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Posts posted by metalfenix

  1. :rolleyes: No Sam. Dropping from well over 4 M average price the last week to under 3 M today.


    You can go back to sleep now. ;)


    I've seen bigger price rise and drops before in the harbinger, I bought one 20 days ago at 2.4 mill, and I've seen some of them at 5 mill afterwards. Prices rise and drop very sharply on this server all the time.


    The CM dyes haven't affected the prices on harbinger at all, at least wait until they appear on it ;)

  2. Personally, I think they are giving players time to unload the ones they possess from dye packs.. because once these hit there will be a new floor price on the GTN for these two dyes and it will be much lower then people are used to. I could be wrong.. but that's what I would do.. to tamp down some of the rage when the prices fall off sharply on the GTN.


    I've already seen the pack dyes in B/B and W/W dropping in price today on Harbinger.


    lol yeah, dropping from 3 mill to 2.8 mill. weeee, what a drop :rolleyes:

  3. No it wasn't. 99% of us had to form a group of 4 people looking for the part because nobody who took the game seriously enough to do a HK-51 search actually played 50 SM"s back then.


    Well, good luck now. Before you had a larger pool of people to do it with, now it's just like colicoid war games, you'll get lucky if you get a pop up on any 50 SM, especially at the speed wich one can level from 50 to 55.

  4. Good evening. I'm sure most of you are aware of who I am, but if not please allow me to introduce myself...


    I'm Sir Copperfield. I'm a Gaming Legend who has been playing MMO's since 1995. Now that the introductions are over, let's get onto business.


    Any true gamer will tell you. The scoreboard matters. Rankings. Stats. You name it. This is why I need there to be a leaderboard for the achievement points. The only stipulation I have is this. Keep the PVE servers separate from the real servers. I don't think I, as a PVP player, should be lumped together with carebears from PVE servers. It's obviously easier to get achievements on carebear servers.


    I have almost 12,000 achievement points and I am pretty sure that I am the leader by far. However, I don't want to be "pretty sure". I want to be sure. Give me some rankings, Bioware.


    0/10, but keep at it bro. Someday you'll make it.

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