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Posts posted by metalfenix

  1. I always like to learn boss mechanics in spot, and surprise me for the attacks, trying to think strategies and so on...but it seems like a single-player mindset, in a MMO, my failure dying affects the whole team (specially me being a healer). Me screwing up= team wiping. I always warn beforehand when I come across a FP for the first time but not everyone is up to explain boss mechanics so I have to read sometimes guides for FP. The last one I read was Foundry HM (in dulfy's site), to check what's changed and make sure I have some strategies beforehand. Being my VERY FIRST HM, I didn't wanted to screw up. And I did it well, we only had one wipe at the optional boss, and we got the matriarch on the second try.


    The guides are very useful, specially for HM FP, wich I know beforehand. I dunno Operations though, I never raided, it stress me A LOT to even think to heal 8-16 people.


    EDITED TO ADD: Some people will rage quit even in SM FPs when you don't know (or remember if you haven't played for a while) the battles ahead.

  2. DC Universe Online


    You can pick a color palette of 3 different colors. You pick these colors from a color wheel.


    Then you have on each armor piece (btw the look of the armor is independent from the stats but you have to acquire the armor piece to unlock the 'style') THREE areas of the piece that can be individually colored with the 3 color palette you picked out earlier. Now here's the best thing - you can not only switch which color in your palette effects which armor part ON THE FLY but also which color is in your three color palette - you guessed it - on the fly.


    Also you're not paying for a single color because again - color wheel.


    This, so much this. DCUO have the best customization system out there, and there is no need to cash out for dyes, or look for them on the AH there.

  3. I Have a intel core i7 930@2.80ghz

    12gb Memory running win 7 64 bit

    Nvidia 460


    and guess what no issues other than some frame latency is some of the same areas others have but overall game runs fine maybe your system is broken and needs a tune up...


    by the way if you read my past threads i am far from being a fanboi for this game or any other sounds to me you are just looking to make excused to anyone who might say something different than you that the motive is fan based maybe you should not even post if all you plan on doing is attacking.


    Your setup is EXACTLY like mine, so much that is scary, even the ram ammount. and yeah, I haven't noticed big changes since I last played 4 months ago. Maybe the fleet suffers from low FPS, but it's fine for me, most of my issues are mostly caused by my third world internet connection.

  4. I understand you, I'm back after a 4 month break, and boy, the game have changed. for example, it wasn't until today that I realized that there is an universal planetary comm, and have a cap (wich I'm getting close), and this achievement things...even my favorite class, operative, has changed since 2.0. I feel like a newbie lol
  5. This is why I'll wait to 2013 when nobody cares about HK-51, to get him. Surely outlaw's den will be abandoned again by that time.


    Today, I was levelling on tatooine (imp side, harbinger server), and it seemed that the pubs decided to camp right there, and the rage of the people trying to get to that vendor was noticeable on chat. lol I can bet that these pubs (or imps that do it too) would be crushed over on a pvp server, but they prefer to gank on a server filled mostly with people who don't pvp :rolleyes:

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