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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. In the vid in the OP you mention using Pacify to negate a Juggernaut's first built up Smash, unless i'm mistaken or missed something else you said it would only make them miss either the Force Leap or Obliterate as they are weapon damage meaning it wouldn't crit... if the dice roll favourably. It would still do the 100% extra damage and neither it nor force choke/force crush would miss.


    Just started a Sentinal as my other toons are becoming a bit boring with how easy they are, Jug is probably my favourite but never quite felt right so hopefully the Sentinal will have more enjoyment.

  2. Lastly, they are allowing you to remove the set mods from gear in, I think, 1.2. That may mean you can mix and match 2 item and 4 item bonuses. Whether this means you can get 2x4s or 1x2 and 1x4 from different sets, we will see.


    I'm pretty sure i read a comment that they were only going to allow them to be put into certain pieces, ie the armoring from a chest piece has to go into another chest piece. So unfortunately we won't be getting anything more than 2x2 or 1x4 if that holds true.

  3. I'll be sure to take some screenshots of my highest damage hits in my WZs from now on. I never saw the point since I assumed other equally geared Rage Juggs would be doing similar damage.


    I'm not saying that you don't see those numbers once in a while but i don't believe for one second they are your 'average' unbuffed and buffed hits with it. Unbuffed the skill didn't even hit for more than 3 to 4k ish on squishy targets with stacked surge before the surge nerf, even then it wasn't an average that's for sure. I only have the experience of my server where most are battlemaster/champion, you could possibly be fighting undergeared new 50s non stop for all i know, but there's also no way you 'average' 6 to 7k with buffed smash, once in a blue moon on someone new to the tier perhaps but i'd wager fully buffed it's more like 4ish to 5.5 with the occasional 6k as it is for me, i've hit one sorc for 6k recently... who was in a green robe.


    There's a difference between average and what you sometimes get. There's also a difference between remembering how things once were and how they are now ;)


    My average Nonbuffed Smashes are hitting for anywhere between 4500-5500 depending on if the enemy is a squishy or not. My average fully buffed Smashes hit for anywhere between 6000-7000. That 7400 Smash has been my only 7k+ Smash so don't think this regularly happens. I can get the 5k medal very easily and I am at the top of the total damage done chart in the majority of my WZs.



    I very much doubt the truth of this post and i say this as someone who has been a battlemaster Juggernaut since within the first few of weeks of the game's launch. Smash did not average 4500-5500 unbuffed even before the level 50 bracket was introduced even with extreme amounts of surge and there's no way your fully buffed smash's are always hitting for 6 to 7k in the game as it is now unless all you ever fight is fresh level 50 pugs in blue <50 gear.

  5. Most things were said already so I don't have to reiterate. But seriously, 550 exp and you are getting hit for 6k damage “regularly”??? Either this is a complete exaggeration or you face the same marauder in full BM thats a rage spec. But even then, wouldnt your gear just equal itself out? If he has equal to or close expertise, you shouldn't be getting hit for that amount.


    Either way, a 6k is anything but normal everyday amount of dmg per hit. To even do this move, you have to land a force jump, do a force choke/crush and let it tick the 4 full seconds, and THEN hit smash, which by the way, the AoE is only 5m, and is tricky to hit sometimes due to people constantly moving. The entire process will only even happen if no one else is attacking the marauder that is attacking you. The buff wears off after a short while, so we have to play smarter to even pull the combo off.


    You make it sound it's instant hit where it's anything but. It's also ONLY rage spec. With ALL these circumstances, is there really a problem with it? Many other classes can hit a couple of buttons in a quarter of the time and do the same amount of damage or more.

    It has to be, either that or he hasn't played since a good few patches ago. I do 4k ish pretty regularly on my Jugg and once in a while i'll see 5-6k+ which is usually in the middle of a clusterfrack so is probably against new 50's but i haven't seen 6 or 7k in quite some time.

  6. As a healer my max was 12 medals. Usually about 8. Hardest medal is one-on-one kill, coz i hardly ever can duel with someone.


