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Posts posted by Quintan

  1. No one made me do anything I never picked Biochem...so much for silly theories.


    Yes we know noobs and people that know what they are doing play the game too, and people have alts so that's why Biochem is not the most popular crafting prof.

  2. They made everyone choose Biochem and love it, now they're going to take it's value away.


    Tell me Bioware, where is the fun in that?


    My Scoundrel Nerfed to death, my Biochem Nerfed to death, Most my friends are gone, The servers are empty, Grats Bioware I'm now looking forward to GW2.


    They teased us with beta then stripped that down to swtor today. Patch 1.2 should have been part of the original game and is guaranteed to come with it's own bundle of bugs.


    I'm still playing but I'm just killing time and waiting for GW2 to leave. Before Swtor I spoke highly of Bioware but It's clear they will run this game to the ground. Really sad thing with all the potential his game had..

  3. Well it's pretty clear that the patch failed to take care of the top issues and Bioware is promptly turning a blind eye but besides that...


    What do you think are the top three things(in no specific order) that will help swtor the most going forward?


    I'll start with the 3 that would make me happy:


    1. Dual specs

    2. Less Loading Screens/quicker intermissions

    3. Wintergrasp/BH style illum battles or any solution to the imbalance problem.

  4. Group servers? /SMACKS you!


    Wake up BW, it's obvious you dropped the ball here just pick it up and say:


    "Here are the the server forums you guys wanted. Thanks for being our customer and we will continue to listen to you in the future."

  5. Here is an idea, lets half *** the server forums like we half assed everything else in the game!



    That being said this is still an awesome game that I love. It just sucks to watch BW tare down what could be an amazing game....


    PS: I'm having less and less fun every day that goes by.

  6. Love the game but serious problems with grouping and finding guilds etc when there is no global chat, no lfg feature no server-guild information available online. Although millions are playing I sometimes feel like I'm alone. Still love the game but it will get old like this.


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