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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. NO you skipped. It is not possible to get off of VOSS without being level 50 if you do all the story/planet story/planet bonus missions. I have gotten to 50 on all my 50s before the end of the VOSS bonus series. I did no FPs, WZs, OPs, and no Heroic missions beyond the starter planet and home world Heroic missions. If you don't skip, the ENTIRE PLANET of Corellia is just comms and cash. You skipped something along the way. :cool:


    Exactly, my Commando was level 50 once he landed on Voss doing all the quests/heroics and bonus series, although i did play flashpoints and space missions.

  2. The funny thing about that is it worked fine when first put in, then they broke it with the next patch. The code base for this game is rapidly approaching the point of being completely unmaintainable, where every patch brings in more bugs than it fixes, until the game is just laying in pieces on the floor.


    This happens with every MMORPG because these games are huge and there are literally millions and millions lines of code, naturally somewhere things tend to go wrong so the only funny thing here is you not being able to comprehend that.

  3. It's a known fact on these forums that Master-Nala is a huge supporter of TOR and would defend this game to no end and would take a bullet for BioWare and EA. Master-Nala only sees everything one sided and in positive light.


    Now theres nothing wrong with the written above but it has grown immensely annoying. We'll never get great things if people like the above support and defend bad decisions. Something to think about.


    Your point would stand if you had ever written anything positive about this game on these boards, which you haven't.

  4. I agree with this post completely and truly believe that the LGBT community on these forums are being utterly ridiculous about this.


    Couldn't agree more.

    I was actually a supporter of this before, even posted about it, but now when i see this rather vocal minority in this and various other threads trying to impose this on everyone else by playing some ridiculous discrimination card i sincerely hope it won't be implemented anytime soon, because frankly i'd like to believe that the developers have more important priorities.

    There are undoubtedly more pressing concerns regarding this game and its content than the ability to shag your same sex companion.

  5. I was actually a supporter of this before, even posted about it, but now when i see this rather vocal minority in this thread trying to impose this on everyone else by playing some ridiculous discrimination card i sincerely hope it won't be implemented anytime soon, because frankly i'd like to believe that the developers have more important priorities.
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