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Everything posted by WasabiJack

  1. Totally.. I walk into a bunch of them sometime and tranquilize one and run out and keep tranquilizing just for the hell of it.. Or run in the middle, surrender, or run in the middle of like 5 and /sit then when they start attacking, med pack, screen, vanish. Today was the best trolling I've ever done. 3 guys just sitting at a node facing the wrong way.. Capped it from behind (civil war). Then they turned around, went into stealth, one started to cap, I tranquilized him. The others didn't try to cap, just looking for me. The one that was tranquilized came out and started to cap again, tranq again. Then he started looking for me while another one tried to cap. Anyway this kept going for like 30s until they got smarter.. all tried to cap. 8 seconds is enough to tranq one, then the other then the other and stop cap on all three. Instead of trying to cap again, they all started to look for me. They didn't realize that they can just fill the resolve and I would have no choice but to come out of stealth. Poor guys. It was SOOO funny. it was like 60 seconds later they managed to kill me.
  2. WasabiJack

    OP Operatives

    I play a dps scoundrel. They are still fairly strong but on the bottom end of the dps meter for sure and the most squishy. Operatives have 1 knock down (1.5s) 1 stun (4s) 1 mez (8s breaks on dmg) If you get a string of lucky crits on a really poorly geared, really bad player, you can kill them just as they get out of the stun. Howerver, this is very rare. See what you should do and what most average to above average players do is pop their bubbles/shields etc in between the knock down and stun. There is usually like 0.5s that you can get out one skill. Then the operative is screwed. As OP as operatives may seem, whatever class you are... you are waaaay more powerful than him. I started to level an assassin, at 42 now, I have such an easier time on it and a lot easier to kill poeple. Knock down knock back 4s stun 8s mez Slow (force slow and wither) pull sprint 5s immunity Incredible armor Shield Attacks heal... list goes on.
  3. Not really, there was something about the pvp adrenal applying 20% healing debuff. If this works as I am thinking, it should help with killing healers and also killing ball carriers that are being healed.
  4. I'm doing the same. The WH ones are horrible.
  5. The description on the buff in the legacy says that corsco is the damage buff. I have completed all quests on all companions and they are all 10,000 affection. Also, all their unlocks show as unlocks on the legacy screen under the icon of my main toon. I did the test for dmg with dot on dummy when I had only gus. I know gus is the healing one. I did the test for dot damage on dummy after I completed all the rest. The damage was the same. Do you or anyone else have proof that the crit or damage buffs are working?
  6. You know it's coming bro.. you know it. still playing it and still kicking some butt...
  7. I didn't read this, but I am sure you misunderstood. They can "NOT" make it 8 man only. more than 80% of the players do not have 8 people they can get together to queue with. They are not going to design content for 20% of the players. What they must have said, and they said this before, is that for people that want to queue in a group, you queue with 8 people. These 8 people get matched with other 8 people group. You get a different queue for solo. Which puts together a complete pug group vs another completely pug group. I know you guys expect very little from Bioware at this point in terms of thought put into these features but what you say, if true will be changed quickly after launch.
  8. I'm a scoundrel. The damage buff, crit buff and the HP buff does not work. I tested this by vital shot on the dummy. It hit for 411 dmg consistently and after finishing the quests on corsco, I was still hitting for 411. The HP didn't change. And the crit didn't change in the stats page. The acc and surge are working. Both show an increase.
  9. Unbelievable. Another wow kid. 1) If autofacing existed then I (as scoundrel) will never be able to backblast EVER. I do it all the time, so let me tell you, there is no autofacing in the true sense of that word. Can you explain how the current mechanism is making it easier to play as opposed to removing some really annoying mechanic that exists in an older game. 2) Lack of macros requires MORE skill. You are completely contradicting yourself. 3) Probably the most balanced MMO of similar life.
  10. I am frustrated just as much as the other guy, however, having managed software projects for over 10 years, I can tell you, the stuff they are releasing is stuff they had in the pipeline long time ago. Probably stuff that was on the roadmap before release. They can do small things like class balances, and believe it or not, the classes are for the most part balanced. Still needs a few more tweaks but I am sure they are coming. Any PVP content is going to be 1.5 or later. Content takes time to design, develop, test, beta, test again, release and through into this the stake holder influencing and politics and you got a hell of a long development cycle. The game is great, it has a good foundation which is why I keep complaining but keep playing. Hoping they will make it better. What often happens thoug is that at some point someone high up just throws in the towel even though the developers think and probably can make it better. Just my humble opinion.. but keep the complaints coming. That is how things are noticed.
  11. Well... there is good news in this! Players are willing to abandon weeks or work into a character to go play on a more populated server. Says the game is fun and people want to play it!
  12. Ohhh and it's related to pvp because I was waiting for the ONLY PVP in this game.. the warzone queues.. and now there is none, inventory sorting while queued is the closest to PVP I could get.
  13. Today was a new low... been about 3 hours.. no q pop.. HOWEVER!!! I found my self idly fooling around with my inventory... Before you know it I was organizing all the contents... first by category, then by alphabetical order. I was so pissed that there was no auto sort functionality in this game... having to search through hundreds of items for something was a pain but NOW it paid off... I had something to do for few hours. You have to organize your inventories several times for that length of entertainment. I have a lot of loridiam gems if anyone is interested.
  14. In theory you can complete it at level 33 if you get someone to help you through some fights.
  15. Equally skilled, a scoundrel will win 100% of the time vs a fight with gunslinger 1 on 1 in any kind of terrain (even wide open spaces with out anything to line of sight) Over all dps, gunslinger is WAAAY better. They can put up 400-650k dmg in warzones, scoundrels are in the 200-400k range in the same warzone. Scoundrel, in my opinion is more fun to play because you are on the move, you get to chose your fights, you get to control. Gunslinger can drop people pretty quickly but they just plant themselves in one spot and push 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, repeat with the occasional knock back and CC in there.
  16. I would like to ask why no one has said anything about the legacy bufffs?? If the intention is to have people that don't like to level characters to level them to be competitive in PVP, then ok lets not discuss this further. But I think the Devs have said that if you don't want to level other characters then you don't have to. You can just buy the legacy features that matter. Well the buffs are really really good. After the first death in any warzone, you lose those buffs. Then you are at a significant disadvantage to those that have leveled all four classes. Am I missing something? Can we buy these somehow? I really really really really don't want to go through leveling three more characters. I would rather sit and wait for warzone queue for hours on end (which is what I do now). thanks
  17. I am not convinced this is the best outcome. It will depend on the situation greatly. Keep in mind the damage that is transferred is unmitigated. You will be doing more damage overall by hitting the guarded player and also doing more damage to the ball carrier. ie. if you hit tank then go back to ball carrrier, you will need to hit them more (take longer) to kill both. If there is a healer and is he is away from the moving ball that he will not get hit by aoe dmg, then CC him. If they are close, take out the healer. In general, scoundrels should not be in the brawl. They should be seeking out and CC'n or destroying people in passing position, snipers/gun slingers or intercepting healers/tanks coming back from spawn. Unfortunately the skill level is not there yet to use these strategies.. it is far more effective at this time to group up into a massive ball of players and move together
  18. Have they said anything about this? This is possibly the worst problem they have right now. All others really pale in comparison because THIS is causing even those people that like the game to quit. The people that are complaining about mechanics will eventually quit but common, throw us loyal fans a bone here.
  19. Used to have 3-4 pvp games running, pops were 10-15 mins... My guild had 20-25 online at peak and 10-15 off peak. I login now, and I am lucky to see 5 ppl.. friends list... 2 Warzone pops are incredably rare. I like the game. I understand there are issues but find it better than most that I have tried... Just want to let YOU (BW/EA) know that I probably won't be logging in much and let my account expire... Not because I am unhappy with the game... but because I have no one to play with.
  20. WasabiJack

