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Everything posted by fishpeople

  1. Then it depends on the context concerning how it would be accomplished, the description from that picture for example would make sense to me. (A member of the Dark Council gathering an army of strong force users through unorthodox means.)
  2. At this point I think they're dead. My characters would have sought out the Commander to fight Arcann, so unless their frozen in carbonite too I'm going to assume they're dead.
  3. Can we go back to our past titles now that all eight classes are the Outlander? Can we even reference the other seven classes in the story at this point? (minus the one we're on.)
  4. Actually I was being serious. I think it would be easier to explain for Theron if Nathemas resurrection could effect organic life too as his body is already there on Nathema. Vaylin on the other hand? Her body is likely in the Odessen morgue or a bacta tank. Maybe Senya or a future villain would bring Vaylin's body to Nathema to exploit it's abilities should it b discovered it can heal fatal wounds?
  5. Is there a guide for the order of the uprisings? I would like to play them in order.
  6. That'll probably be how they bring back Theron if you left him to die on Nathema.
  7. Turning the eight class characters into the same character has been their biggest mistake. I'm not sure how or if they can turn us back into the characters we originally were at this point. I suspect we'll be the 'Commander' from here on regardless of where the story goes.
  8. At that point she and Scorpio were doing their own thing though, so you could argue Scorpio was having an effect of her too. She may have been convinced to turn her attention onto Valkorion if the player character hadn't be written to provoke her at every opportune moment. All the other redeemable dark side characters have 'seen the light' after experiencing or coming close to death. Dread Master Calphayus, for example, had the chance to be redeemed after being slain during the Dread Palace operation. There are quite a few lines of dialog which don't seem to fit with any character. Most people when talking about this subject and Vaylin instantly seem to look at it from a light side perspective. I'm not saying it's impossible but looking at a possible 'redemption' for Vaylin from a dark side angle would suit her better in my opinion. Darth Nox (mine anyway) would kill for an apprentice like Vaylin. I would just go with the Odessen computer and let people claim her as they wish. I wouldn't overturn any of KOTET though, I think it would be easier to continue from where it was left than rewrite a part of KOTET. If they ever give Odessen a daily area they could expand on her story, maybe she survived and has been hiding out ever since? Maybe a power-hungry Sith Lord has come along while we were on Zakuul and has recruited her? The possibilities are endless. As much as I despise them, I'll even take a two-minute cutscene with her making an appearance even if nothing follows from it.
  9. I think the only thing she wanted though a majority of KOTFE/ET was to kill Senya and maybe Arcann. I don't really see a light side option that would allow that. Then again "You're beyond redemption" never struck me as a LS choice, so maybe sacrificing Senya and Arcann for the 'greater good.' ? Valkorion probably wouldn't have been happy, but **** him. I still think your best bet is to ask for her to be added to the Odessen computer if they don't want to do anything story wise. Then maybe place her other appearance onto the LS/DS vendors. (Kotfe)
  10. All we really need is a better way to manage them.
  11. While it would have been nice to have a redemption option for Vaylin, I do tend to lean towards those who say it would be out of character for her. She doesn't really strike me as a character who could work with a light side persona. Then again I didn't think a Dread Master could be redeemed but Calphayus can be. Maybe a close encounter with death would turn Vaylin too? I do agree with the top post about Vaylin being a recruitable companion for dark sided players though. Vaylin would have probably got on a lot better than Arcann with someone who is just as crazy for bloodlust as her. I can't think of a scenario with Arcann who is on a quest for redemption in the eyes of the galaxy obtaining his goals with a dark side Outlander who has affiliated with the Sith Empire. ( Personally, I think Arcann was more interesting as a villain than this submissive role he's been pushed into now. ) Looking back at what content Arcann has got since the end of KotET, a two-minute cutscene in which he gives the player some armor and a brief conversation about sparing Theron for his actions while undercover. They could have just as easily done something similar for Vaylin but given it a darker tone. For example, instead of giving the player a prep talk about sparing Theron's life, she could have advised the Outlander to murder him as many ways as possible for betraying you.
  12. If they don't want to do the text anymore they should just have various concept art pieces take the place of the text.
  13. Some characters yes, some characters no. It all depends on the writing quality of the future stories, as of this moment I'm not really that hyped for the new imp vs pub war, if I had control over it my character would just walk away from everything and leave the galaxy to sort it's own mess.
  14. Yeah, some of them have a good reason for being dropped such as Vette's skin color. Of the top of my head, one I would have left in was Senya / Lana telling us we shouldn't split up for the Torian / Vette decision and the possible scene of Vaylin surrendering.
  15. This channel has videos of cut dialog for all the kotfe and koter chapters, Iokath and the three flashpoints. I haven't watched them all but there's all at that link.
  16. If a sizeable portion of the player base want to outright skip the previous two (three?) expansions you've worked on. Something has gone wrong.
  17. Three years on these expansions and now we can skip it all in less than three seconds. Bioware really screwed up on this.
  18. Have you seen the cut dialog they had planned for that chapter? They had Vaylin begging to the Outlander and Lana giving us a reason for why they shouldn't split up to save both Torian and Vette. If that was still in the game I would have killed her for that.
  19. Well the character I was on at the time was a LS Knight (I think), I saved a Dread Master, I saved the Sith guy on Tatooine, I tried to redeem what I thought was the Emperor and I saved Arcann, then when I get to the Vaylin fight the LS option I get is "You're beyond redemption." I'm not sure what they were going for during that scene but that's not how my Knight would have reacted to that, even if she had killed Torian or Vette.
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