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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. A good chunk of some of the music is from the original 2 Kotor games. so like. I love that. brings a welcome to good memories daze when I hear some of it.


    Agreed, the music in this game is fantastic overall.

    Last night on my trooper all of a sudden Across the Stars song by John Williams started in the background, it completely blew me away.

    Those saying that the music is bad are either trolls or they need their ears checked.

  2. All space missions are doable without a doubt, if someone is having serious problems with them it's either because they suck really hard at it or because they are not using ship upgrades properly.


    They aren't really that difficult and it's somewhat embarrassing to complain about them, especially when you consider the fact that a lot a of people want full 3d space and increased difficulty in the future.

  3. The only thing i would like to see changed is the immense amount of credits required for some legacy stuff.

    Like people have stated in this thread before me, it should be either "x" legacy level OR credits, the fact that it requires both is disappointing, some legacy perks are just way overpriced (i am looking at you, 5million credits/level 25 legacy ship GTN terminal).

  4. Yeah, because the fanboys of this game don't make excuses for every mistake that Bioware has. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and Guild Wars 2 is absolutely going to destroy this game. It's not just hype, sorry to burst all of your bubbles. Guild Wars 2 is better in BETA than this game is 5 months after release.


    Newsflash: GW2 is a generic fantasy garbage compared to SWTOR.

  5. How can you even hit the reply button without being called "nonsense".


    I can call it nonsense because the majority of people myself included don't have those problems.

    And all that "i have state of the art 5k$ PC and horrid fps and other issues" talk is ridiculous to say the least.

    I know people with machines that are nowhere near state of the art and few years old, and their game works like a charm.


    On the other hand if someone expects everything to run smoothly on his garbage PC and then lays hate on the forum because that isn't happening the joke's on him.


    Unsub already and make this forum a better place with your departure, anger and stress are bad for you.

  6. I don't have any problems whatsoever with SWTOR and my PC is certainly not new high end state of the art machine.

    My Sapphire Radeon 6850 does get a bit warmer after playing this game for several hours, around 78 degrees, but that temperature is nowhere near harmful to the card so i am perfectly fine with it.

    Even when i clock the card it never goes past 80 which again, is perfectly acceptable.

  7. Once they expand space combat and the experience it provides this game will go from great to simply fantastic.


    The thing is, i really like space combat as it is now, it's very fun, looks really good and i never had problems with the way they made it.

    That being said, it will be great when it evolves into something much better, Space Combat in SWTOR has enormous potential, just like the rest of the game has and the very fact that this game will continue to improve after every update is more than enough to make me pleased.

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