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Everything posted by fishpeople

  1. That would be cool. I would welcome a Sith themed Vaylin companion or a Jedi Thexan & Arcann.
  2. Maybe have a throw away line at the start of these planet stories that asks who you're fighting for, the Alliance or Imp/Pub? I don't know.
  3. Make the main 'class' story about the new imp vs pub war. Then maybe a planet story about the Alliance?
  4. Character waste was probably the biggest annoyance for me. Valss, Vaylin, Vinn, Arcann, Senya, Koth, they could have done so much more with them.
  5. Then we'll have to clone a new Marr or plot twist. What is Marr has been dead from the start and bound to his armor? Which is why that admiral killed himself when he saw Marr's face?
  6. You mean the big Zakuul ship? We blew up Arcann's ship, though I think Vaylin had two? I don't know what it's called. I'll take one. I like the design of the Zakuul space ships!
  7. What was the point of the Voss ritual? To turn Arcann into this mundane character we have now?
  8. Marr is one of several characters I would like to see come back. If Bioware have got no story then just let us clone him. Or I suppose you could replay chapter 1 of KOTFE ten abandon the chapter. So long as you don't complete it Darth Marr will stay with you.
  9. "By order of the dark council and in light of your inscrutable reputation, you are now Darth Occlus." - Marr
  10. KOTFE was okay. It had some bizarre chapters but it was setting up the story. Then KOTET came along, the writing quality dropped and it just ruined everything from there on. I really wish they had gone with their original plan for three expansions instead of trimming it down to 9 episodes and three flashpoints.
  11. I don't think the story will make people unsub. The Tier 5 grind will take care of that.
  12. - A Imp vs Pub themed story ( I don't think the Alliance will go away, I think we'll end up in a scenario with the Alliance assisting the characters faction of choice. Not sure what planet it would be, both the Empire and Republic have taken a beating recently so perhaps Kamino? Maybe to regain their numbers with a clone army?) - A flashpoint/operation series? (Like the Dread Master Arc?) - Additional PvP maps for Ground and Space? - A New Race? Kel Dor? Nautolans? Pantoran? - At least 20 of each event before 6.1 hits.
  13. Probably would have been a better idea to have the player control Lana for that portion of the chapter.
  14. We could say we built a new one based on files recovered from the previous version / Iokath.
  15. Lol. I've never done that chapter as a Twi'Lek or Togruta, is it true it places a helmet on as if you're human?
  16. Cardboard cut-outs. Insert your own head canon at this point.
  17. ^^^ Whatever happens with the story, good or bad. It will probably be drowned out by the hatred for the tier 5 gear.
  18. *Somewhere else in November 2017* SWTOR Server Merges
  19. Looks great. Are there any other RP features coming?
  20. They're making Khem Val a romance option. I think we've past well beyond the lines of stupidity. That said, I agree, more male force users would be nice but I didn't know Scourge is gay? When did we discover that?
  21. Is it worth it for a two minute cutscene with Scourge confessing his love for the Knight only to never heard from again?
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