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Everything posted by Janglor

  1. Janglor

    Please explain

    You'll find out quickly that ranked ratings are an ugly mix of luck, who you know, and timing. I've had match on match on match of 3v4, 2v4, afk guys, trolls in pve gear or no gear at all, and last but not least the guys who join without an advanced class just to be the worst kinda person.
  2. I play this game once a week and regularly top the scoreboards as a melee.....just lrn2play
  3. I have yet to see a single verified case of "hacking" or "exploiting" in PvP in this game. Though I have seen an outrageous number of madcuzbad calling hacks when they get rolled hard and dont understand focus fire.
  4. I had two matches with two tanks, that in a combined 4 rounds had 0 protection and didn't guard anyone. When asked if they would guard the healer they responded "dont tell me how to play the game" and "go f*ck yourself" respectively. Then in the third match a new level of helpful. A guy who was level 60 without an advanced class. It just had the hand symbol and said "jedi consular." He immediately charged in and died both rounds, guaranteeing our loss...... finishing with a 0 in every category outside of deaths. This must be the TOR God's version of the Book of Job....
  5. No one is going to watch your entire 10 minute video.
  6. It doesnt matter if the brackets are more balanced if the que never pops. You can barely get a pop now, split it up more and it'll never happen.
  7. A DPS with taunts (PT/Jugg/Sin) and a solid healer. If both teams have competent healers its pretty much an endless draw if the opposing teams DPS can peel worth a d@mn. We had a little 2on2 dueling tournament Sunday night on Harbringer, more sparring really, and anytime two good healers faced off it was just a forever battle. Tank/Healer was even worse, guaranteed stalemate.
  8. People cry too much, you're correct in that. But telling people to suck it up and deal with other classes being OP lets the dev team off the hook for being god f*cking awful at class balance as well.
  9. We should all thank Gladias for keeping the ToR business plan alive with those transfer costs lol.
  10. Whats most ridiculous is the influence the first 10 games played have on your rating. They matter as much as the next 100.
  11. I rarely play long enough in a season to get maxed gear in this game, I just min max my 168's throw on some augments and eat people alive.
  12. They need min-maxing to be "grindy" because there is absolutely NO pvp content in this game besides grinding out your gear....
  13. Ranked gear really isnt much different from basic PvP gear, my Jugg has almost no ranked and I regularly roll people in ranked gear.
  14. Its not a bug, why does everyone always assume its a bug or something wrong with the game? You're just a noob....
  15. I have played this game a solid amount on the Harbringer, on both sides, and several other servers at/around launch. I can honestly say that I have yet to see a SINGLE case of verified speed hacking in all my time in warzones, which is enough to have multiple characters above 70 valor. I have however seen about 5,000 cases of bad players with god awful interwebz connections crying about speed hacking, mainly because they are MadCuzBad.
  16. Are you using your interrupt on her heals? If you are targeting a healer who is guarded and not interrupting a significant percentage of their heals they can just face tank you, especially if they have off heals from another in their group.
  17. Powertech isnt really all that survivable unless you go tank. But dat burst doe.
  18. As someone who plays both sides, whatever you are facing you will think is "only interested in playing FotM" because you notice what advanced classes they are more frequently than your teammates since they are killing you repeatedly. Players on both sides constantly stack whatever is good, because they want to win. Neither side has any moral high ground on which to stand.
  19. People be takin the PvP in this casual PvE game on a casual PvE server like its rathr srs bizness.
  20. Kind of a dick move to create a ton of characters with names you dont even plan to play just so others have to pay you for them....
  21. They are interesting statistics for sure, but many conclusions could be drawn. On Merc for example, instead of drawing the conclusion that they are performing decent considering they are mainly in the middle, you could also conclude that the only people still willing to take that punishment in ranked are the die-hard guys who love the class and choose to keep playing it.
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