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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. It's more or less the same thing on Tomb of Freedon Nadd EU PvP, queues every night, people are flocking there from their sub par servers.

    That being said i don't have any problem with queue on my server, game experience on a packed server is absolutely fantastic.

  2. It's not though. A lot of people here are saying this is a gift. A gift is something you give people for the hell of it. If bioware randomly decided to pick a thousand people to get a free month, that'd be a gift. In that case, it'd be up to luck, and nobody could complain because it was something they didn't have to do.


    This is a reward. A reward is like a gift, except it's a gift with strings attached. To get a reward, you have to do something the person giving the reward wants you to do.


    Bioware is rewarding level 50s for being loyal. Being 50 has no bearing on a person's loyalty, however. They are claiming to reward people for one thing, but actually rewarding them for something else. There is no inherent proof of loyalty involved in leveling to 50. Leveling to 50 can be done before your free month is even done.




    Had they rewarded people who had played X number of hours between all characters and servers it would have been better. It still would have possibly cut out some people who have extremely limited time to play, but it would have been better than this method.


    Had they rewarded people who had been subscribed for a total of X number of months, then it would have been better. The only downside (for them) is they may have had to give out more free time.


    Had they just not used the wording they did, and came out and said they were giving the free month to people who were 50 because they wanted them to know they appreciated their business and were working to give them more end game content to do, it would have also been fine, and the same people would have been left out.


    Instead, they brought everyone's loyalty into question and then rewarded select individuals based on criteria which was not relevant to the question.



    I do not expect them to change their criteria, or to give out more free time to people without 50s. I do however hope that they come forward at some point and admit that they put their foot in their mouth with the wording.


    Agreed, my sentiments exactly.

  3. if you people didnt level so dang slow,you wouldnt have to complain about this. 4 months and you still arent 50? i play like 4 nights a week for about 3 hours at a time and have 2 lvl 50s,i also have several alts.so you guys have no excuse not to be at 50 yet.


    My play style doesn't matter and it shouldn't be of any relevance.


    What should be relevant is the fact that i am here since early access, paying sub each month till date.


    But obviously someone at Bioware seem to think that i am not a LOYAL CUSTOMER because i don't have a level 50, and in spite the fact that i am here from the start and have lots of hours of play time i, and the likes of me are deemed LESS WORTHY somehow.



    Edit: Sorry for the double post, browser issue, looks like i can't delete it now..

  4. if you people didnt level so dang slow,you wouldnt have to complain about this. 4 months and you still arent 50? i play like 4 nights a week for about 3 hours at a time and have 2 lvl 50s,i also have several alts.so you guys have no excuse not to be at 50 yet.


    My play style doesn't matter and it shouldn't be of any relevance.


    What should be relevant is the fact that i am here since early access, paying sub each month till date.


    But obviously someone at Bioware seem to think that i am not a LOYAL CUSTOMER because i don't have a level 50, and in spite the fact that i am here from the start and have lots of hours of play time i, and the likes of me are deemed LESS WORTHY somehow.

  5. It should be everyone who was at launch or has subscribed for a certain period that gets the 30 days free time, we have all played through the game for a few months and those of us with altitus now are being treated as second class players.


    This i agree with completely.

    The decision they have made here is obnoxious to say the least.

  6. So what they have just told us is that if you are subscribed since early access till date and have characters who are level 48, 45, 39, 25, 28, 30, 19, 16 (for example) are less worthy than a player who has a single level 50 character and has been subscribed for a month lets say.


    Nice work indeed.

  7. I think this is ridiculous.


    I bought the game as a pre-order. I bought the game. I bought the digital deluxe ánd after a month I bought the Collecter's Edition. I like the game but I'm a busy person, so I can't play as much as I would like to. Next to that I prefer Story over Leveling so even thought I have been playing from the very beginning, I haven't made it to level 50 yet. Give me one good reason why I wouldn't deserve 30 days of extra game time.


    If you want your costumers to stay, I say you give everyone the 30 days. Alot of people that already reached level 50 are getting bored and will probably quit playing in a few months. Those who haven't reached level 50 because they enjoy the game because of it's Story are bound to stay much longer.


    Thusfar I appreciated everything you guys did, but this is ********.



    This 100%


    I am amazed by this actually, it still seams like a bad joke.


    Hey let's disregard players who have been with us since pre order, early access, who are enjoying all the stories and play alts, and maybe are busy and can't and don't want to rush through content.

    Lets tell them that they are clearly not as worthy as lets say a person who subscribed a month ago and have a level 50 character.

    Lets tell them that if they have played various alts for example and brought most of them close to 50 that the joke's on them.


    This is bull**** and everyone who is disappointed (i most certainly am) has every right to fell that way.

  8. Im very dissapointed, i have playing the game since early acces. I dont like playing 1 character, i like to play few simultaneously. I dont get a free month becasue i chose different way of playing. Now im noy saying " **** you bioware" etc. I just dont feel appreciated. I was a loyal customer, but after i saw the news, i dont feel like playing this game anymore.


    My thoughts exactly.

    I still can't believe this how they treat those of us who have been here BEFORE day 1 basically.

  9. If you're not lvl 50, you didn't put in the work and thus don't "deserve" the freebies.


    This has to be one of the dumbest posts i have read in a while.

    So those of us who were here since early access enjoying the game and playing alts are less deserving than those who rushed and spaced through content, have a 50 and have been subscribed for a month or less for example?


  10. Free month for level 50's only is lame as hell.

    There are many people like myself who have been here since early access, enjoying the game fully, playing alts...i play with 8 characters, taking my time because i knew from the start that i will want to see all the stories and play all classes, and some of my7 characters are close to 50 but not there yet.

    And what do we get?Nothing.

    On the other hand someone who is subscribed for half a month and rushed to 50 got an extra free month, superb.


    I have praised this game and Bioware from the start, and have defended it form various trolls on numerous occasions on the forum as can be seen from my posts.Just saying that so people don't mistake me for a forum whiner.


    Fact of the matter is, this has pissed me off.

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