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Everything posted by Vydor_HC

  1. Yeah, I noticed that too. I told my wife, "hey look, that's the server log out screen!!". hehe
  2. -nods- I see no malice in the arguments on either side. People have preferences, and those preferences conflict, and one side will lose out. That doesn't mean that folks on the other side want to deny a particular play style to anyone else, they just want the game to meet their desires.
  3. That's what we are getting, and virtually everyone is in agreement with it.
  4. I really really hope they give us a way to only play with people from our own server. I don't mind fighting against players from other servers, but I do not want to group with them. I believe in esprit de corps. If they just throw everyone from multiple servers into the queue for both sides, I'll probably just stop pvp in this game, which will eventually lead to me leaving the game soon than I would normally.
  5. 1. Functional faction vs faction PvP on an objective driven planet or planets. 2. Expand the questing system to allow for branching logic due to player choices that take you down multiple paths depending on choices made. 3. More fluff, ie music system, world/planetary events, more crafting cosemetics.
  6. I've often thought the same, I'd love to see it. You could still have a detailed log of what happened in a fight, and not display any numbers. Would be a nice way to do it.
  7. For me, the game has been a breath of fresh air when it comes to min/maxing. I really like the fact that there is some "mystery" to the game when it comes to numbers and specs and boss encounters. I like not knowing everything to the minute detail. I know others feel opposite, but I kinda like the way it is now.
  8. Hmmm, steady sub numbers thru the first three months. From my experience that's pretty good. I don't know what the future holds, but so far the game is doing pretty well hitting high marks with sub numbers. As far as those numbers go, they had a great launch, then held ground thru the first period where games normally see lots of sub loses. Next hurdle is the first big content patch. Which is coming up soon. Lets see how the numbers hold up after that.
  9. -nods- Which was leading off on the tangent I was not going to follow. Or it was a strawman, which I gave you the benefit of the doubt that it wasn't. Which made it boggle my mind, so I responded that way.
  10. Exactly. Which had nothing to do with what I said, and could only be associated with a straw man or you meaning something else. I assumed you meant something else, instead of making a straw man argument. Because I was not talking about the cons of a chat system compared with the cons of the log system. And I was not going to entertain that tangent.
  11. You interjected with No one arguing that, which is why I responded the way I did. I assumed since no one made that argument you meant the cons of the chat system outweigh the pros more than the cons of the log system outweigh the pros. I agreed with you on the matter of opinion, but never said anything along the lines of what you claimed after.
  12. Nah, I haven't. But I am going to ignore anything you respond to me in the future when you jump into an ongoing conversation and try to drive it off in a direction we are not discussing.
  13. No, he was making a strawman argument against something I never said. I knew exactly what he was talking about, but since it was not in context with the ongoing conversion that he just jumped in to with a strawman, I have no reason to entertain his comments.
  14. Which had absolutely nothing to do with what I was saying. I have no care to speak to your reply to me when you do not care to read what I say in the first place. Edit: You have a annoying habit of doing that and if you keep it up, I'm gonna just ignore anything you write to me.
  15. First, thanks for the compliment. As to the out of game logs, I'm not sure exactly how they are going to implement it, but in other games I've played with logs and meters done that way it's not been a big deal. The parsers can be quite sophisticated, smooth and seamless with the game. Plus I have total control of how the data is then displayed and metered and I get far more useful information that is tuned to the way I want to see it. On the fly in game is nice, if done right...but can also be a crutch in my view and make the game a bit less challenging. That's how I see it. And I've never once ever asked to see the data of how another player is doing in the game. It's just not me and my play style nor the people I play with. Not to say I don't understand why people do want to see it.
  16. Of course it's a matter of opinion, which is why I added the phrase that Bioware has decidied to do it the way they decided because they've heard all the opinions and have made a choice on the matter. You're perfectly within your rights to believe your way is the best, Bioware for the time being does not. And on a side, it boggles my mind that you think the cons of chat are greater then its pros. I really don't know how to address that other than, well...I have nothing.
  17. Nah man, you can ask all you want. That's the point of the forums and conversation. Bioware has been assessing this since the start and have made a decision, in part based on what the players have been telling them. Trust me, I know exactly how you feel on the issue in not getting it the way you want it. I've seen issues like this go against my desires time and time again in MMOs. While I can empathize with your plight of not having what you want, I still feel Bioware is doing the correct thing. Their plans on logs are a perfect good way to go about meeting as many needs as possible while keeping the game as friendly as possible.
  18. Yeah, I haven't seen many that want nothing, but I am sure they are out there. I for one do not mind how it is right now at all, but I'm not totally against logs.
  19. The game would not be much without in game chat. For that, the pros of having a chat tool far out weigh the cons. I cannot believe people are actually trying to link the two. With group public logs, it's the opposite, the cons weigh the pros. Which is why Bioware is delivering the logs as they proposed.
  20. The implemenation is something that makes the majority happy. The staunch people on the margins that want it all or nothing are the ones that will not be happy.
  21. Having group logs is not necessary is my point, not just having them for that particular run. If the option is easily available in the interface, many PUG leaders will think it is necessary to have it on, which it's not. Since they will demand it, people will not group with them, thus cutting down the number of groups being created. As it stand now, it's not an issue in the game. I doubt PUG leaders will be demanding that players email them logs from their previous FP's.
  22. 7 days, and I putted around Fleet playing with my navel most of the time.
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