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Everything posted by SuperSair

  1. Why they couldn't of just kept the same stats just having higher ratings is beyond me. Oh, and take the frickin' DPS stats off of the tank gear please? There is no reason why Accuracy should be my highest stat as a tank.
  2. Better suggestion: make Hilt Strike base line for Knights, remove the threat modifier and tone down the damage. Every other class has a 4sec/1min stun, why not us? You can move Guardian Slash down to where Hilt Strike is and add something a bit more useful for our top skill.
  3. Personally i think it is missing that "Your X has a Y% chance to reset the cooldown of your Z" talent, or perhaps a "Your X has a Y% chance to make your Z automatically crit" These talents really bring life to the rotation, and it feels funky not having one. Something like Particle Acceleration for Shadows, or to a lesser extent Static Shield for Vanguards. I thought Courage would be like that but, sadly it is just Focus cost. Maybe change focus cost to increase damage by 5% and reduce cooldown by 2s, still stacking to 3. Edit: Also, where is our Absorption or Armor buff? I agree with taking the focus reduction aspect out of Soresu and I personally am adamant about the fact that Blade Storm needs a universal buff in damage by a rather large amount, considering it does less damage than a talented Force Sweep and is single target.
  4. Sweep bomb in Focus does big crits, we know this.
  5. How poorly of a designed class is the Guardian that it's best tanking spec is primarily based in the DPS tree? I foresee some kind of change to these vigilance talents to make the spec obsolete. And they won't even bother fixing the Defense tree to make up for it either.
  6. Threat in general is weak right now. 50% threat generation increase in tank stance is way to low. As end game tanks are witnessing it is very hard to keep threat on highly geared DPS, as their threat increases drastically with their gear level and ours really doesn't. That being said, Guardian's tank tree is terrible and very poorly designed, single target threat is the bare minimum to hold aggro, AoE threat is a joke and pretty much non existent. Guardian's are in a pretty bad spot, and I doubt it will be fixed anytime soon.
  7. Wait, so i actually have to do stuff? Screw. That.
  8. Wh-whoa wait...are people actually seriously saying(not jokingly) that if you want to get your Ilum daily done to be Republic? Ha...hahaha.....HA! The only time where I wasn't hunted down by a group of 20 Imperials on Ilum was this one time when I went at 3 am in the morning. Even when we get coordinated and have gotten Ops groups of about 12-14 ppl, it is only a matter of time before we get rolled over by twice the number of Imperials. I've done only 3 of the daily's this week and only because you can carry over your number between days. Imps may be slow as hell, but Republic is damn near impossible, unless your willing to sneak around picking off the sickly gazelles on the long ride between points for half a day. Or maybe your on one of the 4 servers that has equal faction balance...
  9. 4/10 Republic player on a 3-1 Imp dominated server.
  10. How about just halving the number you need for the daily/weekly? Imps won't have to camp as long, lowering their numbers on Ilum at any given time, therefore it would actually be a little possible for Repub.
  11. It basically came down to Space Nazis versus Space Americans. And everyone chooses the Nazis.
  12. This. If you are running 8 ppl then just do EV with 1 group as 1 and KP with the second group as group 1. 16? Uh...maybe have some elaborate rotation. Or try switching between bosses.
  13. Most, if not all, of those are from early, even pre-beta, versions of the game, and may not exist anymore or don't work with the current character models. So that would mean essentially creating new models.
  14. Part of the whole ability delay issue that has plagued this game for forever. They have said something along the lines of their interest in fixing it, but i doubt such a overhaul can be done for a while. Presently this is just another thing that cripples Defense Guardians when compared to other tanks, since we rely on defense so much.
  15. I for one am glad that people are still mad, I was worried that ppl would go back to kissing BioWare feet for finally fixing something that has been needed to be fixed for months.
  16. Unfortunately, these are working as intended in the PvP environment. Is it stupid? Maybe. But that is what they wanted.
  17. Depends on what we are talking about here. Having a "hood toggle" that removes the hood from the model completely would probably be very possible in the future. After all there are versions of it for every Twi'lik. It could be as easy as putting in a button that makes the chest piece think your a Twi'lik, but i would never claim anything is easy when dealing with a game this large. Having a "hood toggle" that LOWERS your hood and still has it on the model would require the art team to go back and look at every model they have ever done and duplicate it with a lowered hood. Which is a tremendous task. Plus there are some chest models like the armored Guardian pieces with a high metal collar behind the head that would clip if there was a lowered hood, looking worse than anything. Adding models from the Sith side that have a lowered hood would probably be possible, but it is messing very much with the visual asthetic that they have conceived for each side that makes them unique. In fact they probably have such lowered models because Sith Warrior's use masks and helmets that would end up having to remove the hood anyway. And doing a texture swap for some models would still be a bit of work. And once again they may not be willing to compromise the visual asthetic in such a cheap way. Is this the price they should pay for making such a (IMHO) bad decision as to make it so that virtually ALL Jedi knight chestpieces have hoods that make you look bald? Maybe. I mean I'd just be happy if i could see my hair underneath.
  18. Difference between the weakest and strongest class is quite apparent.
  19. Figure'd I'd draw a map for people who are still confused about how the conversations roll out: >>>> Recruit Kira > 1 Conversation. >>"The Defector" Mission > 3 Conversations. >>>> Finish Act 1 > 3 Conversations. >> Nar Shaddaa Companion Quest > 2 Conversations. Level 36, on Balmorra and sitting at 8200 affection, I'm guessing that is all for Act 2.
  20. It is the only option from the three choices that gets a affection gain from her. A rather large one too. So she actually likes it...a lot.
  21. Finished Act 1 on my Re-Roll Knight. For those who wish to know how romance with Kira effects the dialogue in main and side quests look below:
  22. A disturbing thought. If that is true, and it cannot be fixed, then I don't see myself or any other person devoting themselves to high level gameplay that is so crippled by something so basic. But i see the way interrupts work and i keep hope that this can be changed.
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