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Everything posted by Janglor

  1. And if you and several friends played the game for the sole purpose of pvping together, would you be happy with that being the only PvP you partook in? Its literally just parsing numbers 4v4 Team Death Match.
  2. Have you ever actually done a large quantity of ranked PvP?
  3. And if they only intended people to que up solo in regs, they wouldnt allow you to que regs in a group. Crazy how that logic carries over huh?
  4. The level of autism in this game is tooo stronk. I normally run with a "premade" of sorts in regs (3-5 RL friends in the guild Stop Resisting on Harb), we do so because we all prefer objective based PvP over constant 4v4 TDM on the same small maps. This is an MMO, the point is to play with other people. Find yourself a guild. Or continue to cry on the forums about some **** that will never be changed, either way. Stop Resisting.
  5. Janglor

    Pub On Harbinger

    Havent played in about a month until tonight, played imp side and won 11 or 12 in a row as a two man (Janglor, Kachina). Switched over pub side, so far we've won our first 3 matches. But there are definitely a lot of ****** selfish players pub side, probably got that way from being owned too many times.
  6. For every one verified case of hacking you have 100,000,000 cases of Mad Cuz Bad players accusing hacks due to being horrible. I regularly get accused of speed hacking in huttball/queshball because we run two maras. Though when the playerbase cant figure out bolster after 5 years none of this is surprising.
  7. I'm going to take a wild shot in the dark and say you are mainly que'ing up by yourself? Because the matches you dont like are dominated by premades. I love those matches as I mainly run with friends. Find a group to run around with, and suddenly huttball is fun as hell.
  8. Janglor

    New Idea

    Half the ranked PvP community is from APAC, if you do a single major server half the population has terrible ping.
  9. Sorc heals is heavily over-tuned currently, but PTs? Focus and they melt.
  10. Either 10/10 troll, or full retard. Too close to call on this one.
  11. At this point, it would be a shorter list to explain all of the good and useful things a random PUG group accomplishes on the daily.
  12. We need better mobility to stay on target as a dps in ranked, but it isnt that bad. You can still dominate regs as a jugg.
  13. Its been 12exp all summer, once it stops nobody will be grinding any new toons with the new free 60. If you break brackets up, those que's will literally never pop. Ever. Even on Harb.
  14. Healing sage, Veng Jugg, Tactics Vangard. All are relatively easy. I know because I casual them to victory every weekend.
  15. If you're a clicker as a tank in ranked, you're gonna have a bad time.
  16. Hard to go wrong with a sorc currently, especially their heal spec. I have no idea what I'm doing and regularly drop 3.5-4k hps just facerolling my keyboard.
  17. I see it constantly in this game. I've played both factions on multiple servers as a plethora of different classes. I dont know how many times I've seen a team stacked with what I consider some of the best players in the game (LukeWarm for example) lose matches because they wont guard or just parse the **** out of scrubs on the middle node. Though I think some of that comes from the ranked players just dicking around in regs. I think the focus of SwTor PvP being on ranked, and ranked just being a TDM arena encourages focusing on your numbers instead of winning.
  18. Are you new here? This PvP community is so drained of good players that the majority of whats left call hacks or cry for nerfs the instant they lose. I got accused of speed hacking in huttball yesterday on my juggernaut due to Amaste being in my group on a mara running predation.....
  19. I feel like the OP was the victim of a few 6-0 beatings by Duck/Janglor. Get gud scrub. Mad Cuz Bad.
  20. Janglor

    Sorc Heals in PvP

    Yeah, earlier today on my Sorc I slammed my face off my keyboard for an entire match and only managed 3k hps. Plz buff.
  21. Its player population in ranked. Hard to put you with all high ranked players when there are only 8 people in the que total.
  22. Sure, ill get my two tank two healer ranked team ready in the meantime.
  23. If I load into a regs match, and see 3 or more people in PvE gear I'm bailing. No reason to subject myself to that headache.
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