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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. I wouldn't say that. However, 400,000 people quitting a game that has only been out 5 months is NOT good.


    Once Bioware adds features people are aching for such are the LFG tool and free character transfers for example a lot of people will come back.

    Subscription fluctuation is perfectly normal in MMO's.

  2. They need to implement LFG tool, fix some bugs and most certainly hurry the hell up with free character transfers.

    SWTOR is a great game with lots of potential but developers need to get their act together and start delivering.

  3. yup because another MMO they handled, warhammer online, proves they can get 2 million subs after a year.:rolleyes:


    This isn't Warhammer online, they cannot even be compared because SWTOR is a way superior game so you need to get your facts straight and cut back on the cliche nonsense everyone here is repeating like brainless parrots, it gets old after a while.


    Bioware needs to get their act together and start delivering certain features pronto.

  4. Unfortunately for most, it's too little, too late.


    It's never too late really and it most definitely isn't too little.

    Once free transfers start a lot of people will come back to play, new content patches and the upcoming group finder will bring even more people back, new players will also come.

  5. So let's stop this merge server drivvel that everyone keeps spewing. You aren't getting them. And judging by all the chicken littles in this thread, the sub base needs to shrink a little more.



  6. Not one to research are you? If you weren't a bandwagoner you would see there was a gradual shift in my posts from pre-launch to launch to now. As for my posting, I have been unsubbed for months now, just have a lot of game time from when I was a rabid fanboy like yourself.


    I'm looking at things from a realistic perspective, it's much better really than to be angry and full of hate toward the game and people who like it which is the attitude you are presenting here.

  7. Seeing as how these "players" are paying customers they might just be, *gasp* disgruntled customers who have every right be be angry. It also would have helped Bioware if they didn't lie about the sub numbers leading up to yesterday knowing they will get busted out each and every quarterly report. There are a number of things missing from this game and I hate to break it to you but all the free transfers in the world won't cause this game's subs rise. The reason they declined has far more to be with the content available and customer's expectations than anything else. Patch 1.2 has shown that not even a "jesus" patch can save a flawed concept.


    You have been spilling venom on these forums from the beginning and yet you still pay sub, play and always post, so if those disgruntled customers are anything like yourself then this game has nothing to worry about.

  8. This threads only purpose is to feed the ugly forum trolls who can't wait for a news like this to crawl out of their caves.


    As for SWTOR and this loss of subs, i see it as something perfectly normal, subscription numbers will always fluctuate and it will undoubtedly rise in the future.

    The game itself is great, far better than anything competition has to offer in my opinion but it does have it's share of problems at the moment.

    As soon as some of those problems get sorted out, when they implement group finder and once free transfers kick in the number of subs will rise vastly.

  9. Could be that your computer is low on memory and/or you have a lot of things running at the same time and using up all the available memory. That would force the computer to do a lot of memory swapping in order to load a new planet, which could cause lag until all the assets were loaded.


    Similarly, it could be that your computer has a "slow" data transfer rate, so when it has to do a whole-sale swap of one planet for another, it takes a long time to get the new assets into memory to replace the old ones.


    Ah don't even bother, topic starter is obviously trolling. :rolleyes:

  10. If you knew how to read and WRITE properly in the first place you wouldn't be in need of hand holding and guides.

    As for the lag it must be your bad internet.

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