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Everything posted by Errthu

  1. Changes like these will turn hutball into another capture the flag game. For me it's ok as it is, but some bugs should be fixed for sure. Thanks gods not many ppl know them.
  2. Yes it's amazing. So many people do not realize this is the best designed minigame map. This is the most unpredictable and original warzone, where the situation may change in any second. Where old boring schemes (you - heal, me - dps, he - flagbot) don't work. Where 1 well-placed knockback or stun can change the entire game. Where teamplay is more rewarding than killwhoring and avoiding deaths. There's a way to counter speedrun sins and sorcerers. There's a way to counter force charging warriors. Except some bugs (not gonna post this) there's a way to counter everything. I used to play arena pvp a lot (mostly Guild Wars and Age of conan arenas) and I think all 3 current maps, especially hutball, are well designed. However I still think we need deathmatch arena for pure kill fun. But please stop make rage posts about hutball where you did 300k dps with 0 deaths but losed the game.
  3. It's easy to get 10+ medals as a Juggernaut. =] Protect + damage + medics + defenders =] But we are talking about genral balance. I do agree with you about mara - their defensive cds are better than ours. But the real beasts are powertechs - they are like x2 harder to kill and do the same damage.
  4. Good sniper can 1shot you if prepared. Good marauder shouldn't lose 1vs 1 either.
  5. You still missed my post with a question. The only real thing in Vengeance is unstoppable. Rest is crap. Rage buffed smash does more damage than Impale + force scream crit. Force crush is very usefull cc. Obliterate is another nice gap closer. All rage force crits are more powerful. Vengeance simply can't be compared with rage.
  6. Which tools? =] My smash does more damage than impale + crit force scream in vengeance. And it's aoe.
  7. Let me explain here. I was talking about rage because it is the best pvp spec for Juggernaut. Actually it's the only one non gimped spec. As a pure pvp player I am forced to play Rage tree to be effective. Too bad it's also the most boring juggernaut spec, I agree that Immortal and Vengeance are more interesting to play.
  8. Also ppl who are talking about skill here probably never played other classes. Juggernaut is far from hardest classes to play. Buffing your smash and unloading it is very skill-based, yea =]] Marauder, for example, is x2 harder to play. And more rewarding.
  9. In pve probably, but in pvp Powertechs can provide more damage than Vengeance jugs, expecially in huttball.
  10. Actually You should silence yourself =] Op has mentioned that he's level 12. And rage is useless till you get force crush. Go Immortal, respec to Rage at 43-44.
  11. Merc or powertech. like x2 of your capabilities. If you still wanna play jug then go rage for engame pvp. I use this build: http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/sith_warrior/juggernaut/#::ef23ef6ef4ef4e3fde7fe6
  12. scoundrels/operativer should be nerfed 100%
  13. Sounds great. As a pure pvp player I'm looking forward to these changes. Do not forget Guardian/Juggernaut rewamp. =]
  14. Pure protbot is boring and not effective.
  15. Nice one! No comments needed.
  16. I have tried all possible specs and Vengeance is far more interesting to play. Same As Immortal. Rage is boring but easymode. Shatter is probably worst pvp talent, you'd better avoid it. Get Invincible or something else instead of this. From the other side Unstoppable is our best pvp talent, no doubts.
  17. Not only they do ridicolous damage but even if you survive the burst (which rarely happens) and damage them to 50% of hp (even more rare situation) they just hide and then do this crazy chain dps again! NERF NEEDED
  18. Rage is very boring to play. Even it's the only spec which does ok in pvp. From other side Vengeance and Immortal have a quite interesting playstyle even they are not so strong.
  19. Rage is really good but boring to play. Immortal and Vengeance have some diversity in its playstyle.
  20. Merc easy does more than 200k damage per minigame. Powertech is way harder to kill than immortal jugg and does more damage. Assasins - battle hide/speed buff/aoe knock - better than any of our defensive cooldowns. Juggs are gimps. Totally.
  21. Yes this issue needs a fix as soon as possible.
  22. Assassins do up to 200k damage per minigame. =] No more commments.
  23. Errthu

    Camera Movement

    Agreed. Also please remove camera auto zoom in, it's boring to scroll down the mousewheel again and again to set comfortable distance view.
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