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Posts posted by Quintan

  1. Also, don't forget that all of 1.2 is just the legacy stuff. It doesn't include metric tons of new end game content and bug fixes, not to mention hi-res textures, sprint at level 1, a crafting system overhaul that makes all crafts viable at end game and engine performance gains for all computers.




    It's all just the legacy fluff stuff.



    Sure, Sure don't worry 1.2 is going to fix eeeverything and everyone will return to the game and play happily ever after.


    Keep dreaming kiddo, I've seen this play out before... Bad decisions lead to bad endings. The only people that can't see what's coming here are people that do not have much eperience with MMOs and that's fine. I hope BW keeps enough customers to keep the game going but to customers that know the product of MMOs, this game lacks way too much for the fee they want to charge.

  2. Yeah, because they only have one team and had to pull all of the bug fixers to do this, right? :rolleyes:


    They're doing both, dude. BW, unlike other MMO developers, have several dedicated teams.


    Unlike other MMOs huh? Laughable like the PVE content in this game..


    No company that spends millions on a product just somehow forgets to or can't seem to implement server transfers. Only a fool would believe such tales, it is obvious that they are putting all their chips in this legacy BS the only thing they didn't copy from WoW.

  3. There is something about the game that is very appealing.


    However, it is definitely not worth a $15 sub when it is lacking many great features that are standard to even the least popular MMOs


    I believe SWTOR could have been a much better game than it is but when the verdict is out SWTOR will be no wow-killer that's for sure..

  4. I can't help but think they're going to have to implement server transfers in the not-too-terribly-distant future. With luck that will solve your problem for ya.


    I agree but it seems a little fishy that they claim to be working hard at something games implement before launch like a server transfer system.


    They just forgot or never bothered implement this? i mean just think about what that means..

  5. The only thing that keeps me playing this game is the PVP. I love it so much that I'm considering paying a sub just to enjoy something many FPS games provide for free.


    Forgetting all other debates about the game being bad or servers being dead, I don't care about it if I'm having fun in PVP when i want to.


    So.. the point is.. I have to wait around for 30 minutes to join a wz!! It's incredibly frustrating.. to the point that I have already re-installed wow and scroll resurrected because it's better than sitting in my ship/fleet alone. Wow is just a masterpiece of game, I love the colors, the massive amounts of people and my guild/raids(I have five lvl85) but I don't enjoy the PVP in wow nearly as much as in SWTOR.


    I love SWTOR PVP but how long can we take this punishment!?

  6. The only thing that keeps me playing this game is the PVP. I love it so much that I'm considering paying a sub just to enjoy something many FPS games provide for free.


    Forgetting all other debates about the game being bad or servers being dead, I don't care about it if I'm having fun in PVP when i want to.


    So.. the point is.. I have to wait around for 30 minutes to join a wz!! It's incredibly frustrating.. to the point that I have already re-installed wow and scroll resurrected because it's better than sitting in my ship/fleet alone. Wow is just a masterpiece of game, I love the colors, the massive amounts of people and my guild/raids(I have five lvl85) but I don't enjoy the PVP in wow nearly as much as in SWTOR.


    I love SWTOR PVP but how long can we take this punishment!?

  7. SWTOR will be here for 1.2 but Idk about after this year. It's headed down hill fast, today was my last day of sub, I have uninstalled along with most of my guild and I know of other similar stories. Simply put: WoW has set standards that will have to be met if you want to charge $15 subs.


    Don't hate on me for telling you the truth. If BW can hold on to 1 million long term subscribers then they should count this game as a success.

  8. C'mon guy, I know you're liking SWTOR & all, but there's no need to be clowning on the haters like so, it's uncool man.


    People are people man, they'll like or hate what they will man, y'know? Besides, the Secret War Online is coming out in June & it's going to blow GW2 & SWTOR both outta the waters! :p


    Alright, Jeramie, been a while.


    I wish this to be true cause TSW looks awesome but Funcom has a history of failures idk.

  9. I just hope that people that are complaining about questing and PvP in TOR aren't expecting the wheel to be suddenly reinvented in GW2... because it won't be.


    Look up GW2, it's interesting how they are making that game....


    I tried to find a reason to re-sub because I love the pvp but the game is so bad and headed in such a terrible direction.. Def not worth it to re-sub if you have a guild in a solid game like WoW. IMO if you can't produce features like WoW from the start you better not want to charge what wow charges cause it's not going to work out for you.

  10. Oh, well people on your server are saying it. That's some pretty definitive proof you got there.


    Everyone I know says the world will explode in 2013 based on the Mayan calendar. Since people I know are saying it, IT MUST BE TRUE.


    Say what you will I have experience in these matters plus characters on 4 different servers.


    So I guess all these people on the forums complaining are just liars right?

  11. 1.7 subs was by early Feb, not 12/31/11. You have been shown the proof of that many times but simply refuse to accept it.


    Then a little over two weeks ago they said they are still at 1.7m without counting the Oceanic release so I laugh at your 800k prediction.


    Cool story, Spin around like a top all you want. Every one in my server is saying the same thing so all your blah blah blah is pointless, you can't stop the truth.


    The sings are here folks, I've seen this a dozen times. You can't sell a Camaro for the price of a Mercedes-Benz, sure the camaro is sporty and looks cool but it's just not worth the amount of car you get from a benz.

  12. So many people forget that they didn't open up with this many servers. The game launched and was hammered by all the people playing, they had to open up new servers because of the queue times. The big mistake they made was opening up even more servers because of all the people whining that they still couldn't get on.


    Like I've said before, one of the biggest mistakes any game can make (or anyone selling something, for that matter) is to always give the customer what they want. The customer is, in fact, NOT always right.




    If you had any credibility left to make your opinion worth listening to after your original post, saying you think they should get rid of something just because you don't like it, you just lost it with that last post, attacking someone else for enjoying something you don't, like "how dare you have an opinion that differs from mine!"


    Most of us have probably been playing MMO's since at least before you could tie your own shoelaces.


    Whatever I didn't attack any one and I never said they should get rid of anything. where do you get all this from? Read.....

  13. I have multiple 50s and have no intention of quitting this game. i love it and i think its awesome.


    oh, and i have never been in a warzone. i'm strictly pve.



    not everyone likes the same things.


    It's ok little nooblet, I understand but don't worry once you know what I'm talking about you will look back at this and remember when you where a total MMO NoB.


    Enjoy your game folks !! Sincerely I really do hope you enjoy it, I would not want to take that away from anybody as long as you are having fun it's all good. I wasn't sure when I posted this but now I am definitely going back to WoW with it's old textures etc, it's just a much better gaming experience overall. I think BW either doesn't have the man power or skill or have more subs than they expected and are content with what they have. Anyway, IDK... SwTor is too much less bang for my buck I guess but have fun and who knows if a miracle happens and this game becomes worth playing or goes F2P I will return. BTW I predict that all server groups will either become 1 server(or something like that) per server group 2-3 weeks after 1.2 or this game will die.

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