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Everything posted by Vydor_HC

  1. Logging goes back to the days of the MUDs and MUSHs, where all you had was textual output. When the MUD code base where incorporated into graphical UI's, the text output was not removed, and the games allowed the users to pipe the results to a file. The reason it's an issue here is, it's fairly odd for an MMO to have the log functionality removed.
  2. Well, you made the claim, if you wish to defend it, do so. As for the logs, I think you will need to define what you view as "traditional", because the things I have heard from them indicate they are providing what I consider combat logs.
  3. Which is coming in 1.2, maybe your definition is different than theirs, but the combat log will be there.
  4. Here is your quote. You say combat logs, not me. So, my question is, if the developers are saying what you claim they are saying, why are you arguing for it as if they are not? And why start this poll? Also, can you provide me the link to the dev statement about what you claim they said?
  5. So, the question begs, if all of what you want is going to be in the game, per the developers, why are you starting threads like this? Myself, I did not hear or have ever read that from the developers, yet you seem convinced, but then argue in a thread here like they are not going to be adding those features. Honestly I am confused at the lack of consistency.
  6. I have not heard that they will be adding that or that this is a temporary fix. If so, just be patient and it will come. All I have heard from the or read leads me to believe otherwise though.
  7. Yeah, I know what you're saying, there are many things that cause people to act out, one tool or something else, however that's still not a reason to give them a tool, if it's not needed and the cons outweigh the pros. My server is pretty nice too, I hope it stays that way. I have not seen anyone get into a tizzy over dps output as recorded on a meter yet. In other games this was a very common occurrence.
  8. Well, people believe what they want. You do not believe that the use of the tool can be damaging to the game, however others disagree, like the developers from the game. People that behave badly will use what ever means they can to act out, there is no reason to give them yet another means if the game doesn't need it.
  9. I think they called their secret plans for space combat changes the "Solo" project or "Han" project. No details were given, but obviously something is in the works.
  10. after your edit. I say slightly as in the degree of information that will be available, I'm not judging how much emotional damage it will do to those players.
  11. Did you see the summit feed on this topic? They said their choice to go this way was due to the bad behavior, being judged as they put it, associated with providing what you are asking for. Bioware as a development team are aware of the issues being presented in this thread, you can tell by the verbiage they use, and they have a idea of how to proceed, it just so happens to conflict with what some players want.
  12. Yep, those are the ones that are going to lose out, but really only slightly as they will have logs and will be able to analyze the data, so it's not a complete loss.
  13. I agree, it's a very good solution. One that will satisfy the majority of the issues, some will lose out, but in the end you can't please everyone.
  14. To be fair, their decision to take Ilum back to the drawing board is more of an admittance on their part that their design in its current form is a failure, not much to do with the whiners from other games.
  15. I good LFG tool is essential yes, but a match making tool is rife with it's own problems. I'd much rather see players given as much information about people looking for groups, and let the players form the group themselves then some coded logic written trying to put people together.
  16. The match making tool in PvPs is awful, and not something that should be touted as a benefit to the game. It's the #1 reason for all the whining that goes on in Warzones, because the match making tool put people together on a whim and those people have no vested interest in the people they are grouped with.
  17. Honestly man, I think you're ire should be placed on how badly they designed Ilum and coded it. The fact they introduced WZ's as an alternative to Ilum is just a symptom of the illness. Ilum is just not fun or convenient for a large part of the pvp player base.
  18. Starting in an ongoing game can be good or bad, you never can tell. It doesn't bother me and if I'm looking to just get the 3 kills now for the daily, then the shorter the better. However, I think if the match maker decides to throw you into an ongoing game, it should prompt you for approval first. The majority might not want to, but some will, give us the option.
  19. Meh. Why bother worrying about this? When it comes to PvP in this game I feel like a log in the surf being tossed every which way and nothing being consistent. Bioware is taking the game to the e-sport realm, so it's gonna take them some time to get everything ironed out, until then, it's just chaos.
  20. The process is not complicated at all. Enable log, turn on parser and that's it. The parser will read the log file as it's updated and give you the results on the fly.
  21. An Ortalan, doing their quests on Hoth was the highlight of the game for me.
  22. Yeah this is annoying. An option to have the messages just go to "pending" during a warzone would work fine.
  23. Game play has always been the #1 driving force for me when it comes to games. The rewards are just a by-product of that.
  24. PvP here is just a confusing mess. Bad design, bad rewards, bad player motivation, bad implementation and bad execution. Things change so often and so quickly, that players cannot get a bead on exactly what there is to do that is beneficial. So if you like to PvP for just PvP sake, your options are limited, and if you like to pvp for rewards, it's constantly changing. Right now, I don't blame anyone for leaving because of it, and if you stay for PvP, I salute you cuz man, it's tough.
  25. Yeah, I heard that, but I didn't associate what they said about chat bubbles with the reason add-ons and logs are not in the game. Mainly because logs and addons are not part of the graphics engine and chat bubbles are. Add-ons will just be scripts receiving data from events and displaying it in the UI, which may or may not look different. Logs are just text output.
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