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Posts posted by Quintan

  1. I can't stand a few things. First, someone saying they are leaving. No one cares. Really. We don't.


    Second, whining that a game barely out doesn't have as much to do as games out for years.


    The only mistakes they have made is creating a game engine that is horrible. And starting with too many servers. Whoever decided on how many servers to start with should be fired.


    We will see how many are playing in a few months. Until then, anybody calling the game a failure or a success is doing nothing but making a guess.


    You either don't read or don't know how to. #1. No one said they are quitting anything #2. No one said anything is a failure or a success #3. I guess I could probably sell you a cheap version of a great TV for the same price as the real great TV. Since you're probably willing to pay for it.....

  2. Agree with the OP, they can spin this all they want every one on my server is saying the same exact thing. Trust me things are going to get real bad, real fast if they don't merge all the server groups into one server each like yesterday.


    Unless they have already accepted that they can't improve and will attempt to just attract a s many casuals as they can until they are forced to go F2P.

  3. ok bye bye


    I'm not going to hate on you cause you hated on me. SwTor is not doing too well atm and it's obvious, that doesn't mean I want it to be that way. I hope they bounce back and at least become a good game for casual gamers, I mean that's the majority of gamers anyway.


    However, imo $15/month subs don't succeed these days. Unless your product is worth $15/month people wont pay for it because they already know what $15/month should get you from an MMO.

  4. I truly love the PvP in this game on all my toons but I have completely given up on PVE.


    That's fine cause PvP is just that great but IDK if I'm willing to pay $15/month to PvP when I can do that for free in COD.


    Bioware please lower the sub price to $5 bucks and I'll stay lol & you can restrict me to pvp only. Even then it's too much $ lol but I stay.

  5. Let me drop my 2 cents here since I have both 50 Scoundrel(main) & Sentinel


    Sentinel takes skill to play because you have so many abilities that you really need almost twice the memory and finger relocation plus speed to get the work done.


    I have tried every class to an extent and scoundrel is by no means a cake walk but it feels easier than Sentinel because you get to pick your fights/situations most of the time when as a sentinel you have to react a lot.

  6. What the hell is this about no end/cunn on the shotguns? Does anyone have exact numbers on them? What possible reason do they have for giving us alac and even more effin accuracy.


    They want you to quit to make more room for sorcerers. I was trying to hang in here, I know I can survive the nerf but with all my friends going back to wow, server being dead and..... knowing that 1.2 will shut people up for about 2 weeks, well...


    I'm starting to have crazy thoughts about ridiculous Pandas until GW2.

  7. All the ads in the world can't change the reality on the ground.


    Less and less people are playing the game every day.


    Are they waiting for 1.2? I'm sure some are but most the guilds I know have lost around half their members and others don't log on. I'm not happy this is happening but what can I say the truth is the truth no matter how Bioware spins it.

  8. Hello fellow Scrappers =)


    As we all know 1.2 is coming and Georg doesn't want people to quit SWTOR due to scrappers.


    I propose that it should become good practice:


    If two scrappers find themselves on the same team, that they roll together and ROFLstomp every single player on the other team. This is a poetic way to stick it back to Georg and all his haters... I know I would lmao and really enjoy the after whinning...

  9. Finally we all agree on something yay!!


    Thank god my BM gear works pretty well for healing too hahaha


    I also encourage people to start an alt GS they have way more burst and they really are way more fun to play than they seem. You can really man-handle people with your CC if you know how to work it.


    I just cleared up the shelf for my scrapper....


    PS: It would be great if scoundrels paired up ALL the time in WZ and continued to ROFLstomp people so we can stick it back to all the Haters in Georg's kingdom.

  10. Thanks for the info it seems like you are pretty neutral on the changes which makes for good feedback.


    I feel much like you do. However, I can't get over the feeling that my scoundrel becomes less fun to play every time a patch comes out.


    Do you feel like it's "less" fun to play now with the 12 sec cd on BB?




    Have you ran into a situation when you just finished off an enemy with very low health and can't open up on another running by you cause you just used SF and it's on CD?


