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Posts posted by Quintan

  1. The fact that people/guilds are still complaining about EV bugs means they are doing it wrong. Sorry you can't just face roll EV and actually have to think to deal with the bugs. My Guild has 16 NM EV on farm right now, and we have cleared it in under 2 hours to get the "The Infernal" title. The bugs aren't a concern to us anymore because they are so easy to work around.


    LMAO and this is good? What point are you making here?


    The game is so ridiculously easy and laughable that my mediocre guild cleared it even with bugs?


    TY for showing just how bad this game is. New comers will love it at first cause it's a great single player shooter but once you get to the end(if you have played a real MMO) you will grow sick of the game so fast you'll remember this post.

  2. I'm disappointed that SWTOR has borrowed so much from WoW as I find WoW to be the special olympics of gaming experiences.


    I also dislike gear rating as it excludes me from joining the hard Mode flash-points. It would be nice if we could solo flash-points but I understand that this is a MMO not single player.


    I agree with a lot of what you mentioned but the fact is that a raider in WoW can pretty much Raid anywhere else but not vice-versa because to raid in WoW you really have to be sharp and know what you are doing. In SWTOR raids are laughable compared to WoW, you can tell a bad player in WoW but they blend in in SWTOR.

  3. Shouldve just done the free trial thing. Its unlimited. I have it so I can remind myself why I left since for some reason I tend to forget every few months and start missing it. I get on, play a few quests and realize "aaaah, thats why **log off**"


    That endless trial thing has probably been hurtning WoW more than helping IMO :p


    You just need a real Video card and the knowledge/youtube to set it up correctly. Wow is a much better game all around.

  4. If the game stayed in the current shape it's in I probably wont stick around for longer but ill give Bioware the benefit of the doubt for now that they will make it better.


    I would too but they have not given the impression they are headed in the right direction but rather in the wrong direction. I stuck around this long but seeing them spend resources and wasting Q&A on Legacy which has more potential to hurt the game than to help it just shows what a mess SWTOR is turning into.

  5. SWTOR has end game content? you mean dailies and bugperations?


    Compared to other games 3 months after launch, SWTOR is fine. Did you play Age of Conan by chance? lol.



    Edit: Why is your master looter looting with people dead?:rolleyes:


    You keep comparing apples to oranges lol my phone has more features than SWTOR.


    Wow is approaching a decade of being live and MOP has more features than SWTOR, aside from pandas which are just a new race. I'm playing the new 64 bit WoW and it looks fantastic, the colors are amazing and the spell effects are great plus you don't feel like you're locked up in a shoe box like you do in SWTOR.



    SWTOR will thrive as a single player game for some time but I can't see any one that has played an MMO & is in their right mind ever playing this game past three months

  6. SWTOR is just plain terrible and 1.2 is making it worse.


    The only good thing in 1.2 is the UI that all MMOs have at launch.


    Legacy idea = ok


    Legacy impact on game = Very bad


    Nerfs across the board = very, very bad


    More & more Bugs = Very, very, very bad


    Ugly gear = Horrible


    Fake PVP ranks = took the cake.


    I'm already playing WoW again and it looks amazing with all the new spell effects and much better graphix plus they have a 64 bit client. The colors in WoW are breathtaking and there are hundreds of people on to group with, even at 7am.


    SWTOR will thrive as a single player game for some time but I can't see any one that has played an MMO & is in their right mind ever playing this game past three months. Pffft Mist of Pandaria has more content & better features than the entire SWTOR, GG!

  7. any new interviews since it was stated that the game works fine on Bootcamp/Windows at the Guild Summit?


    And what do you mean by "wheels already in motion"? Like they are actually developing it, or are they gaining data, making a plan, find out how much it would cost, how much it would cost to support, and about how much money it could make for EA? So they can present that information to EA and ask them for more money to do it.


    He means the wheels are in motion for this game to go down the toilet, how can they possible set the game up for mac when they can't get the game to work on windows? what a joke

  8. Legacy is another reason this game will fail. Everybody needs to grind 5 alts now or you won't be as powerful as the next guy. You can keep your stupid game, Idc how cool it looks BW has ruined any possibility of this game ever being good or having a good community.


