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Posts posted by metalfenix

  1. Just please, put a guard on us (this is from a healer) they will be very thank ful for that.


    God, I get guarded more often on PvE FPs and heroics, than in regular warzones.

  2. What's the best use for the reg WZ comms while levelling 1-54? My scoundrel healer is getting near the cap, and he is only 28 (it's fun to play scouperative healers from the scratch, without the free heals it's a real challenge). what should I do? buying lowbie pvp gear? (people told me with bolster pvp lowbie gear is unnecessary) or transform it into ranked wz comms? I don't worry about conqueror gear yet, since my valor is at 19 by now.


    Just trying to learn the pvp ropes as I go, this the very first time I dedicate some time to pvp.

  3. It's cool that you're willing to deal with extreme wait times, but I disagree that it's fair to make everyone on all servers suffer these waits, because a smaller portion of people only want to do certain warzones.


    Then we'll be talking in circles, because I don't find fair that people have to endure 4v3 or 4v2 matches because 1 or 2 left the match because that wasn't the type of WZ they had been expecting.


    Now, this problem has been around for a LONG time, but affects a lot more the arenas, since one quitter affects a lot the team.

  4. I think the point is that if you give people the choice, they will be picky. However, if you consolidate the queues, the picky people will be more willing to give whatever map comes up a chance. Of course, there's the exception you mentioned regarding quitters, but they're probably in the minority, not the majority.


    Choice = Good

    Extreme Wait Times = Bad


    What you call "picky" for me is freedom of choice. People will actually go to the WZ they want, and probably you will end with better teams up there. And what you call "choice" for me is forcing random WZ wich may not be the one you like.


    I'm not telling that they should eliminate the random big queue, on the contrary, they should keep it, and give more comms as an incentive to do them (kinda like PvE GF, or some daily or weekly mission for PvP), but they should add the possibilty for joining the types of matchs we like.


    Choice = Good (on that we agree, pity that we seem to disagree on the actual choice)

    Extreme Wait Times = good if we get an actual team that play as intended, and not just to stay there quiet waiting for the WZ to end to get the comms, or just quitting at the beginning of the match.


    The extreme waiting queues can't be worse than the ones of PvE GF...but well, if we keep with this system, we'll have to deal with quitters almost all the time, and you can't blame them.

  5. what's the point of "faster" queues if you'll end up playing a 4v3 game, or might end with quitters on old warzones (for people who want arenas)?


    The whole idea of putting together all the queues on PvP is absurd. do something similar to PvE GF, give a daily comm reward for choosing to queue a random WZ between all (yeah including arenas) and let people queue for individual types of matchs (like for example, only for huttball, or only arenas).


    Another idea would be, stay with the current comm rewards for each game, and give higher comm rewards for those who try their luck at random between all the pvp matches.

  6. There is a quick shortcut to make something similar done with the GTN:


    Open a new search feature, by vendor. For example, all the goods sell by my toon, koltowolf'raf , we put his name on the text box and bam, all the enhancements, crafting materials, armors, etc...he is selling.


    This could be done without too much hassle.

  7. yeah, if you mention the server you are on, we might be able to help ya (and yeah, general chat is an HORRIBLE place to ask for a LGBT friendly guild, even asking for an hispanic-spanish talking guild might get you on some nasty comments there). The better thing is to ask directly or search here on forums.


    At least on my server, The harbinger, I know two LGBT guilds on pub side: One is Rough Trade (mentioned by a poster before), good guys, I belonged to that guild past year, but I had to quit the game some months afterwards, and Stonewall council, wich is the guild I have my merc and mando healer, but currently is mostly deserted (I think it was most of our members went to FF XIV).


    On Imp side, you can look for Rogh Trade's guild version, Taint (or tainted, I can't remember).

  8. I was always confused about governor saresh, and her "prominent" role afterwards, even more confused after I did the BH story (I would enter serious spoilers if I try to explain myself), it was good to see this thread and do a bit of google that cleared this out for me.


    The time lines for each faction on each planet on each class is so confusing..argh. But well, let's stand up together to stop saresh spam. together. She is really annoying lol

  9. Yeah it would be awesome. Mine as well throw in his coat, pants, boots, gloves, hat, etc. while your at it. Heck, put HIM in the game, maybe a new event where he docks at Carrack Station and sells special items you can buy with some commendation you get for completing missions from him. Same could be done for Imperials with Shae Vizla.


    Specially THE HAT. That is a true hat, not the weird nun cloth things that comes along with every smuggler hat

  10. On my recent toons, I always get to 50 in the middle of belsavis, but again, I'm a freak who also likes to complete all the planet's sidequests and heroics (whenever someone ask on general chat).


    You can actually do black hole dailies at lvl 47? I thought one had to be lvl 50 at least to get the missions.

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