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Posts posted by metalfenix

  1. lvl 23 is not horribly overleveled for taris, in fact, if you ask in general chat for a group, you would get it (I know this. my current commando healer got to lvl 24 before we finished taris and I managed to do all the heroics there). Finish the side quests, even the bonus series, and for the love of god, get elara asap. she will help you no matter if you are a tank or dps.


    btw, you use GF for finding groups on planets? I never used it for that since it came out.

  2. Yup, an SIS agent and an imperial trooper stories would be nice. Regarding weapons, they could re-use the existing troopers weapons for imp troopers, and the smugglers/agents weapons for SIS agents.


    I know this could be part of an entire expansion (total new story, new class balance, voice actors for every race....), but hell, I would pay for it.

  3. I approve this idea. I still cannot understand how the jedi council didn't kick my jedi out of the order at the moment he reached dark I, let alone a fully Dark V Jedi facing the final boss of jedi knight story.
  4. deck your alt with some makeb mods, and do the event everyday with your main and alts. You can get double of rep if you do the even with two toons. and when you reach newcomer, you can get a quest that gives you a purple gree relic worth a lot or rep.


    TL;DR: start to do this event with every +50 character you have. At least you'll have the friend rep level assured

  5. everytime I step on the contested area, I know I'll be ganked by everyone and his grandma, so whenever I try to do these mission, I try to join a group of 3 or 4. and then usually the ganks stop to minimum, and when there is a bored group of pvp people (who think they are better by ganking people with no WZ gear) camping the pylons, we just change instances.


    When I get a group, I get the pvp quests done. a pvp area is a pvp area and everything goes.


    My only complaint is about jerks that flag people aganist their will outside the pvp area. but inside, it's all or nothing.

  6. You are still missing the point. I shouldn't have to worry about being flagged while doing exactly what I described, especially when there is a way to stop it from ever happening In the first place. And my point is still valid because blame is being placed on the victim here as well as in my example which is what the whole point of that example was. Onus should not be placed on the offended player to avoid being briefed, the onus should be on the offending player and ultimately Bioware to stop it from happening.


    This, and 100000 times this.


    As a healer, to keep my team alive, I won't hesitate to use kolto bombs or the green puddle thing that sorcs use to help my team to stay alive, as a tank, abandoning AoE moves on fights like the robots on the heroic gree mission could mean losing threat and maybe lead to the wipe of the team, even the dps should not be forced to tone down their damage just because a lowlife flagged as pvp jumps on line of fire to flag us and screw all the mission (had this happen to me once).


    Sorry, but no, I don't buy your "play more carefully" petty excuses. As long as you don't heal, guard or buff someone who is flagged for pvp (or enter in an pvp area) you should not be flagged as pvp.


    You want pvp? go into the contested area or do warzones, or better yet, re-roll in a pvp server, where you can be ganked all the time.

  7. players who exploit this on pve servers are just scum and cowards who don't have the guts and skill to roll on a pvp server and play aganist the big boys.


    And bioware should have done something about this LONG AGO. Now being the harbinger the most populated server, they can expect more people complaining about this.

  8. lol, I enter this thread and I see how 55s are glorified ... when in other threads people complain about 55s on greens or with 44-46 mods :D Just FYI OP, you can easily get to 55 just like getting to 50 pre 2.0 , not everybody will get a full set of makeb mods just in time when you hit 55 and most people will be stuck with the pre-50 gear. I don't think you can get too far on kaon or lost island SM with pre-50 gear.


    Besides, some FPs are mandatory on story, like battle of Ilum and false emperor on ilum questline. people will have to enter the HMs just to finish these? or do the False emperor HM to get the HK part?


    Of course, these FPs might be soloable for people with 69/71 mods, but if you think that every 55 player is like that....:rolleyes:

  9. Can you not check the level of the people in the group before you accept the que? If you don't like the level why accept.


    They should be allowed to run them if they wish and maybe using group finder is the only way they can do it. They may not know anyone to run them with.


    It's not like they are hiding the level from anyone.


    I totally agree, if you don't like the group, decline the GF screen. Besides, many people get to 55 in Voss/Corellia (I did on my last toon, my jugg tank) and may not have all the makeb mods on their gear, so a few runs on fps like D7, Battle of Ilum or even false emperor may be in order. Besides, I don't think is that easy to do SM Kaon, or Lost Island even with 2 55s.


    And consider this: On Ilum you have to go through the Battle of Ilum and false emperor fps. Do you actually expect that people have to go through the HM versions? It's bad enough to do Foundry HM just to get the HK piece.


    Of course, OP don't see this since he don't have RotH Expansion. The people who should be stopped from doing the SM fps are the people with gear over 63, but many fresh 55s actually don't even have a single piece of 58, let alone 61 and over stuff.

  10. I don't feel comfortable with that idea. A lot of moves are tied to particular weapons, and replacing it with another animation of the substitute weapon is too weird to me. I can't imagine a commando throwing his healer ray from a sniper rifle, or a diagnostic scan (from an operative) using a assault cannon healing beam.


    It's just too weird for me, sorry, I can't support this idea.

  11. Hi! I've just got a Primordial assault cannon besh. and it looks awesome on my commando healer, but whenever I enter a cinematic, there is a strange glitch on the cannon: there is a noticeable gap between the cannon and the rest of the weapon, and looks really strange. This only happens on cinematics though.


    Hey bioware guys, I'm surprised how this weapon was released without being tested on actual cinematics (and let's face it: they are like Sniper's rifles: hard to hide) on commandos. Any fix soon?


    here are a couple of screenshots:






    Edited to add: This issue also happens on the other version of the weapon: Primordial Assault Cannon.

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