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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. QFT!! Love that article! So true! Hahahah!


    The game isnt' dying. What people are seeing on the servers isn't people leaving, is less people playing concurrently. It's the typical (as in every single MMO ever made) "launch surge/dropoff" of playtime that gives the illusion of loss of subs.


    Incidentally, the number of subs for TOR has only been increasing, not declining.



    This game won't "die" anytime soon simply because this is one fantastic game overall, and will improve as the time passes.

  2. Enjoying the event. However, I didn't realize it was going to be one daily per day, per character. So, now myself, and a number of others I know, are a couple days behind. Please extend the event or allow people to do all the dailies.


    I agree, an extra day or two wouldn't hurt, besides people are having fun mostly.


    On the side note i hope they will fix the ugly bug regarding title award, i have 8/9 codex entries and didn't get it.

  3. In any other game a CS or In Game support would have awarded a title to a player automatically.


    This i agree with completely, they are complicating things too much and are inefficient in the process.

    I rally don't understand why CS doesn't award a title to a player who submitted a ticket after checking up on his codex entries.

  4. I also have 8/9 codex entries, and no title has been awarded to me which is frustrating to say the least.

    Killing the World Bosses over and over again is hardly a solution because it's not easy to find a group to do it and have the boss spawned at the same time.


    They should just give title to everyone with 8/9 entries and be done with it, damn it.

  5. Have noticed a bug with companion health displaying incorrectly when they get summoned, a workaround I have found for right now is to un-equip and re-equip the earpiece and implants


    The problem is that you have to it every time your companion returns, so it's annoying.

    This needs to be fixed.

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