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Posts posted by metalfenix

  1. The only thing that prevents me from starting those macrobinoculars - seeker droid quests is precisely the H4 at the end, and how hard is to get a group for them. Is not as easy as a regular daily H4, it's a trouble even in a crowded server like the harbinger
  2. 1 energy cell!!!!!!!! Holy sith!!!!!!


    Get out of my mind! how you dare to write exactly what I thought lol. :D


    Seriously, a reduction of 1 energy cell??? I would prefer to augment 1 cell and do more damage. This will be fun, I use a lot the pulse cannon on my trooper healer (and flamethrower on my merc healer) when I solo fight.

  3. I must be the worst Marauder to ever play SWTOR. I'm a Watchmen Sentinel dressed in a mixture of Interstellar Privateers, Troublemaker and Columi Smuggler gear with an eye patch to boot. I never pull adds, interrupt anything I can, CC anything I can and avoid aoe effects on the ground like the plague.



    I'm just going to go fall on my dual overloaded sabers now...


    Shame on you! how you dare to be a decent dps that use common sense? blasphemous!

  4. I'm not sure how this is turning into a manhood measuring contest between healers and tanks, but I'd say my healing companion (admittedly, in full 72s) is significantly better at his job than a good chunk of pug healers (except meltdown and lost island, with their companion eating aoe, the flashpoints can be easily cleared with a companion healer).


    Try to bring a healer companion to the Athiss final boss and you'll see yourself wiped in a matter of seconds :)

  5. These missions give less reputation than the henchmen ones and almost same credits. besides the achievements, there is no incentive for me to do them. I read somewhere that in the PTS the kingpin mission gave purple item, I still don't know why they changed it. I agree with the suggestions of buffing it, and improving the reward.


    I'll pass them as they are now.

  6. My biggest gripe is the kingpin missions. What is the use of them? from what I've seen, they only serve towards the achievements. They give LESS reputation than the henchman ones (only 1 blue rep item), 3 basic comms (versus 2 of the henchman ones), and the credit gain is only 2K more than the henchman missions.


    At least they could give us purple rep items or something for doing the kingpin missions.

  7. Agreed with the sentiment that it has been a bit too hectic in there this week. During this morning's maintenance we made a behind the scenes configuration change to reduce the number of players per instance here, to help make things a little better until the novelty and rush dies down a bit.


    Good to know, I'll check it out today

  8. If I see someone is not at 100 I usually throw something cheap and instant on them. Outside of that I expect them to take care of themselves.

    My duty as healer is to keep everyone alive during combat, not to keep all bars at 100.

    If a healer heals you out of combat then lucky you. But know the difference between the healer's duty and the task you want the healer to do.


    This, and very much this. On my commando (and future merc) I constantly use hammershot outside of combat (I can be a bit annoying at times) but don't expect a medical probe or advanced medical probe outside of combat just because you don't want to use your regen.

  9. Are you really defending the clutterfest of the new daily area with the excuse of the Open world pvp? there are better designed pvp areas, like outlaw's den or ilum's contested area. This is just a very small area with lots of objectives, not a true intent to bring your fabled OW PvP to life. Hell, there are no PvP daily missions for the czerka area to begin with!


    Bioware could, at least, speed up the spawn rate of the kolto and toxic cans (specially kolto ones).

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