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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. ... tank skills need to do something in pvp ? well lets see guarding a healer = win... aoe taunting reduces the dmg of a whole grp by 30%... do you people even think anymore ?


    The point is that you can do that while DPS spec and have almost the same survivability but more than double the damage due to Defense and Shield hardly working against anything other than weapon damage attacks which are in the minority.


    Did you even read the thread? He could have been clearer but still.

  2. The Vindicator set bonuses are better than War Leader, imo. And I played Tank Juggernaut from Valor rank 1-57, just testing the offensive trees for two days now, and I had a blast with my class...


    I was mostly Vindicator with Champ gear but using War Leader for Battlemaster, just changing the shielding stats for crit and surge. The set bonuses were ok but by no means a deal breaker.

  3. Still no reason to pick a tank for PVP as Sorcs have the best support tools in the game and is overall tankier due to elemental, internal, Tech damage ripping us apart!


    I hear you. There is zero reason for me to spec as a tank on my Jugg, pretty much the only thing i lose out on is a 40% damage reduction buff on a 3 minute cooldown and a few % internal damage resistance on the second last tier. Better just to spec DPS and run around in Soresu and have nearly the same survivability, be able to guard and taunt while actually being able to kill people.


    If the Shield and Defense stats were worth a damn i might but they're not. Even the PvP gear i've started just taking the tank set from Battlemaster and replacing the defensive stats with damage instead.

  4. Thank you for reminding me. I switched out my PSU earlier this year. Ive got a dell, and the case its in is very.... picky. The fan has to blow out the back. Most of the PSUs Ive looked at want to blow out the top, and my case simply wont allow for that, so I havent been able to find a larger unit yet than what I had. Ill have to take a look at that today while Im out. As of right now, i believe Ive got a 500w psu unit.


    As long as its a good 500w and not a crap one it should be ok for anything up to a 560ti, but it would depend on how good the PSU is as a poor one may only be 80% efficient for example and provide 400w even though 500w is on the label.


    A good 600W one would cover you for pretty much anything unless you planned on Sli/xfire in the future. Btw, most PSU's draw the air in from the top or bottom (depends how you mount it) and push it out the back of the case and not the other way round, even if you ended up with one that did it would be a two minute job to flip the fans inside.

  5. Definately not what i was expecting for the survivability buff and if i'm being honest its a pretty poor one considering the problem in that department is that most damage types almost completely bypass our armor and shields.


    Force push finishing the cooldown on our leap is a nice addition but not something i think we currently need, our mobility is already pretty good. I'd probably have preferred having force pull back again.


    DPS spec survivability (PvP and PvE) – The DPS specs on Guardian and Juggernaut are performing to our expectations when it comes to the ability to create damage, especially of the burst variety. However their survivability is lagging behind our expectations, especially in the later game, and we are going to start addressing that particular issue in an upcoming patch.


    This part in particular should be easy enough to address, let our armor count Vs damage types that we currently only have around ~13% resistance too, or even let us spec into more resistance to them. As things stand so many abilities hit us for almost the same as they do light armor users. I just hope they don't end up just adding another cooldown to the DPS trees.

  7. Heh i can do that very easy as a Rage juggernaut. Very easy with consumables and expertise stim/buff.


    6k Smash, 3k forcescream plus the damage from force charge and force crush. Execute with saber throw.


    Goes like this. Charge, Crush, force scream, smash, throw, dead.


    That's the consumables that are amazing and not really the classes own abilities, they are merely good (enough). Without consumables and against people in PvP gear we don't hit for nearly as hard. The way we all talk Rage up will eventually get it nerfed when it's the consumables that are OP and not us. If Bioware were to change anything about our damage in PvP i'd hope they have the sense to wait until the level 50 bracket that's on the test server gets implemented on live and gather data from both it and the <50 bracket before coming to any conclusions.


    My biggest gripe with the juggernaught is during PvP, PvE i think the class is almost fine bar missing a few tools the other tanks have, but our defenses really annoy me in PvP. Our heavy armour counts for so little against certain classes that use damage types we can get a mere 10% resistance. Ever wondered why Operatives and other classes hit us for as much as they do everyone else? That's because our armor rating mitigation isn't counted against their damage types and to make things worse both our Defense and Shield stats only work against attacks that do weapon damage meaning almost every ability in the game is completely unaffected by them, our two main means of mitigation no less. This is one of the reasons Powertechs seem so much better tanks to us, they don't seem nearly as powerful when on an alt, just more annoying thanks to grapple :p


    When playing as tank spec in PvP if our cooldowns are up we can be really hard to take down for 30 seconds every 3 minutes, but for those other 2.5 minutes we take almost the same damage as anyone else (more in some cases, looking at you spammable bubble), the only advantage we have then is the extra HP but non tanks have the option to gear for heavy HP also.

  8. A jugg uses shield gen and a relic also.



    I play a full tank lvl 50 PT and Juggs have better tanking in PVP.


    The grass is always greener... I play a 50 juggernaut and always think PT's are much better in PvP :p


    Have a little PT alt so hopefully will be able to compare properly in a week or two.

  9. Maybe you're just bad at playing the class?


    I'm always hitting 6-7 Medals in each warzone i do, and i'm only level 31, this is also as a shield tech.


    Not saying i agree or disagree with the OP but thats just a silly thing to say. Within the first minute of a match i usually have 4-5 medals when i play as tank spec on my characters from guarding whoever gets the ball first or being focused first. 6 or 7 medals is nothing to a tank.

  10. Ive been pretty lucky with the champ bags and only need the boots at this point but i still really detest them. The whole not knowing whether you will get an item or not really gets on my nerves and would rather have some system that meant i would know that i would be able to get x or y piece next week or the week after if i play well, even if it took me months to get all of them. Just something to work towards rather than it being purely pot luck.
  11. Think im gonna respec for rage right now... it just seems counter intuitive to me... wouldnt a marauder do it just as well if not better than us?


    Im lvl 47, just tried vengeance but have been all immortal since level 20 or so


    They do, but, it's only the difference between awesome and slightly more awesome damage. I can't remember the last time i lost a fight to a 50 Marauder as rage spec yet, but to be fair I don't really come across that many geared ones yet.

  12. Rank 52 and I am 3/5.




    57 and 4/5, can't really complain though considering almost all my slots are filled with PvP gear and the game is barely out a few weeks.


    Looking forward to the Battlemaster Bag Change when it hits live.

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