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Posts posted by Quintan

  1. I've had Bounty Hunters kill me inside 6 GCD more than once. A few procs and crits, plus their relics & adrenals, and they can easily average 3k damage per attack. They can do that against me starting from 30m away. I need to get within 4m of them, behind them and still in stealth to even have a chance of taking them down within 6 GCDs.


    Can I take BHs down 1 on 1? Yep. But it sure isn't as quick and easy as you seem to think. I'll be stunned at least once, probably twice. They'll pop their 25% reduction to blunt my burst. Even against somebody just in Champion gear I'm probably looking at 12s+ to take them down typically.


    Bursting on somebody with all your CDs available and then hitting a string of big crits is very rare. It probably doesn't even happen once per WZ.


    LOL yeah BH rockets destroy you in under 5 secs

  2. As an MMO this is it for me(for now) but I have to admit that I'm more excited about Diablo3 than 1.2


    I mean sure 1.2 has new features(new to SWTOR) but I just don't see myself having "more" fun. Maybe it's cause my class got nerfed but so did many other classes and population is dropping on my server, imo due to the lack community. Idk I just think patxh 1.2 will be cool for a week.

  3. I know there are some cool things coming and some things still missing(multi-spec etc) but do you feel that your gaming experience in swtor is becoming more fun?


    or less fun? Explain..



    I love the game, The scoundrel nerfs made me want to quit but I've decided to just re-roll Gunslinger on a populated server and kill two birds with one shot. ATM there is no other MMO that I would be interested in and I like the GS about = Scoundrel. However if you notice, I'm having to get around Bioware's choices in nerfs and server tranfer policy to continue having fun. Over all I just wanted to know how and why people feel like it's getting more fun or less fun. Thanks..

  4. look i love Star Wars and I'm a fanboy but this Bioware game is failing and that's just a fact.


    You can hate on me if you want I wish the game would succeed just as much as you do but some of us have been around long enough to see and know the signs..


    sad I know...


    Free swtor weekend is rocking the pop:



  5. look i love Star Wars and I'm a fanboy but this Bioware game is failing and that's just a fact.


    You can hate on me if you want I wish the game would succeed just as much as you do but some of us have been around long enough to see and know the signs..

  6. You'll be around though. Looking at your post history, you have literally done nothing but non stop ***** since 12/13/2012. Over 3 months later and you are still here, still ranting.


    Lol you made me laugh and for that i thank you. People like you that go into peoples profiles to see what they post are just peachy - You should be thanking people like me not run your nub mouth when we're trying to help you. You did not deny being a nub so I know you are but one day you will look back and say "Geez what a nub I was"

  7. some live to complain. nothing is ever good enough. they will never be pleased. I am looking forward to 1.2. Me and you, and many many others will enjoy the new stuff... some will just b**ch and moan and complain and will never, ever be happy. What a miserable life they must lead. So negative about everything.. Any positive posts will be flamed as they try to spew their negativity on us all.... I think they are just jealous that we can enjoy things that may not be perfect, but are still playable and enjoyable.

    Keep up the good work BioWare. I am happy to send you my $30 buck a month ( my wife and I both play). :ph_great_update:


    Let me guess, you own a glow stick, this is your first mmo and you really love star wars...

  8. So.... mind telling me how a new op, a new warzone and a new flashpoint counts as role play stuff?


    Are we really looking at the same patchnotes?


    If you have ever played any mmo, you know this "patch" is a joke and now on top of that they have pissed mostly every-one that doesn't own a glow-stick off. gg

  9. First of all, the OP has posted in at least 3 other threads saying he's quitting. Good for you dude. You didn't need to start another thread.


    Secondly, I think the overreaction is totally out of line.


    You have no actual data about the dps numbers of scrappers with this patch. Everyone is reacting to a Backblast cooldown nerf, but there's a lot of net energy gain with the energy cost reduction to Sucker Punch. Once the new rotations get worked out, you might find that your DPS isn't much different.


    Furthermore, you have no context for these numbers. Up until now, there's been no dps logs, so you actually don't know how Scrapper DPS compares to other DPS classes. If results start pouring in from the PTS, and Scrapper DPS is in the top 3 classes, are you still going to be quitting?


    Thirdly, the patch notes are not final. They've reduced burst, because they've publicly said they don't want PVP scrappers to stunlock someone to death. At the same time, they've introduced late teir talents that can be used as balancing mechanisms to tweak dps output for full scrappers very easily. If the numbers are low, I wouldn't be surprised to see them boost it from 4% to 6%, or 8%, etc.


    You're seriously wearing a tin foil hat if you honestly think "bioware hates me, and is trying to ruin my class". That's obviously not the case.


    However, I understand that for some people, overreacting is more fun than actually thinking.


    regardless what side any one is on, it's clear this game is headed for self destruction when you have amateur devs making huge unnecessary changes that divide the community and piss people off.


    GG BW


    RIP in Wow Killer heaven

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