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Everything posted by Vydor_HC

  1. This season they have gone back to the nerd formula and moved away from the soap opera it was becoming. I really have liked this season. With Amy, I couldn't stand her at first, but they've done a pretty good job having her and Sheldon mirror each other in behavior. Now it's like having two Sheldons for the price of one.
  2. I applaud the stance Bioware has taken on this issue. I can see why they want to go it on their own when it comes to addon's and macros. While I'd like to see the ability to marco emotes and verbiage, I can life without it.
  3. -nods- I understand that...there is also the ability to plan ahead. Knowing your playtime and the others with you. I mean it's easy to make excuses why you can't or don't wanna put in the time to be social in a social game. I understand that, but it can be done, and has been done very effectively in other games.
  4. Yeah, this is one of the things that really bugs me. Man I wish we had a good server forums setup.
  5. Good post. And I am not countering your arguments, but lemme ask. Are you viewing things backwards? What I mean, is why not develop and nurture relationships first to then be able to help you do more complex activities? Chat with people while your out leveling, form groups that do not require 4 or 8 to do smaller tasks, with people around your level, get to know a bunch of them, and then work with them to do FP's? -shrugs- Maybe just another way to look at it.
  6. Bioware is addressing this issue in other ways, ie working on the rewards and incorporating rated warzones. We saw some of this in the last patch and will see more in 1.2. Though I am not seeing people leave wz's on my server at an alarming rate, I think some might be, due to the fact that the 3 wins quest is still active.
  7. There is. Personal combat logs are on the way.
  8. This maybe, yeah. But I was referring to the game in general. Like chat bubbles, and the reason the log was turned off, and Ilum, and I could go on and on.
  9. Yeah, I do not like it for one main reason, the shield door that prevents defenders from rejoining the battle. IMO, it kinda removes the strategy as it's just luck of the draw if you get enough people dead and trapped behind that door to secure a plant. Another thing I dislike is the fact that is really no warning that the match as started. If you are not watching the clock tick down you get trapped easily. But I like it if I am in the mood to just bash heads.
  10. I'm starting to wonder how much is really being left out behind the scenes due to their performance issues. I think I might be scared if I knew the truth.
  11. I wish it were as simple as that. But bad actors are the ones that are ruining the fun for others, it just so happens that now, those bad actors who abuse the tools have lead the developer to withhold the tool from the game. It's not the fault of the players who do not want to be abused. They are not the ones ruining the fun, they are just the ones pointing it out to the developer and providing a more convincing argument.
  12. Well, in all fairness people are not saying no, just to say no. They have valid reasons, and the numbers are indicative of a few casuals, its a larger and more comprehensive group than that. I think the game will be fine and most of what everyone wants will be met. Not 100%, but a very good start.
  13. OK, well we disagree then. No biggie. I am just not one that believes get the most numbers you can, if those numbers disappear in a year. If you can get large numbers for a long period of time great, but simple large numbers is not the only definition of a healthy game.
  14. -nods- I think that their expanding the LFG tool is a good step. I am hesitant to see it go into an automated process. I prefer players doing the social things and the computer doing the number crunching.
  15. I don't know, ask them. Why is this important? I am sure they would want the game to be around and viable for as long as possible.
  16. -shrugs- Could be niche, could be more..there's no real definitive on it. I know how our company operates and we are definitely not niche, but we don't advertise on a large scale and do not sale directly to the public. We strive for loyalty even if it means smaller numbers.
  17. hehe, this thread is exactly like one of Sheldons classic practical trolls.
  18. I think a smaller number dedicated for a longer period of time to a product is better than I high number that only sticks around for a short period of time. Hence, larger numbers are not always better. The company I work for operates under that that model.
  19. -nods- I understand the desire to have it easy to form groups. I am not a person that believes that is the best approach. In the past when I played games with small communities without automated grouping tools, the players did what it took to get to know the other players on the server, and work out ways to build groups. It made the smaller communities even more tight knit. That is the approach I think is best, as I still have relationships with those players in games today, even if they are just in passing. I think building a community in a social MMO game should be paramount to any other action. That's the way I view the game being the best. I know all the reasons why people want it the other way, and I don't dismiss them and normally I am on the losing side of the argument as developers generally put cross server things in their games.
  20. I actually don't agree that numbers equal health. I have a view of what I think is good for the game, in which I express my opinion about. Bioware has it's view as well, and sometimes I hope to convince them that my view is the same is theirs. Not that it matters much, but it makes me feel important. It's not a black or white issue, and people are well within their rights to express what they believe is best, let Bioware sort it out. In the end, I am in line with most of what they have decided to do on this issue.
  21. -nods- I know the reasons why people want the x-server version. I do not believe it's healthy for the game though. My experience leads me to believe the opposite. Which is why I like the way it is now.
  22. If they need to merge servers that's their choice. But no, you really don't need to merge servers to allow people to find groups. People will do what they need to do to get into the content they want if it's important enough to them.
  23. I like what Bioware has proposed, and I hope they stick with that.
  24. I really hope Bioware sticks to their guns on this one.
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