah, but....we are kind of in space here ;) Not really a conducive environment for sound.


    So you should hear NOTHING then.. don't take science too far... the movies had sound, so should the game.

    (I've always made the argument that your ship detects the events going on around you and simulates sound for you. Kind of like the artificial gravity in the ships and lack of inertia affecting the crew.)

  19. Yeah my Spearpoint has also became my favourite ship.


    But it is frickin useless! :D


    I mean, Tensor is cool, but I buff my mateys with it, lemme count, yeah, exactly ONCE per combat. Otherwise, it is just amazing speed and turning boost for me.

    Ions, EMPs and Thermites are all just denying me kills.


    Tensor is way more useful than it is getting credit for on these forums. First, too many people have tunnel vision. Too many people think that if an upgrade doesn't help them make kills, it is a awful choice. To all of you solo "studs" out there who are constantly flying around to the next enemy, stop reading and save yourself some time. You'll never be happy with this component because it is "only" AOE mobility... Second, too many people make absurd claims like "only usable ONCE per combat". Hint, try flying in the middle of a furball and popping tensor field. Or pop it at a contested satellite. The extra mobility makes a difference! If you don't think that it does, take a look at your thrusters because Tensor Field modifies your speed AND mobility by 150% of what a thruster component can modify to only one of those. Oh yeah, and if you help out your team members, THEY GET IT TOO! Learn to fly with your team! Last thing, this directly counters some of the effects on interdiction items on bombers!


    (Ion missiles do suck still)

    EMP and Thermites are useful, and while Thermites are hard to land, but they hit pretty damn hard, way harder than any other missile. Especially when the shields are down! EMP missiles are NOT DAMAGE DEALING missiles... they are control weapons. They make a densely-packed minefield inert for a long while... and oh yeah the mines are ALL GONE after one hit...

  20. To me, the only thing it is missing are sounds that are appropriate to the constant barrage of blaster fire being exchanged! I don't want my eardrums blasted out but something more to make this seem more like an epic fight that we're participating in.


    Something similar to the background noises on Corellia, where the fighting always sounds to be just around the corner.

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