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Posts posted by Quintan

  1. You are quite the armchair developer. And we all know that armchair developers know what's best for the game... :rolleyes:


    In the interest of truth and mutual awareness I just took a look at JeremieCrowe's posting history and this guy either works for Bioware or has a serious forum addiction cause he posts every 5-10 minutes for 10-14 hours at a time. I mean it's ok I have nothing against the guy but it's very fishy since all he has been doing is shooting down any complain about the game and when does he play if he loves the game so much?


    I think it's interesting at the very least...

  2. No offense meant, but at least for me as non-traditional Mmo-player (i.e. Swtor is my first mmo) this is quite a ..well...strange point of view. So all you do you make dependent on whether it contributes to leveling or not? To be honest, that´s the last of my worries when I confront a task. I want a good adventure, confront a nice challenge (that´s what Heroics and Champions are there for). I even wouldn´t mind if it gave me 0 xp since the game gives enough xp anyway.


    But in any case your statement/attitude might be an explanation for the fact that it is so hard to find groups for Heroics or confronting champions.


    Be careful there, you are threading on that line.. you are about to say something Bioware Mods will either delete your post or simply /ignore you.

  3. people on more populated server would opt for 2, otherwise 1. 3, 4, 5, or 6 are jokers/wildcards.

    then this would only be a matter of which one has the more active number of forumers. in the end, the numbers coming in from the few populated servers should be more, but then again those from the "light" servers would probably hang around in the forums more.


    aren't more of the light servers?

  4. I don't think anyone hates you Quintan, or anyone on the servers that are struggling with population problems at the moment.


    However, you are repeating your same very negative comments about the game, almost with the same exact wording, in thread after thread after thread. That gets kind of tedious and it really does not sound like it comes from someone who wants the game to succeed.


    As I have said to you in another thread, maybe take a break for a month or two until they open server transfers then come back and check it out again. There is nothing wrong with taking a break for a bit and coming back.


    You're right and at the same time it's very discouraging to have to do that if you were fired up about putting time and effort into this game.


    My frustration from lack activity has made me become bitter and anti-Bioware hahaha! When I came to SWTOR I un-installed WoW but I have already re-installed and I find myself playing more WoW than SWTOR simply because my WoW server is popping and there is always something and someone to do it with. However, I wish that the situation was the other way around.


    Unfortunately, it is not and although I don't want to because i love my toon here, I find myself begining to accept that I just can't have more fun in SWTOR even if my toon looks awesome and I love what he does.. It sucks but lol I had more fun fishing and farming in WoW than i do sitting on the fleet waiting for "one" wz and with 8 more to go lol.

  5. Totally agree but it dont help with the water army thats on the forums off late.


    What you refer to as "water army" are actually other players with legitimate concerns.

    In fact these players are the real experienced MMO players. Some of you say you played lots of MMOs but the truth is that SWTOR is looking just like Aion and faster imo.


    The only thing that will help all the frustrated lonely players is for Bioware to consolidate all the servers down to 10 or so but they are stalling that as long as possible to give the impression that the game is thriving when it's obvious that it is not.


    I want the game to succeed but I dont want to pay to be alone and have Bioware ignore me, I'm really sorry that some of you that are on better servers happen to hate the rest of us that are not. I'm going to let my sub expire and hope that things change in the future.


    I know that 1.2 wont fix anything, although people will come back to check it out...

  6. Yeah but they are coming up with program after program, how about a program to help those of us already paying and playing.


    The one true fact for me is that the game has gotten less and less fun to play cause there is no one around. How about helping us out instead of fishing for more victims?

  7. I've NEVER played World of Warcraft. Never will. I originally began playing the original Everquest back in 99. Not at all interested in the cartoonish garbage that Blizzard put out. This isn't World of Warcraft, and it never will be. Flashpoints and Operations are inherent to Star Wars: The Old Republic. That's their name, that's what they should be called. Comparing this game to a piece of trash like WoW, is simply asinine.


    I'll be playing post 1.2. I'm excited for the changes coming. I'd love to see some of Everquest's features implemented into ToR. Alternate Advancement points, the one guild all factions option. Faction players being able to help one another in quests (At a reasonable amount of risk of course). Good stuff right there.


    LMAO at this post lol I'm still LMAO


    90% of SWTOR is copied from WoW and given a different name LMAO


    And SWTOR still has about 40%-60% less features than WoW, which looks amazing on my PC with all it's colors. Unlike SWTOR that like everything else, half-aszed the colors in the game like they were working with 8 bit color.


    Bioware should call Blizzard and offer them a percentage of this joke so they can step i and save it for them. GG

  8. I won't accept bug's, life-less servers, static worlds, absurdly long load times, random load screen images ... as a game feature/mechanic. Whatever reason people do not like WoW for is their own; but SWTOR pales in comparison.



