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Posts posted by metalfenix

  1. I play a lvl 39 toon, on republic side on the harbinger server, and I must say..some days we get good teams, other times the imps are better, funny thing is is always extremes here: pub side very bad, or imp side very bad, and some evenly matches, but not so much. I don't regret to do WZ on my pub character.


    Of course, that was my experience on 10-29 bracket and 30-54 bracket, don't know how 55 ranked and unranked is like.

  2. I'm not entirely sure we should add droids as a race (much less a class). To begin with, I cannot imagine a droid using the force, so it would be limited to be troopers/smugglers/BH/agents? and we already have the cyborg race, wich bioware messed up bad, real bad. Do you think they can do it better with a droid race?
  3. Being able to roll away and get into cover, so as to be unable to be leapt to or pulled, isn't something you take advantage of? As far as I am concerned, being a pretty devoted arena player, this is a gigantic nerf to scoundrel/op survivability.


    Well,to be fair, my scoundrel is only level/valor 37, and this my first shot, both with scoundrel class and pvp...When I read about this weeks ago it made no sense to me, by just crouching, to have such inmunities like the gunslingers with an energy shield. I eventually may have used it, but I'm glad I didn't get used to it :rak_04: . As sawbones healer, we have too many powerful tools, this one seems a bit OP for me.


    Now well, seeing my dps fellas, they definitely NEED this, and seeing this from this POV, yes, is a gigantic nerf.

  4. Most wz I saw operatives outheal mercs in 1.5-2x times at least. It must be fixed. Operatives unkillable indeed - except rage maras. Mercs need some love.


    Man, their numbers are behind...because...they can't heal at all.


    Sorcsages being really squishy, and having a tight force management, and mercmandos because they have to put up with the CC/stun/interrupt fest.


    People don't seem to understand that even if you nerf 20% the HPS of scouperatives, we still have the lead because we actually manage to heal a bit on wz/arenas. In PvE, where sorcssages and mercmandos don't have to put up with the CC/stun/interrupt pvp festival, they put amazing HPS numbers, and sorcsages are actually the healer kings of operations.


    Even though, I've seen some very skilled commando healers on warzones, that put my healing numbers on shame, I admire those guys. whenever I see a mando healer on my team, I always cross heal with him to help.

  5. Because scoundrels aren't better than commandos at pve healing also?


    They are very far ahead in both pve and PVP.


    I did not suggest any mechanics changes, to keep the flavour of the classes. I do agree with hammer shooting yourself though. With that and the 10%'s I suggested, both PVP and PVE would be more balanced for healers.


    See this is why they have done nothing. What ever they did people would moan. That free biscuit is not my favorite type if biscuit, it's an outrage!!!

    ....and, wrong again.


    Mercmandos are behind of everything!! not only scouperatives, the heat/ammo management is awful, we are not very mobile healers, but nerfing the HPS of scouperatives is NOT the solution. And guess what class is the first choice for ops? newsflash for you buddy: the sorcsages, even though their force management is a bit tight, heals like salvation make them gold for the progression teams, even more than scouperatives. 2 sages on an op= success on PvE.


    Even with that, mercmando healers are not very behind on PvE, it just take a lot more skill to do than scouperatives or sorcsages. They can do well on an op, specially if paired with sorcsages, and we can find op teams that may bring two mandos to NiM content. There is a little balance in PvE right now with the 3 types of healers.


    And you say you don't wanna change the mechanics...if precisely the problem with mercmandos is the awful and unforgiving mechanics! the first and main, it's their energy management, and the second is the interrupt hell they suffer on PvP. Sorcsages have survival issues on arenas, so bioware have to work with that too.

  6. Thank god you are not a dev.


    All scoundrel/operative healing reduced by 10%


    And still, we have our free heals,HOTs, talents that grant UH below 30%, AoE heals and two good DCDs


    All commando/merc healing increased by 10%


    And yet, they still will be stunned/knockbacked/interrupted by the other classes, a free heal with a long cooldown, barely throwing one medical probe (all the rest being kolto bombs) and two DCDs wich have a cooldown time nowhere near scouperatives. and let's not mention hammershot, AKA "focus me first" skill.

  7. I feel indifferent. the only good thing about the changes is the boost on armor (or something like that) tha tankassasins/shadows will get, making them less spikey on PvE.


    The changes on scoundrel are useless. I don't see the dps using quick shot unless they give it a gigantic boost, and the nerf....maybe it was intended for sawbones, but it hurts more the dps trees of op/scoundrels, making them less survivable. as a sawbones, I rarely use cover on PvP. maybe I only used it once.


    No changes to commando/merc healing to bring them up for op/scoundrel or sorc/sage healing.


    At least I should be glad that the nerfhammer weren't so strong this time for sawbones, I was expecting them to transform scoundrel into an useless advanced class with the upcoming nerfs.

  8. They added more ways to get upper hand and reduced energy costs in a class that has always been considered one of the best pvp healers. The 30% is not what makes them viable, its what makes them broken on top of the fact that they never have to spend any energy. Emergency medpac should not regrant upper hand at 30%, especially since it costs ZERO energy.


    But the healing of emergency medpack is not high, if my energy is below 30%, and I'm focused by 1 or 2 dps (with 3 I'm dead), I won't use only Emergency medpack to H2F, I would use a wz medpack, Underworld medicine or the AoE heal. It may look like we H2F using this skill, when in fact, we have to use the other skills to survive.

  9. It's funny how tanks get so little credit. I play Smash and Combat, and can count at least a 100 times where a tank saved his friends *** by taunting them right before Force Sweep or Bladestorm. Funnily enough, the tank will only ever have a single MvP vote. :rolleyes:


    You put a guard on me, and you'll have my scoundrel healer following you like a rabid fan all around the warzone healing like a green battery, and a MVP vote from me.

  10. think that's a good idea! mix and match abilities and skills, tho their benefits depends on how you level that skill.. oh, wrong game.. that other cooler game :rak_03:


    I've just imagined the god healer using this: The Stealth, HoTs and insta heals from the scoundrel, salvation and bubbles from the sage, and hammershot+ kolto bomb from commando ...the ultimate frankenstein healer! :rak_03:

  11. I'm currently in the same situation, I'm playing with my lvl 35 scoundrel healer (this is the very first character I try on PVP), and I don't know yet if I get focused always because: a) I'm rolling a scoundrel healer, b) I can be relatively annoying,c) because I'm a squishy 35 midbie or d) I'm a baddie.


    Most of times, I tend to think is the d) one lol, oh well, someday I'll learn.

  12. I have a lvl 35 scoundrel, who I'm using to do unranked matches. what are the most recommended relics for a scoundrel healer in PvP once I get to 55? (yeah, I know, scouperatives suck and all that....) . I'm still a noob on this PvP business.


    And no, fortunately I don't do 55 PvP yet, so I'm out of the relic mess of the past week.

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