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Everything posted by DorkTrooper

  1. Not at endgame. Won't be at endgame before 1.2, in all likelihood. That said, leveling does seem a bit too fast. Not far too fast, though.
  2. Vote for keeping VO. Not that the game is a democracy anyway...
  3. if those that hate SWTOR and claim to have quit the game then why are they posting on the forums still? From what I gather, some people enjoy griping about the game more than playing it, and they are getting their $15 worth.
  4. Cool idea. The rewards should be proportional to the level of the character being killed (or perhaps only for 50s) -- you shouldn't get much for killing off a level 2 because his new robe gave him a big Jedi butt, etc.
  5. They ran the numbers and realized they could dupe people with this business model that in the long run makes them pay a lot more for the same thing, using the illusion of choice and convenience. This is exactly why I don't understand how people in this thread could actually *want* F2P -- unless perhaps their account is already being paid for by someone else, so they don't realize what a ripoff F2P is.
  6. Everything and anything is being done to make it look like the game is not tanking. Will it make you angry if the game does well?
  7. So, I just want you to know the lengths to which we will go to know the details that will make us world first/server first. Doesn't that make it more challenging and thus more fulfilling for you?
  8. Trophy hunting or zoo collection tied to animal mounts with some type of combat abilities or buffs.
  9. I doubt they care about the opinions of top raiding guilds from any other game unless those guilds are also playing SWTOR -- in which case, there probably are a few going to the summit.
  10. I am enjoying this game very much, and looking forward to additional content.
  11. Chances are they will offer more sizes in the future if what they already have sells well.
  12. I miss out on some things simply due to my reluctance to group with others. MMO.
  13. We're already getting dual spec. No need for changing advanced class, especially this early in the game. It's BW's call of course, but I would rather not have every character have all options (crystals, alignment gear, ac abilities) available on a whim, because then what's the point of even having alignment, classes, or even factions? I'm not interested in a free-for-all.
  14. The only place I've seen the term "WOW killer" is in blogs of various quality. Personally not concerned with how WOW does, good or bad, as I don't play there.
  15. Depends on the individual. I'm still leveling my main and several alts, so it's worth it to me. The 1.2 content will be added before my main is 50, guaranteed. I get to play around in a SW universe with friends and experience story content that I enjoy, and blow up stuff in my free time. It might not be so much worth it to people who focus more on the endgame. Sounds like it isn't fully developed yet.
  16. I used to have half Empire and half Republic on one server. I've deleted my Republic characters, which were all low level, and recreated them on another server. Figured it would make crafting easier that way. I'm gonna fill out the empty slots on both servers after legacy benefits kick in.
  17. I would rather use in-game chat than ventrilo, if the option was there. One less program running would be a good thing.
  18. I have yet to figure out why people who think that the game has no redeeming qualities have been reading and posting on this message board for months.
  19. Several people seem to have some emotional/egotistical need to see the game fail to confirm or justify the way they feel about it, instead of just leaving it behind for something that they like better. And they think everyone who does like the game has low standards and expectations. This is far beyond wanting "feature X". You would think they get $5 for every person who quits, or something.
  20. BW owns the game, and they say this: We will probably limit the 'need' button to only people who match the primary class the gear is meant for, and add a new button in between need and greed for players to choose if they intend the gear for these purposes - this will allow CC users to roll against each other without competing with the guy who wants to sell the gear for credits. Not in the next patch, but sometime thereafter. (from Dev's Blog)
  21. Characters should not be able to walk through one another It would be really awesome to have to fight your way in or wait for an hour to access a mailbox or NPC or GTN kiosk on the fleet because there are 20 people and their speeders parked in front of it afk... Seriously, why would anyone want no walk-through? Is it supposed to help immersion or something?
  22. If you untrack them individually from the Mission menu, they won't show up the next time you log.
  23. I play both sides, but split my Rep and Emp characters onto two servers for crafting efficiency.
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