    ... and before you say; "go back to WoW". I unsubbed, over a year ago.


    I think Bioware did a study(the one GZ keeps mentioning) and found that causual players are where the money is and so they made the game strictly for casuals.


    I don't blame them, business is business... The fact is this game lacks about 40-50% of the features of a game like WoW, and that's after copying wow for 90% of it's features..

  9. Actually, the AH with hundreds of pages was addressed at the Fansite Summit last year. I still remember how much of a pain it was to wade through and endless sea of crap to find those jewels. Now, we don't want it to be as simplistic is WoW, either.


    How can any one take you seriously when you say things like that? This game is way more simplistic than wow LMAO are you kidding me?


    Anyways I'm done, it's clear you're either trolling, getting paid or something cause you just talk constant nonsense, enjoy yourself..

  10. I never said SWTOR is 'dying', I'm saying if they keep going on this path it will die like the others, relegated to F2P universe.


    Having a die hard playerbase is fine but if it takes 40 minutes to get a group going and the auction house is empty what good is it?


    I like SWTOR but I'm used to old school SWG servers that were packed 24/7, auction houses with hundreds of pages of shops and a loot table as dense as a phone book. I'm not sure if that will ever come back in a business world of turn and burn MMO's that cater to carebears without a thought to a viable long term game. It's more profitable to churn out MMO's at 40-120 bucks a crack than it is to maintain a 15/mo player base is why I suspect.


    Don't argue with this guy, he's not here for the benefit of the community he's here to defend the legacy system at all cost. The legacy system is ok, cool idea and all but not worth a "team" lol

  11. It's a pretty good game, but the static dead world with little movement from MOBs detracts from how great it could be. The worlds are too lifeless. Another problem is I have no fear of screwing up when answering back to NPCs, because I know my story will continue on no matter what option I take. I have only died once due to an unwise answer to a NPC (Sith) :D


    If we start counting things they could fix the list goes on but what gets me is that they spend so much time on little things like legacy and nerfs instead of just polishing the game before they move forward. People are leaving the game, they can spin it every which way they want but the evidence is there.


    Georg Zoeller said they nerfed scoundrels cause people will quit the game if they keep getting ganked by them. How about people quitting the game cause their server is dead and they have nothing to do?

  12. I've been MMOing for over a decade, and you, sir, are throwing around opinions like it's fact. Stop.


    The PvE in this game is the best I've experienced in those 10+ years.




    I was actually comparing this to an MMO launch not even a year ago. TOR already has, and is adding, more content than even RIFT did. Now that IS measurable.


    Come on now, this is the real lie wth lmao

  13. 50 cents a day? For more content than any other MMO has ever launched with? And with more content coming? 1.2 has a new flashpoint, a new Operation, more content to ALL 8 storylines is coming, content has already been written a year in advance....


    Seriously, bring your head back into the light so you can see what's right in front of you.


    Buddy this is either your first MMO or you're just trolling.. The PvE in this game is laughable, they need to fix things before they can continue to bring out more bugs.


    Don't compare this to any MMO launch from 7 years ago cause it's not 7 years ago. If you want to sell me a car for the price of a Benz then it better have all the features a Benz has or... I guess I'm a sucker that likes to get played...

  14. The patch will bring people back for a week.


    These fan-boys are ridiculous. I want this game to succeed so bad yet the signs are so very clear that they are running this train head first into the ground that all I can do is wonder what they are thinking.


    The game wont just die but If people like me that WANTED to leave WoW for good are starting to give up and go back to WoW wondering why BW failed then it's a very bad sign.


    That means this game will be full of only the people that don't know any better.

  15. The leveling story experience was awesome. I enjoyed it very much, made 5 50's in fact. But the one thing this game just doesn't have is longevity of play for a gamer like me. I have literally run out of things to do. But in the games defense the only game that I feel had better longevity was WoW and it took a good few years for them to establish it in the fashion they have in it's current state.


    That's fine but that's no excuse for SWTOR having none of the features that every MMO has and wanting to charge the same.

  16. No one cares about constructing a family tree. Thanks for wasting development resources on a poorly disguised credit sink for useless perks that no one asked for.


    Don't worry there will soon be about 4 SWTOR servers left with all the legacy the 4000 or so people that will play this game can handle.

  17. sorry buddy...swtor isn't a pvp game. Yes there is pvp in it, but that doesn't mean it's a pvp game :)


    According to the Devs SWTOR PvP is very much more popular than it's PvE.


    The PvE is laughable in this game but that doesn't change the fact that server transfers are not just for pvp players so I don't see your point.


    Legacy is all good I don't hate it I like it but it's not that important compared to soooo many real issues the game has. That's all I'm saying and wasting time on it while people are really concerned about not having any one to play with is foolish.

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