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Posts posted by metalfenix

  1. It's simple - if a dps is healing in a raid - they will not meet the DPS mark. If a DPS is trying to be a tank in a raid - he will be instantly removed . This game has only three Roles - TANK, DPS, HEALER - there is no hybrid role - no support role - there is no raid encounter that requires dps to off-heal or off- tank or off-anything. As it stand snipers and marauders bring more utility then these so called support dps/healers do.


    Also some advice, if you're asking/making your dps off-heal or off-tank - I suggest you replace your tank and healer because they fail at playing star wars.


    This, and 10000 times this.

  2. Well, gunslingers/snipers don't have the shield generators that the 3 tank classes have in offhand, and there is the issue of the cover screen. alternate ways could be worked, like moving shields, even more defensive CDs than juggs or assasins ...but can you imagine bioware reworking the entire class, adding mods with cunning+ endurance+the other tank stats?


    And sents could be similar to sorcs, but sorcs have their sabers almost like an ornament, would you like to see the sents having 2 sabers and not using them?


    I like the idea in the beginning, but it involves an ammount of work that I don't see bioware taking. In fact, I see them doing new classes than reworking sents/maras and slingers/snipers this much.

  3. For my mercenary healer, I'm rocking the patcheye + 505 hands+ covert torso energy armor + 505 leggings + imperial huttball uniform boots + those blaster carbines from the BH event. He looks like a freaking cyborg mercenary.


    For my trooper healer, I'm using a standard trooper top dyed with black-black + red scanner eyewear + 505 leggings + imperial huttball uniform boots + primordial besh assault cannon. The theme is a crippled soldier with one leg restored cybernetically.


    I'm loving the new armor sets since june.

  4. Probably this is the BEST armor set I've seen from bioware in the present year, I use the leggings on my trooper (along with the classic trooper chest) and he looks like a war hero that crippled his leg and had to be replaced by a cybernetic one, how cool is that? In my mercenary, I'm planning to use 505 leggings+ 505 hands + covert energy armor.


    I encourage the OP's suggestions, and as some said before, it's a lousy workaround to have a real cyborg body, but it works, so more variety is needed.

  5. Looks kinky.


    My exact thoughts. Maybe I'll get it in the future :D


    BTW, I love how my trooper looks like with the unfettered trenchcoat and the 505 series leggings...looks like a cyber perv or something lol XD

  6. There's a carbine in the bounty hunter association broker, you need friend status to get it.


    It counts as a pistol.


    It doesn't have a stock, so it looks and acts like an obscenely large pistol.


    This, and my mercenary looks really bad-*** with both of them. :rak_03:

  7. Did the czerka dailies after the patch, and I was pleasantly surprised. the kolto and poison tanks have shorter respawn timers, the rats at last don't give the annoying fever! these little tweaks made the czerka dailies more enjoyable.


    And it's good to see the glass of the kolto tank (the recovery item from the CM) finally fixed. looks good now.

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