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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. I'm glad it works for you as well. :) I've compared those high quality shots to shots I've taken in game. I cannot tell a noticeable difference, especially while in the middle of playing the game.


    Exactly :)

    Now it is true that there is a problem with the textures, however forcing minimap helps a lot, i keep it on high quality all the time, not just with this game.


    Some users posted pictures where their game looks so ugly that i was actually shocked because i haven't witnessed something as horrendous as that on my end.


    I think everyone with a decent enough PC should try this.

  2. If the screen shots come from a cinematic ( which most of them do) it is not a falsity. This is the exact solution I thought they would take with this.


    If you want to see a perfectly good example of WHY this is a problem. Please see AOC sieges at launch on "ultra" even quad sli'd quad core machines were chugging trying to render scenery, buildings, shadows, and 96 characters at once.



  3. Yes it can be zoomed out much more, you have go to key bind options and in the camera tab you will see max zoom out, bind a key of your choosing to it an there it is.


    It looks great like that by the way, i am sure you will like it :)

  4. I sometimes wonder if Bioware has secret accounts on this forum with which they make posts defending themselves, this post just makes me believe it more.


    Riight someone disagrees with your idiotic post where you only flame and all of a sudden he is a Bioware employee.


    Someone with similar level of paranoia to yours might make an assumption that you are a Blizzard employee since you have nothing but bad things to say?

  5. Then why weren't these things fixed when they were reported back in beta? Don't give me ******** like ''difficult issue, takes time'' they knew exactly what was wrong and just ignored it because hey, star wars + bioware = $, it will sell anyway despite huge problems with the game/engine.


    Well honestly difficult issues do take time to be fixed, that is the way everything works.

    If it were as simple as rewriting few lines of the code then this thread and the discussion in it wouldn't even exist.

  6. From what I remember..


    it says all over the place.. that once you pick it, it will not change, and will be accross all servers..



    Follow Directions? Actually read about the Legacy system in the codex/that screen that pops up? Its there. People REFUSE to read.


    How do you do in school when you don't follow directions?


    Just saying.


    Pretty much this.

  7. Some of the people here really need to chill.

    Many in this thread are being very constructive and are adding to quality discussion while some are just spilling their venomous poison and not having anything smart to say in the process, some of those probably didn't even notice this issue until they ran into this topic and are now immensely loud.


    Bottom line is this will be fixed there is no doubt about it, it is just a question of when.

    I for one don't have any problem with waiting for it to happen because i already enjoy this game.

  8. I am all for barber shop honestly!


    However i am pretty sure that it wont be in game for some time, maybe in a 2 or three months.

    There are just far more important matters they need to attend to, and i don't really have a problem with that.

  9. You honestly believe that for 2 days SR has been roaming the Bioware offices asking programmers for info on this, and no one will answer him?


    I doubt that he was roaming the offices in search for a response on this matter, i agree with you there.

    But still until they let let him know what is the issue about and how long it will take for it to be fixed in order to work properly we will be in the dark as well.

    This is most likely a major issue that cannot be solved just be rewriting a few lines of the code.

  10. You know guys, maybe we are being a bit unrealistic actually expecting SR to give us an update. Maybe he forgot!


    He will give us the update once the developers and programmers give him the exact same update, not a minute before that, because SR himself has absolutely no idea how to fix this because solving this particular issue is not in his job description as a community manager.

  11. My Dual Core E7200 @3.0 Ghz with 4gb RAM and Radeon 6850 runs things more than just fine all cranked up on high settings and HD resolution, and my machine is hardly the best of the best.

    I do get a fps drop on the fleet when it's packed but i find that to be normal because i don't have a high end PC, and if i put shadows to low in that particular case everything turns back to pure smoothness.

    So i don't see a problem with this article.

  12. I always wondered why there weren't more people wondering just WHY the game client suddenly dropped so much in size. It's >12gb less, that's a little much to attribute just to basic optimization of the client.


    If this is the case then the solution would be really simple, just give us the optional 10GB high quality texture download and problem solved.


    We shall see soon enough.

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