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Posts posted by Quintan

  1. I've got four characters on the EU dxun circle server and I'm an officer in a guild there.


    The server pop on dxun is just plain awful, especially when you get in to the level 30 planets.

    The guild also died because most of the people have cancelled their subs due to a lack of people to group with.


    Even at the starter planets on both sith and rep side there are barely any people on. Sometimes its as low as 15 people.


    I've moved over to the red eclipse server and there's still not what I'd call highly populated areas. The only time you actually run into a lot of people is when you're all at the fleet. Otherwise when you're in world you barely run into anyone.


    Don't let Trenter hear you cause the poor guy thinks that's normal and we don't want to hurt his feelings. I know hundreds of posts on these forums are saying the same thing but Trenter has not seen them so let's not ruin it for him.

  2. They are a joke compared to what? Again, what are you expecting to see, you didn't answer? What I'm saying is I see no difference whatsoever from my old WoW server, or my old SWG server. So SWG was not an mmo. WoW is not an mmo. For a mmo-player like yourself, what games *are* mmos?


    By the way, "proud"? What?


    So you have always been on empty servers and think that's the norm...


    You are obviously Nerd-Raging and that's OK, It's clear you know nothing about MMOs so there is no point in attempting a discussion with you.


    I'm glad you are happy with SWTOR, they need people like you so the game can stay alive. I hope SWTOR lasts years so it ca be the pre-MMO, where new players come to learn the basics so they can later move on to a real MMO.

  3. They are not working on mergers


    Q: Our server is currently low on the population rung. We''ve lost people, can we get transferred to another server?


    A: JO - Number one priority, coming soon. It's not as easy as it seems.


    So transfers are coming not server consolidations.


    Yeah they sound like they are negociating a hostage situation.


    "Were working really hard on getting you that chopper you asked for but it's really hard"

    Police chopper hovering over the house.......


    Come on people... Server transfers hard? More like they haven't figured out how to tell you they are going to charge you.

  4. The fact that you can follow a storyline and the story is not an afterthought as in most other mmos.

    The fact that a (casual) duo can do a lot of the harder content, unlike most other mmos that require a full group to do anything worthwhile.

    The fact that it offers a welcomed change in the way an mmo is played, i dont say its better (because it isnt) but its different and for me at least its a welcomed change.


    Not much is better in SWTOR compared to other mmos, actually most of what is here is worse, but after all is said and done, SWTOR offers an enjoyable experience.


    For the last eight years ive been playing what i consider to be the best mmos ever made (Ryzom, EQ2, SWG, Matrix, Vanguard), and yet for some odd reason i have a good time playing SWTOR despite the obvious design idiocies i see at every step.


    No doubt, the game is fun and I also enjoyed it till the end when it becomes obvious this is a single player game dressed and sold for an MMO. I don't see server mergers coming, maybe cause they want to charge for tranfers like they are charging for extra character slots, maybe cause there servers just can't handle more numbers than they have. IDK but I still find it amusing that nobody mentions "Legacy" as a good thing, so much for that stupid idea.

  5. I'm on a standard tagged server, the Progenitor EU. 90-100 on fleet, 20-60 on the planets. Not once has it felt like a single player game. No more than logging into WoW did, or running around Mos Eisley in SWG. What do you expect to see in TOR?




    EU right now - 19 light, 63 standard... most are light? What are you talking about? You do know people can just check this, right?




    You do realize the numbers you are quoting are a joke right? you are so proud of having 100 people on that it's comical. This game is great for non-mmo players like you so stay here so you can be happy.

  6. so you're saying any server that is standard or below is dead?


    Yes that's what I'm saying, if you call this an MMO those servers are dead.


    If you call this a single player game with multi-player features like say "Halo" then the servers are not dead.


    Plus... most servers are light which is worse than Standard, Holy crap! yep ....

  7. straight out accusation with no facts.. nice one. Unable to fathom that someones experience is different from yours. You want to feel that the game is dying and busy servers are empty then that is your choice.