    The one good thing with the constant flaws is that I'm now at peace with never coming back once my sub ends. I mean they would have to re-make the entire game. Still they will make money from all the noobs playing their single player game, I can't imagine any one in their right mind ever playing this game for more than 3 months straight.

  9. MACs are for artists and people that know little about micro-processing technology.


    People that don't care what's in the machine as long as it's the most pop/hip & most expensive thing out. They don't care to upgrade and keep their machines up to date cause they probably have the money to buy and recycle Computers like they were video games.

  10. This video pretty much says what is on my mind and I'm obviously not the only one that feels this way. This is the "General Discussion" forum and threads still get closed for people speaking their minds and it's pretty sad tbh.


  11. Those that can't find groups must have never, ever sent a whisper to a random player, saying: "Hey, sorry to bother you but do you want to get a flashpoint group going?" Nah, you people just sit on the fleet for 5 minutes spamming general and once half the population has ignored you for doing exactly that, you blame BioWare or the community. Do /who 50 instead of just the fleet, not everyone is idling there, mostly just the pvpers.


    Oh please don't be ridiculous, we're in the 21st century ok....


    Doesn't every one have phones that have more features than this stupid game?

  12. 1.2 in late April when Diablo III comes out in May Hahahaha, GG!


    Yeah I'll come back to be frustrated with ridiculous game changes that made the already boring game even less fun. Pvp was the only thing this game had going and with dead servers so is pvp dead.


    I'll be playing D3, Why would i come back for 1.2? for the UI every other MMO had at launch?


    Legacy is like data-codex, it's there, it's cool - but who cares,,...

  13. i like generalizations too.


    Srsly, there are like what 8 classes, each with a unique storyline. Get them all to 50 will probably take you a while. learning how to play each classes will also take a while. Farming for all the best gears (pve and pvp) will take another while. When you've done that, 1.2 is probably history and they'd be working on 1.5 or something.


    The only reason why people quits is because they rush the game and get to lvl 50 in like a week ( leveling is shockingly easy in this game) and when they do they get bored/get pwned by those lvl 50 who actually spent time to farm commendations in wz so hard they couldn't bring themselves to play.


    Long story short;


    Swtor is a game that requires you to take a moment and truly explore everything the game has to offer. Why do you think planet like tattoine and hoths are so big? There are there for players to explore, and maybe role play if that's your forte.


    If you level fast:

    Time seem to fly by and in a few weeks (maybe even days) you're gonna run out of things to do. That's what I did with my first mara and boy did i get own hard in warzones.


    If you level slow:

    you can start with a face-rolling class that requires little skill to play like, say, mercenary, complete it first, get your top pve/pvp gears, and then crank up the difficulties as you go along. Once you've done every class on 1 side, switch to republic side and start it over.




    you can just cancel your sub.

    Pretty sure no one would care.


    Yes you are correct, now continue to pay for a single player game if that is what makes you happy. I have already cancelled my sub and only after hundreds of other people on my Server including my entire guild. There will be new comers for a while but eventually everyone figures out the game is not worth paying a sub for.

  14. The truth is, if you don't have "extra" money to throw around and time to go along with it then this game is not worth it. This game will frustrate your life more than it will make you happy to play.


    The game looks great and feels amazing as you go through your story and you are all hyped up about having made the decision to play then.... You get to the end and realize how buggy everything is, there is no one around to play with because they have all realized the same thing, there is next to no content, professions are useless, the game has less than 50% of all standard features. As a single player game it's good but as an MMO it's a complete failure but people have to get to the end to figure that out so you will have all the noobs saying it's great until they get to the end.

  15. You are not alone, I now have no doubt that I will not re-sub at all.


    I have too many other games and expansions coming out for me to wait around here for months. It sucks to have to admit defeat but this game has turned out worse than AION.


    My server is labeled "Standard" in population, pffft 30 people in the fleet is standard? I guess it's great for a single player mentality.

  16. Guys we all wanted this game to rock and I feel all of your pains trust me.


    Instead of the game rocking I feel like I got "hit by a rock in the head" when I think of what could have been but obviously will not be. Hard to swallow for me but I can't see how I could stick around anymore.

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