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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. Yep, just what we need, a more convenient way for ppl to tell me how thier going to ra-pe my kids with a knife because they died in PVP, having to log into a same faction just isnt easy enough.


    Played SWG for 8 years, by the 2nd year my ignore list was full up with reb players and was never not full from then on, i actually needed 2-3x more room in it.


    Only option that would even remotley work is a freinds list exception.

  2. The Star Wars theme is what keeps this game afloat. A console wouldn't make much difference.


    If Lucas Arts wants it done right, they are going to have to get a little more educated on the workings of MMO's.


    They had a good thing going with SWG, except they released it far too soon and way too buggy and unfinished.


    I can see the board room when SWTOR was conceived. "Let's make a WOW clone and the Star Wars theme will blow the market away." They thought the Star Wars franchise alone would be like printing money. After the initial excitement, they were proven wrong. The cloning fell far short of what Blizzard produced and folks are leaving WOW for a reason. The format is getting a little old.


    A pre CU/NGE SWG was a Star Wars MMORPG at it's highest glory.


    I was there sir..and let me just say bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

  3. Was so pumped for "how decisions really matter" hype at launch. Got mails from people I helped, or from families I ruined. Kept pluggin through my quest log, waiting and waiting for that pivotal moment where that fella I saved might show up and lend some back up, or help me get a good lead on Skavak.


    Sadly though, all I got was the mail, and I'm still waiting for them to show up :( The companion quests and dialogues, while fun to listen to, are merely the same. After my wedding, I got a couple emails with low lvl gifts, and that was that. Was really hoping for some random adventures with her, or anyone I finished the stories with. Guess I can keep my fingers crossed for some updated stories, but with 16 to deal with, I'm not expecting too much anytime soon.


    My SW spared a pub commando team at one point, then called in a favor from them to take out a rival sith lord when i met up with him. Kind of like what you were expecting. Lets be honest though, the JK / SW stories were the main stories of this game, the rest all felt like side stories.

  4. It's Star Wars, we fans will keep it going. The MMO'ers will play w/e new Harry Potter - LOTR rip off fantasy POS is thrown at them then move on to the next "big thing". But we'll still be here, were Star Wars fanboys, as long as Lucas peddles it, we'll buy it.


    And tbh if we didnt have this game we'd be on our 500th run through of KOTOR 1 / 2 or driving by the local Trekkie nest causing trouble.

  5. So, its the communities fault right? The community is the reason that this game went downhill fast. Ever stop to think that if you built a good game then people would support it? Other games can do features and content, at the same time. They do both with much better quality.....and guess what..... have not even half the staff or budget that ToR had.


    Im sorry that you want to blame the consumers. Its not the consumers fault that EA/BW have ****** management and ****** developers.


    The story is great.... mission accomplished. MMO it is not. If all they can do is story then they should have just made it an offline single player game. They would have made much more money.


    You must be new to the genre, the genre lives and breathes on hype, trolls, blogs, fanbois, hyperbole, and e-thug forum warriors. Quality has little to do with or WoW would have died a massive death in 2005 ....welcome to mmo's, enjoy your stay.

  6. Agree to disagree. I belive that many people feel the same way as I do. And maybe someone hates Voidstar, then they can untick that one. Im sure that it would work.


    Btw, the pattern is very simple to see. Everyone on the imp side loves Huttball while the reps hate it, cuz we lose 90% of the matches.


    I cant remeber the last HB match my PT won...i think it around mid-June. Pubs come in and pass like frigging Manning while every imp tries to be the big hero and score by themselves on my server.

  7. I am ready to play more games then that if I have fun. That is what games are all about right?

    To have fun :rak_03:


    Regarding gear PvE - PvP, well in PvE you usually follow a gear ladder hence you have your starter equipment and take down mobs that fits your gear and then move on with better gear in a natural progression.


    Here in ToR PvP warzones you just get thrown out in a jungle and are supposed to spend time not having fun only to be able to have fun later on. That is a WIERD philosophy


    You must be new to mmo-pvp....its supr srs biznez.

  8. The republic has hired bounty hunters before, although reluctantly, Braden worked for them at one point during The Great Galactic War, but I'm not really saying the BH should be able to work for the republic, I am saying that in terms of the BH story he is never really alligned with the empire in such a way I would consider it an Imperial Class, if anything he is nothing to either faction, he takes jobs from random people and imperials but mostly the Mandalorians.


    If you discount the world stories which aren't really part of your story since everyone does them, then within the confines of the BH story there is never truly a point in which you work for the Empire, you simply get a few contracts from them, mostly just to get to your true target, Balmora springs to mind (and you kill an Admiral there).


    The only time you work for the Empire is for Tormen's contracts and you have the choice to invalidate that at the end of the chapter. So before and after chapter 3 (depending on the choice you made) you never work for the empire, you mostly work for the Mandalorians, which does seem to hint at the BH story being written back when BW thought about having the neutral/underworld faction. It was the very first class we were ever shown after all.


    And they tried to kill him, thier not BH freindly.

  9. I just wanted to say that even though I find the game fun, there does seem to be something missing. Something intangible. I felt the same thing when I first played LOTRO, WAR, AoC, Aion, STO, and Champions Online. There's something that all these games are missing that WoW has. It's something in the makeup of the game, not necessarily the game itself.


    There's only so much you can do with an MMO. It's all about progression. No matter how a developer tries to spice up the path, it's still ultimately goes to the same place. You hear gamers constantly talking about innovation, when their pocketbooks say something totally different. The message from there is quite simply, "We want familiarity. But lie to us and tell us it's different."


    But the one thing all of these MMOs have in common is that they are missing "it". WoW has "it". Other games like Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer have "it". League of Legends has "it". It's just something I can't explain. Something that is quite common in all entertainment mediums. Some movies just come together perfectly and kind of make themselves. They just have "it". Others don't. Even though a movie can practically copy every single successful thing from the other movie that was a blockbuster, it just doesn't have "it."


    Same thing in music. Take the song Call Me Maybe for example. A lot of people may cringe when they hear it now because it's ON 24 HOURS A DAY, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. But it's simple, it's catchy, nothing new and even kind of generic, but it stays in your head. It has "it". (You will now be thinking of this song for the rest of the day. You're welcome.) Thus, it's a huge success.


    And that's what SWTOR is missing. The "it" factor. That one thing that makes me count down the hours till I get off of work so I can log in and play. That one thing that makes me want to browse the wiki or fansites looking for the best spec, the best gear, the best PvP tactics, the best/fun quests - all that. It just doesn't rope me in like that.


    That's not to say the game isn't fun. It is. I enjoy it and will continue to play it and continue subbing. But that's mostly because I'm a huge Star Wars fan and an even bigger KOTOR fan. I'm mostly here out of loyalty. If this wasn't a KOTOR game made by BioWare, I probably wouldn't be here anymore.


    Anyway, this post was not in any way meant to bash the game. It's an ever evolving thing, after all, and will always be a work in progress. But I just wanted to share my thoughts with the community and here's to hoping that someday soon, SWTOR will have "it". :)


    was WoW your 1st mmo?

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