    Not all servers have a good pop.. not saying they do. But don't call me a liar because I am enjoying the game on my standard server


    My friend there is plenty of evidence that 80% of the servers are dead. You can check for yourself in the server status tab. "Standard" pop starts with 30-40 in fleet, 15-20 level 50s and about 90 players a faction. That is just ridiculous..... Go check for yourself, it's a fact...

  8. Funny, could say the same thing about the majority of your posts.


    Yeah useless to people like you that will die defending this game even when it folds cause you are a Fanboi..


    People here and everywhere on these forums are expressing legitimate concerns that are by a large majority being ignored.


    I love how Bioware comments "We are working hard on server transfers" Who are these guys kidding?


    They sound like Hostage Negotiators "We are working on that Chopper you asked for"

    I can't think of any MMO that does not have this feature.

  9. I can't see myself re-subscribing atm but that's mainly cause I'll be playing D3 and GW2 beta soon. I would probably continue to play this on the side of WOW if I didn't have D3 and GW2 to look forward to, so the game is not "that" bad. However, my server is also dead and that keeps me from logging on atm so in a way it is the bumps on the road that are ruining this game instead of the game itself.
  10. Some decent points being made here, not surprised at all that no one is mentioning the garbage that the Legacy system is(IMO).


    I still love my toons here and the PvP although I'm sick of the WZ maps. I have to be honest though, I feel like my interest to play is mostly due to not having GW2 to play yet... that game looks amazing.

  11. I thought was coming in 1.2 but I dont see anything in PTS patch notes. I dont how waiting 7 hours on a WZ is not being fixed


    Can someone LMK the status of this please?



    Shssssss.... You're not supposed to mention that! darnett!

  12. Since you want to compare WOW to SWTOR, This game is not worth a $15 sub atm, maybe $7.50 but def not $15.


    You wouldn't pay 60k for a Camaro would you?


    Camaros are very pretty, very sporty and look real fast but they are not worth what a Benz(Real MMO) is worth.. Because a Benz offers you a hell of a lot more bang for your Buck.


    Now go nerd-rage and when you're done holler at me cause I have a bridge I want to sell you.

  13. I've only read the thread title, but here's what I have to say:


    Whether you like it or not, SWTOR is the closest thing to WoW in the market now in terms of the 'quality' and style of the game; the most substantive difference is that SWTOR is based off Star Wars. I.e. I feel that SWTOR tried to draw WoW players who were Star Wars fans.


    So SWTOR is effectively the only Star Wars based MMO in the market right now, and it will probably be that way for a good number of years; and I doubt they'd have more than 1 SW-based MMO out there, so if a new SW-based MMO comes out it'll probably be at the expense of SWTOR - but this is just a guess. I.e. Many SWTOR players are probably ex-SWG players or just playing this game because it's Star Wars.


    Essentially, I feel that the player-base that will be loyal to SWTOR over time would largely be the 1) Star Wars fans and 2) BioWare fans (yes, many players are both).


    SWTOR doesn't have that great of a lock-in power - not least because it doesn't take much time to get to 50 - so switching from SWTOR to the next MMO that the non-SW-fan-player finds more interesting wouldn't be that difficult a decision.


    Personally, if not for WoW becoming boring SWTOR wouldn't really be that attractive for me. I do enjoy SWTOR but not being that avid a Star Wars fan I haven't really felt an emotional connection with SWTOR. More importantly though, MMOs have left me really jaded; I'm still waiting for something more inspired.


    Holy LMAO Batman!! Please do not compare SWTOR(Camaro) to WOW(Benz)


    SWTOR is .1 if that of the game WoW is...

  14. I know you guys wanted ths game to be "great" but come on guys... These guys are clueless and it's very clear that they are disconnect from the game, they can't even remember what the names of features are or the names of professions in the game.. Legacy is the worst idea in this mmo and they are spending so much time into it it's ridiculous.. This game is not wortha $15 sub atm, maybe $7.50 but def not $15.


    You wouldn't pay 60k for a Camaro would you?


    Camaros are very pretty, very sporty and look real fast but they are not worth what a Benz(Real MMO) is worth.. Because a Benz offers you a hell of a lot more bang for your Buck.


    Now go nerd-rage and when you're done holler at me cause I have a bridge I want to sell you.

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