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Everything posted by SuperSair

  1. And here I was being sure that the Empire wins all ties...
  2. Depends on the class. Guardian? YES! Vanguard? Not really. Sage? Not at all.
  3. Cool. Now imagine the damage you would of done if you used your dots and PoM procs. Yeah it's easy to spam TK Throw, but you gimp your damage....a lot. And as said above, just TK throw doesn't work too well when a marauder is beating you in the face. Like at around 1:20 in the second vid.
  4. Doesn't Psychic Suffusion not work for TK Wave as well? But of course it's fine for Sorcs.
  5. /tinfoil hat Obviously BioWare bugs it's fights intentionally to add difficulty, and to make up for the lack of mechanics.
  6. I take offense to this. In my experience, a DPS Sage is fairly difficult to play effectively. People think it is just spam pebbles and win, which is fine if you don't get attacked, but when you do you have to use every tool in your arsenal to survive or your dead. Nearly ever other DPS class can kill me fairly easily if I'm not sharp with my utility.
  7. There is a level 50 world drop, I'm assuming, orange vibroblade. It dropped after killing one of the Eshka bosses during the Daily 4-man heroic on Belsavis.
  8. Courting gives only give affection if you are pursuing a romance story lines. If you dump them, then they won't accept it anymore. However there are some characters that will accept regardless.
  9. This ToR is dying stuff kind of reminds me of that time in WoW when everyone was convinced it was dying. You know, that time in Vanilla...and BC...and Wrath....and Cata...and...
  10. Are there any plans to increase the threat generation increase of tanks in their tank stance above 50%? As my Ops group becomes more and more "geared" it is becoming more apparent that tank threat is not scaling to the degree that DPS threat is scaling with the gear they acquire.
  11. Bump. TK Wave NEVER procs the second attack with 3/3 points in the talent.
  12. IMO Tidal Force/Lightning Storm needs a buff. It is very similar to Presence of Mind/Wrath except for the fact that it is inferior in almost every way in rotation. PoM/Wrath has no internal CD AND it increases the damage of the attack by 20% usable for any cast-able ability, while Tidal Force/Lightning Storm only works with TK Wave/CL and has a very long 10 second internal CD. That and PoM/Wrath has the same proc chance of 30% as Tidal Force/Lightning Storm except it really has a higher chance since Force Lightning/TK Throw tick twice for every tick of Disturbance/Lightning Strike. I suggest lowering the internal CD of Tidal Force/Lightning Storm or removing it all together, and/or perhaps increasing the proc chance of Disturbance/LS for it. Also, and this is a Sage issue, Telekinetic Momentum needs to be fixed in order for the TK tree to actually be considered usable. ATM with 3/3 points it CANNOT proc the second attack for TK Wave and gimps DPS terribly. Forked Lightning works fine in this regard. I also think it may be necessary for the TK tree to have a way to keep up a snare on a target at 100% up time. Just adding a reduced CD to Force Slow somewhere up at the top of the tree would be good. Balance/Madness can keep a snare up on a target for 100% while using their main ability that is TK Throw/FL, but TK has no such way. They can either use TkThrow/FL , which with full TK spec will have a CD and not offer the rewards that it does in Balance/Madness, or use Force Slow which has a duration shorter than CD and use their main damage abilities. I think one of the many reasons why Balance/Madness hybrids are so successful is that they can keep up a snare for 100% of the time while using their main damage ability that can lead to high damage procs. A 6 second duration/CD Force Slow would force Sages/Sorcs to keep it up, interrupting their spell rotation often and lowering overall damage when kiting.
  13. For Sages: Disturbance and/or TK Throw, depending on the spec.
  14. TANKS could use a threat buff. WoW threat is +300%, SWToR threat is +50% generation for tanks. That's a huge difference. Sure, WoW threat is now reduced to the point of easy mode non-existence but it sure puts it in perspective as to the difference. I'm not saying we need a drastic increase, but we do need a increase, another 50-75% would do the trick. DPS threat increases as they get gear, Tank threat doesn't, at least not anywhere to the degree it does for DPS. Vengeance eventually solved that problem for WoW by making a tank's threat scale with the content(and their health pool to a degree) based on the damage they recieved, but until BioWare can solve it in their own way, a increase in threat generation is necessary.
  15. Gap closer would be a very good idea. There is a reason why all Rogues in WoW had sprint, and Sub rogues had Shadowstep. A ability similar to Hold the Line for Tactics Troopers would be a good step. Or even a talent that made that shield thing give em a speed boost and snare immunity.
  16. Columi and Battlemaster Force-Master Gloves have crit and surge mods and enhancements.
  17. Yeah, TK Wave is definitely the malfunctioning element here. It procs at around 50% with the first point and then drops considerably with the second and to a non existence with the third. Crushes the full TK spec but leads to some interesting hybrid options.
  18. It was a bad idea to have both romance options as the last and second to last available companions, leaving both story lines to feel rushed and not having enough time for the player to actually grow to like the companion. It was a bad idea to have Qyzen, who is essentially a walking plank in terms of story and dialogue outside of Tython, as the first companion. Tharan, together with Holiday, is under appreciated as one of the few unique personalities in the crew, most of them conform to strict stereotypes besides maybe Qyzen who I didnt really consider much of a personality himself. Zenith is the generic mysterious loner, Iresso is the boy next door and Nadia is essentially a heroine from a JRPG. The only companion who seems to play a actual role in the plot is Nadia, but you get her much, much later than you should. Tharan is just there cause he is bored, Zenith and Iresso are ordered too and Qyzen is only there because you are apparently his cult leader. They don't have much a investment in the story as much as Nadia does and the story wouldn't even change if they weren't there.
  19. As a sage, In PvE you can get by with minor kiting skills and a "turret" style of ranged dps or heals. You will be pressured to use a tank companion, and Elites could give you trouble if you don't keep up Force Armor on your Comp. In PvP I'd say it's one of the more difficult classes to be effective at, as when you are pressured by a melee class that would other wise destroy you, you need to be able to kite near perfectly and not waste any of your utility. If your smart you can top damage every time, if your not then you're essentially a free kill. Of course i leveled 1-50 as TK/Balance so that is all from a DPS perspective.
  20. [joke] Working as intended. They don't know how to create difficult boss mechanics so they intentionally bug out encounters to add difficulty. [/joke]
  21. Iresso is a nice guy, he gets worried about what the consequences of your relationship will be because of your standing with the Jedi. However he himself as a character, is rather boring, I didn't get that far in the romance line because I dumped him after the second kiss. He wasn't very interesting as a character even though some of the stuff you find out in his companion conversations add some depth. Getting him really late might ruin it for a lot of people as there is little time to actually grow to like him, which is what i think makes Corso so liked, he is your trusty side kick from beginning to end. Id much rather of preferred Tharan or Zenith to Iresso. And honestly the female consular VA's emotionless monotone dialogue didn't help.
  22. Kinetic Collapse will usually stun them in the middle of their openers. If they use their CD to break that then they don't many tools left to escape your kiting once you escape.
  23. Unfortunately it often takes hundreds of thousands of credits to exchange mods, and....you probably won't find mods and enhancements of equal level. WTB Mods and Enhancements(NOT ARMORING OR HILTS) purchasable by BM/Champ/Cent commendations plz.
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