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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. - Leave them extremely deadly, but make them double-edged so that they lose most of the support aspect, by making them neutral and blast anyone regardless of team (who thought it was a good idea to sit in the middle of explosives without expecting any backlash ?)


    Two points here:

    1. Nothing hits friendlies in this game... as it is a game, just like the ground game.

    2. You want an avenue for trolls to attack their wing-mates?!? Really? You new to the internet or something?!?

  2. NO, it doesn`t. I never wanted the game I bought because it had a sub to go F2P. At this time is "best bang for the buck" for Bioware, or it looks like it.


    I will happily eat my words and present a public apology when the next race will be Togruta; not before, though.


    BTW, here`s player input: Make public ALL the drop percentages for each Cartel Market item in any given pack. Let`s see if they take player input.


    You misunderstand me. They see what player's are asking for, and how many are asking for each "thing". They toss out the ludicrous requests and weigh the remaining suggestions/requests with how well they could sell it.


    If 8000 people asked for roller blades as a form of a vehicle, and their development team said, "Yeah, we can do that pretty easily." You bet your donkey they'd drop roller blades in a cartel pack.


    Oh and the highlighted sentence makes absolutely no sense to me. Put the weed away, man.

  3. I have the same issue regarding the cursor, not sure if its because of the color or what but during warzones I loose track of my cursor all the time.


    This is the WORST when you need to click something manually (healing challenge anyone?) and quickly when you lose track of your cursor.

  4. It is safe to assume that anything new will be based on anything BUT player request - probably the least amount of work for the most financial impact.


    While I agree with your assessment, player input leads to financial impact...

  5. One thing that I would consider for this weapons wishlist, is much like the dyes are available for armors, would it be possible to add an 'effects' dye slot to the weapons? Could be out of programming range, but perhaps as suggested above, someone wanted the effect from the Ziost Guardian's Saber available on another. Could you just create an 'Electrify' "dye" mod for sabers? Or 'laser sight' for guns/rifles, etc.? Or 'concentrated beam' for the Death Star effect to the cannons? Just a thought. Would open up a world of customization for weapons.


    How about a customization slot for weapon SOUNDS! Some blasters are gawd-aweful with their sounds, but they look cool...

  6. ...However I personally believe we can file this at the very bottom of the Devs to-do list.


    Here's why.


    I am a huge Retro thruster user, If I can equip it I do equip it...


    So, do the gunships that spam ion railgun say that their favorite ability should get fixed? Not likely. How about the evasion nerf, how many scout pilots were begging for that? Not many. So you (as an avid retro user) are "qualified" to state your opinion, but your opinion is that "it's fine, leave it alone cause I use it." is a no-brainer. Of course you say that...


    If you were shooting at something, and to hit it you had to (for 3 seconds of time) aim somewhere totally wrong and more jumpy than it should be, you would not complain? Not likely.

  7. I get this message every time I try to fire the slug rail gun. I was able to use the rail gun before. But I must have changed a configuration item or something else has changed. Redeemer or Quarrel Gunship, large reactor. Thanks for any help.


    A large reactor is for your shields...


    (And what Armonddd said)

  8. From its effect I would say that the lead indicator is simply calculated by speed and will always be on tangent line out the front of the craft.


    Eitherway it doesn't really matter because retro moves you so fast your not going to be getting shots off anyway, and having it behave properly would cause it to rubberband anyway.


    Plus the backwards indicator provides a instant identification of the ability.


    Ok... so if I try to aim for the lead target indicator.. I end up in front of the enemy when he finishes his maneuver, if it behaved as physics should dictate, I would not be in his sights now, but to the side (assumes I approach from his side - the most noticeable)... Fair? Hardly.

  9. I like all of these suggestions and would appreciate them being implemented.


    For missile locks, consider this idea and tell me what you think:


    In addition to the upside-down triangle, you have a second interface item for missile locks. It's composed of a bunch of small blue icons in a row. Each icon represents one type of missile. Terrible ASCII visualization:


    [Pr] [Co] [Cl] [sa] [Th] [se] [MS]


    For Proton Torpedo, Concussion Missile, Cluster Missile, Sabotage Probe, Thermite Torpedo, Seeker Mine, and Missile Sentry. (Each of these would be represented graphically, not symbolically -- for example, instead of letters, the protorp square would have an icon of a large torpedo, the cluster missile icon would have a swath of small warheads, etc. If I've missed one, pretend it exists.)


    When someone begins locking on to you, the current lock warning (upside down triangle and tone) activates, and the appropriate missile icon turns yellow. When the lock is complete, the icon turns orange. When the missile is launched, the icon turns red.


    If you have multiple different missile locks on you, the icons all operate independently. For example, if one person is acquiring a concussion lock on you and another is acquiring a proton lock on you, both icons turn yellow. When the concussion lock is complete, the icon turns orange, and when it is launched, it turns red. All of this is determined independently of the proton lock, which progresses similarly (or not, depending on whether that pilot acquires a proper lock).


    If you have multiple missile locks on you of the same type, you get a "multiplier" above the symbol. For example, if you have two people acquiring proton locks on you:



    [Pr] [Co] [Cl] [sa] [Th] [se] [MS]


    The color of the icon prioritizes the most dangerous of these locks. If one of the above proton locks is completed and the missile is launched, but the other is still acquiring, the icon turns red:



    [Pr] [Co] [Cl] [sa] [Th] [se] [MS]


    Double Volley clusters are considered a single missile (for ease of coding, if nothing else).




    Part of the usefulness of a sabo probe is that you might get a target to "accept" a missile hit if they are being hit by more than 1 attacker. I know that if I have a choice between a sabo probe and ...well any other missile... I'd pick any other missile to let through (meaning I would "save" my engine break for the sabo probe).


    Maybe don't reveal what type of missile is inbound until it is actually fired?

  10. I want to see "miss" if my accuracy stat was low and the hit die rolled such that a "miss" was indicated. I want to see "evade" if their evasion was too high. If those two just play tug of war, then I'm perfectly fine with "evade" in all cases.


    If I shoot in space (not a shot that deserves to connect, one that I the player screwed up), then I don't need any text at all.


    I'm pretty sure that your accuracy minus their evasion = your final chance to hit. The game does not distinguish between the two as one modifies the other before the dice roll.


    I was unclear that this was what was being asked for, and I can see the desire to know that your cursor is on the lead target reticule properly, but I ask one more time, "If you see <nothing>, <nothing>, miss/evade, <nothing>, etc. How will you adjust your attempts to hit the target?" (meaning your gameplay will not change, nor will your performance)

  11. Found the bomber pilot.


    I've mastered both types of scouts (5 total ships across 3 characters that fly), both types of strike fighters (3 total), the T1 gunship, but no bombers yet. So I consider myself a pilot.


    I'm just realistic about the balance and oh yeah, all 3 of my Pikes/Quells use T5 EMP Missiles... Because they are quite useful now... make them 1 shot an entire minefield and they'd be ridiculous.


    Not every ability that you use should be about direct damage; some are about support, control, and/or defense.

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