    Buff Operatives

    If you really played an Operative, you would have used "we" instead of "you". And the gap closer is more for utility in hutball really, otherwise I think we're fine with tendon blast, stealth, flashbang to keep people from running.
  21. I see what's going on here... Just as the operative opened on this poor kid, his mom walked into the room and stun locked him while the operative went to town... That is the ONLY way this can be considered a "stunlock". He was just stunned in real life preventing him from pushing buttons. This is not even good burst.. Sentinels and Pyro Bounty hunters have a better burst, standing on any side of the opponent and can just keep doing it. Operatives, with less burst, do it from stealth, from behind, on cool down. The issue is, it happens to you without notice because they open from stealth, that is what makes all these kids pee their pants.
  22. LOL, you just got pwn'd by a good Operative. Did he dodge your master strike?? that's awsome, thought it couldn't be dodged. OHHH and forgot.. how is this log a stun lock?? His stuck is 1.5 + 4s (without you breaking it). The fight lasted for good 20s.. You were not stunn'd or knocked down for 14.5s.
  23. Would gladly give up all stuns and knock downs for stun immunity and interrupts. Hell, give up healing too for sprint that is 1/2 speed of all other sprints.
  24. Red mages were incredibly powerful in FFXI, their enfeebling and refresh was mandatory at all boss fights. I am not sure how it is now but that is how it was from launch to when I quit 3 years later. Also in ballista or w/e the pvp arena there was called, my red mage threw on all the iron gear that was damage reduction, with phalanx and their defensive skills with kraken club was unstopable. Thiefs hit me for 0 dmg. DRK would hit for about 20-30. NO they were NOT useless anywhere. Back to swtor. As a scoundrel, I can say that scoundrels are not the uber weak class people are making it out to be but it is the one of all the others that I think needs work. Not from a damage perspective, but from utility and fun. In hutball, I am just sitting at the end zone waiting for guardians to leap to me. Sooooo boring. Usually end with 5k dmg and medals only from finishing early. Sorcs may need to be looked at also. They were never OP to start.. I don't know what happened to them.
  25. I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and THAT IS A BIG DOUBT. Lets say that they did hit for 4k on you (which is only possible with the dmg from shoot first, and the dot that flechette applies together may be 4k). Why do you think this is over powered? The guy has to be in stealth to start, he has to be behind you, he has to pop his relics/adrenals just before he hits you and he can do it once (perhaps twice if his vanish is up) the entire fight. Have you not come across a BH crit'n you for near 6k, not in stealth, from any direction and can do it multiple times? Perhaps a jug/mauarder doing the same thing with some setup but to everyone in the area? The problem here my friend is you just got pwn'd by someone in a very embarrassing way and the fact that he was noobish with 13k hp (if it's true) made this even worst.
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