    I know in the Voidstar when people are running, I often dispatch people and proceed to stealth and knock another down with SF even if it just slows them down etc.

  11. I work in a cubicle. Whee. Bee tee dub, you've been posting pretty much as much as I have today. OMG YOU MUST BE A BLIZZARD PLANT!!!1!!1!!!!11!!!!


    Seriously dude? Take off the tin foil hat. It's unbecoming


    I'm sure you're as productive to Swtor as you are for your job.

    I posted maybe 1 hour today and mostly positive comments.. Your boss must love you

    hahaha who is this tool?

  12. Oh, you mean the patch where our alpha strike dmg is staying pretty much exactly the same? Oh good. Glad we're on the same page.


    EDIT: Well, yeah they did take out my 7s stunlock, but that was pretty much a free kill every time I popped it, so that's probably why.



    I'm sorry I have to call BS on this guy. His post history shows he's been literally posting every 30 minutes or less since 12pm. When the heck does he play/work?


    Sounds more like a job than forum contribution.

  13. "they get away from me sometimes" is quite a far cry from "they kill me all the time".




    I can pretty regularly take down good pvp'ers in full BM gear with my ~50% champ gear.




    Well, no kidding. Here's a hint: if you find yourself often out of cover in a big group, you need to reevaluate your playstyle. Even in huge 8v8 melees at the doors in voidstar I can escape into stealth pretty reliably. (hint: he who fights and runs away etc etc)




    I gather you're speaking from your extensive experience testing 1.2?



    Wow do you even read before you type? Enough said... I'm sure people that read are lol about you posts. My friend you sure have a big mouth, I can assure you that my skills playing the scrapper are extremely fined tuned and I'm not 100% sure you even play a scrapper you are trolling these forums so hard.


    Anyways, facts are: Scoundrel = Way less fun to play than at launch. Call it what you want, I'm pretty sure I would drop you like a cigarette butt on a coffee break in game but that doesn't mean 7 other classes aren't more fun to play now.

  14. I can overcome yes but for me it's too much fun, sucked away too fast.


    The GS is much more powerful and no-one seems to complain so I rolled GS on a much more populated server.


    Killed two Bioware Birds(Obstacles to fun) in one shot. Although i do have to grind like crazy but someday when they lose most scoundrels they may rebuff us and I will un-shelve the beast.

  15. What? What part of "there is no class i feel like an underdog against" did you interpret to mean "I can't kill sorcs waaa waaa"?


    I guess you weren't reading when you said your experience was in large like the guy who says the only class he can't kill some times is sorc/sages.





    If a scrapper chooses the right targets he/she will do fine yes.

    That means half dead people or people getting double teamed/left behind or fresh 50s etc..

    However, out of cover in a group with long CDs your chances of survival are minimal and people know it so they focus you.


    Yes we can still function but the class is a lot less fun... You will feel the pain when you play with pugs.

  16. If Bioware would get rid of Georg Zoeller now and get some pro help it would be the greatest investment they've made in the game since release imo. The way things stand right now if GW2 were to launch this month SwTOR would take a huge hit, maybe too big to recover from.


    Yes I'm laying it all on him but only because of the things he says, I believe the man has no clue and his logic and information come from IDK where..

  17. Or maybe you play a bad operative.


    I play a Scrapper, and my experience is largely in line with his. I'm absolutely shocked if I'm lower than 3rd on my team in dmg in a WZ, and there is no class i really feel like an underdog against.


    Neither of you play scrapper, we own Sorcerers and sage's so please go away. Go troll another forum.

  18. I am a 50 Scoundrel and have had absolutely ZERO problems in Warzones.


    Not one time have I ever felt like anything other than a bad ***.


    There is one class that can from time to time get away from me and that is Sorcs/Sages I feel like a sub rogue in WoW. I destroy almost everyone almost all of the time.


    Scoundrel/OPs are fine. So are Sorcs/Sages.




    One class can out maneuver us... Get over it. PVP is NEVER EVER EVER balanced 1v1.






    Cool story bro, you play no operative.

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