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Everything posted by Vydor_HC

  1. Myself, I didn't find that to be the case. Once you fought one pack of rabid mobs, the strat was the same for the rest. It was pretty much press ahead non stop while questing, no down time or deaths, just non stop killing. -shrugs-
  2. You could always "play the market", but I don't know if that's viable here.
  3. So, will they lose more people to the game being too easy or too hard?
  4. I guess I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I found them neat at first, now they are just annoying. I'd like to avoid the entire cut scenes all together.
  5. Remains to be see how fast they can turn content around with all that's required for a pseudo tv series production. I have a suspicion they will not be able to keep up with demand and it will become an issue, as you see a fair number of players already bored with the content around 3 months in.
  6. Yeah, I always expect it to come up with focus on the input areas. I start typing my password by habit and get no response. I mean, that's pretty standard window behavior.
  7. Daily missions on Belsavis and Ilum and the one space mission to get Daily commendations. With the comms, mod out your gear so you can start with the regular FPs. Those will get you the gear for the hard modes.
  8. Vydor_HC

    O my

    Yup, this is what it is.
  9. Not much has changed in the game. With a game with as many subs as this has, you'll always be seeing a good number of people on the forums posting dissatisfaction and leaving, has more to do with gross numbers than anything else.
  10. The future of PvP in this game is e-sport. I think BW knows the strengths and weaknesses of their engine and are going to play to the strengths, which is small contained limited action. The game breaks down when you get large battles, so no need for them to spend time trying to work in that area.
  11. Yeah Guss is great, I love his "I'm a mean jedi!" line.
  12. Nice post, that's a good take on the subject.
  13. Parsers just need a file generated by the game, no need to deal with an API at all. These third party tools he was talking about work outside the game, not like add-ons that work inside the game.
  14. That's a lot of effort. One question though, in your graphs, why did you use blue for imperial and red for republic!!!
  15. -nods- I know why people are making that assumption, I was just saying I didn't hear him actually say there would be a difference other than that nomenclature. Plus he didn't identify which tier was for which. He just said there were two tiers and a new intro set.
  16. Yeah, what he said has to be taken on blind faith that it occurred. Some will believe, others won't, but it's a surefire way for them to appear to have acted.
  17. He didn't say anything about "add-ons", what he did say was third party tools, which could exist right now if there was some data to look at.
  18. Yeah, I didn't hear anything in that interview that indicated a level of gear, just that you will have warzone commendations and rated warzone commendations.
  19. I think the main complaints you will see if there are two levels of gear for ranked and unranked is people that play ranked and get geared there, will also be allowed to run in the unranked warzones with an advantage. Not everyone will want to participate in ranked warzones, so they will complain about others having an advantage or being forced to play ranked warzones just to keep up. Right or wrong, that will be the foremost issue I predict.
  20. I was thinking just how many people are going to say the same thing after listening to this interview. It really does give a good idea of where they want to take PvP, and it will be distasteful for the open world pvpers.
  21. You sure about that? Or is that your assumption? If they reward rated warzones like they reward the current warzones, then it will just be a matter of time spent in the activity to get gear. Unless it's a all or nothing proposition meaning if you lose you get nothing, there won't be much difference except for the level of trash talking.
  22. But they did emphasize the word "your", they made it stand out from the rest of the quote, which in and of itself has meaning. So people are not saying what they are saying about logs being personal without some foundation.
  23. Don't know what you're getting at.
  24. Yeah, after a few visits to Ilum, it became clear to me why they utilize instances so much in the game, and why they are not encouraging more open PvP.
  25. Yeah, gear progression is important to people, that's why it's the crux of many games. However, forcing players down a single path into that gear progression is not a good design. People want options in progression.
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