    In a winning match of Huttball hang around the top at their side looking for a lone person coming out of the spawn then go down and fight them, perferably make them come down underneath the second ledge underneath the catwalks so others that spawn may not notice you mid fight, often when they do they'll keep going rather than jump down there in order to get to the ball or where the cluster **** is to go pad their dps with AoE. That's usually how i got the solo kill on my Sorc when heal spec'd, just beware of burst classes :p

  7. Pyro is not a ranged class...


    It's not melee either it's more close quarters. But this is just nit picking as i agree with your meaning, they still have to be in their faces as the melee abilities Rocket Punch/Stockstrike should be used every cooldown between Ion Pulse/Flame Burst while proc hunting which is only 10m anyway not giving much of a kiting gap. I die a helluva lot more without healers on my Vanguard than my ranged classes, is it as effective as those? Probably not but it would be close and is a helluva lot more fun to play.


    On the rare occasion the RNG gods favour the class it does seem on the recieving end as though they have massive burst but for the most part it's less than other classes can do.

  8. My Question is: Should i wait till patch 1.2 to open my 9 bags and play another toon or should i try my luck and open them?


    Patch 1.2 won't be here till sometime in march, it could be the end of march for all we know. It also could be delayed as is the nature of these things.

  9. If you pull one from a pack it will aggro the others regardless, perhaps you've seen others pull a mob that's not part of that pack but rather a wandering silver for example. In that case you have to make sure the pack doesnt have line of sight to the one you're pulling, otherwise they'll aggro.
  10. Dps Commando here I can't comment on which tank is easier to play or heal but I can say that on avg with the ones I've played with, I can unload harder on things Vith a VanG speedbumb before I'm in danger of stealing aggro. Just my opinion; your milage may vary.(pve perspective)


    We only ever do the 4 man hard modes so i wouldn't have a clue for Operations and assume they would be harder but that was the reason i would tank the 4 mans as DPS spec and throw on some tank gear on my Juggernaut as when going full tank spec DPS Assassins would constantly be pulling aggro from me (we have a limited group so dont have experience with other DPS classes being there). Granted i'm not much of a PvE'er but it was a bit silly how easy it was to lose aggro on it compared to a Powertech.


    One of the many reasons i'm currently leveling a Vanguard.

  11. At level 20 none of the trees will give you much of a noticable boost in damage during PvP, once you get to 30ish it will be worthwhile you trying out the Assault tree to see if that's more your cuppa tea though as by that point you'll be able to pick up a fair few useful talents.


    The shield tree only gives marginally higher survivability in PvP and it's more about Utility than anything else, personally i went up shield to Storm then started into the Assault tree at that point. Assault was fine on it's own about level 30 when i tried that spec but i missed things like the root on harpoon and storm.

  12. I think the moment you have enough points in Gunnery for grav round you should remove Charged Bolt and never touch the skill again.



    I also think that in end game you'll be spending any stationary time you have using grav round to keep the debuffs/buffs stacked using Full Auto and you won't want to waste that precious time with Charged Bolt even if it *did* do more damage.


    I know the thread is about PVE but thats a silly thing to do for anyone who even PvP's once in a blue moon. Charged bolts is your friend when people start spamming their interrupt on you, which they will do on a commando/trooper more so than any other class.

  13. Noticed this in the Q&A the other day too. I recently rolled a couple of Troopers as the Imp side was getting boring and it's the only class i've played that the mis-match in colors with the pieces was so obvious.


    Thumbs up from me.

  14. It happens on voidstar, premade with healers so I'm not respawning every 20 seconds.


    To be fair, 400k+ only tends to happen when both sides have decent healers.


    On the agreement side i detest fighting good geared PT/Vanguards on my sorc as they are just such a pain but on my juggernaut which is battlemaster geared i love ending up with 1v1's on them as they usually end up in a really good fight with me losing just as much as i win.


    Currently i've flipped sides and leveling a Commando with a mate on his sage but i'll be re-rolling Vanguard once it's 50 (regretted choosing commando early on, but i like to stick with things till they're done). I already have a Powertech at 28 ish i think and they really are crap in the mid levels, but i know what beasts it and it's counterpart are at 50 and the specs/gear are filled out.

  15. I don't know if any of you quite realise just how boring a sorc is to play, it was my first alt to get to 50 and i couldn't have been happier than when it hit that level. Then i could shelf it. Well played Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight were pretty much the only classes i would have to work against to win, many a time i would be ripped a new one by a well played marauder for example but other classes were pretty much a joke, even operatives who got the jump.
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