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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. Amen to that.


    **** I miss driving my speederbike around the planet scanning the ground to find the highest quality ore and place the mining machines on there, produce your own electricity with windmills needed to have the miningmachines do their work, starting up a factory mass producing items and F*CK do I miss having my own house and public shop making me tons of money.


    Hope they realize its not all about the pve/pvp leveling and that a economy based game adds a hella lot features and value to people. Screw the Galactic trade markets and the lame 'WoW' style mining/resource gathering:). It doesn't add a lot of fun if you ask me


    I'll Pray they patch this game into something really good cause its lacking too much of the good stuff :(


    I hope you realise your a tiny tiny tiny niche minority in that assesment as well.

  2. Get him to watch Stand By Me.


    A film with 4 kids and hailed as an absolute classic ... also my wifes favourite film.


    On Topic.....


    "My power has doubled since last time we met".


    Said Anakin to Dooku after checking his Force'o'meter.


    Last i watched it they werent 9 years old either. I have 2 sons, kids say things adult wouldnt.


    But this the internet, land of the e-tards, not sure why i expected intellect past that of a feild mouse to rear its head.

  3. The whole galaxy will be destroyed by then. Once you get into the EU, dozens of planets are destroyed. Mon Calamari ravaged by World Devastators, an entire solar system evaporated by the Sun Crusher, planets virus bombed to hell and back. I expect by 4000 years after the events of ROTJ, there won't be many habitable planets left, and most races will be extinct. You'll have self-sufficient colonies trying to eke out an existence in space, and outlaws and nomads plying the space lanes. Any Jedi that exist will be akin to monks camping out during the Dark Ages.


    I like it, totally diffrent than anyone would expect.

  4. even though number 2 is the more objectively worse movie, number 1 is still the one i think people hate the most simply because everyone had such high expectations for it. Such a gigantic let down for everyone. Number 2 everyone had much lower expectations for due to the problems with number 1.


    If "everyone" is the vocal minority of basement dwelling mouth breathers that plauge the internet 24/7/365 crying about the prequals...then yes, everyone was let down.

  5. The Empire loses in the time it takes to activate a transporter. The Star Wars shields, wont protect against a beam out... into the vacuum of space. Additionally, the KDF disruptors would rip the Imperial Fleet to shreds while casually laughing off the attacks from the laser attacks from far inferior weaponry of the Empire. Cortosis bat'lath anyone? Watch Siths get Darh Maul'd en mass!


    That's what happens when you compare Science Fiction (Star Trek) with Science Fantasy (Star Wars).


    Palpatine creates a dark side black hole and engulfes your pathetic fleet!


    That's what happens when you compare Science Fantasy (Star Wars) to Science Fiction (Star Trek).


    Now go suck a spock you kirk gobbling trekkie.

  6. 8 years in SWG, placed a house once, after a year i CBA to find it again. SWG is dead, the whole model was a failure, the NGE didnt kill the game, the games design did. By 2004 the game was begining to die because sandbox MMO's are niche. Most of us were there in the begining because of our love of SW, once the game didnt feel like SW most then left.



    It's dead, it's never coming back, move along, move along.

  7. Many have said this, and believe me I just might end up doing that... but that would not fix the problem, it would only make it worse. The server would still be there, just with one less person on it.


    Edit: Had the wrong quote in there.


    It sucks but i did it myself...but i did it because my server was so populated i couldnt log in.

  8. Why TK, it's been too long since I've seen your worthless troll posts in these kinds of threads! :rolleyes:


    Haters gonna hate, besides, i got tired of reading ignorance posted by wanna be e-thugs and pseudo-fanboys. Im out once more though, been here 10mins and all i see is more internet lucas hate (to wich the irony that thier on a star wars forum doesnt escape me), revanites, and canon noobs with no clue what thier posting.


    Have fun with the mouth breathers.

  9. On my realm there is at least 150 Republic on the Fleet and 200 Imperial on the Fleet at all times of the day. I talk to a lot of people and MANY people rerolled to my realm (The Swiftsure) recently because it's known as a high population realm. That is if they didn't quit.


    This issue is massive and must be addressed immediately. There are at least 10x too many realms for the population this game has. It never should've launched with so many realms. It should've launched with 10 NA and 10 EU and then opened more if it was necessary.


    That would have been brilliant, i know the 5 hour queues at launch werent long enough...................

  10. I said that in the title of my original post, and it was true at the time. The only other place I went to at the time was Taris, which had 2 people on it (including me). I could maybe understand that at 5am, but not in the middle of the day.


    If you are curious, it is 8:04PM EST and there are now 20 people in the fleet and 205 people total across all planets and level ranges (sith side only).


    Sorry you picked a low population server, reroll, its a month into the game, not like your losing much.

  11. George Lucas is a child. Worse, he's a child throwing a temper tantrum.

    Fact is, he made up an awesome universe, and, when there were people to reel back his more stupid ideas, he made a decent movie (The Empire Strikes Back, ftw!).


    But then a bunch of far-more-talented writers started playing in his universe and doing MUCH better jobs at it (Timothy Zahn, Mike Stackpole, Aaron Allston...). Those guys, the authors of the EU made Star Wars the mega-awesome, incredibly alive, and amazing universe that it is today. Those guys are why people are still hard-core fanatics about Star Wars.


    Most Star Wars fans will tell you they hate George Lucas. Why? Because he has a lot of really stupid ideas, and he's completely disconnected with his audience (i.e. - Gungans, Ewoks, and Midichlorians).


    He was throwing a tantrum with the prequels. He was basically saying, "No! These are my toys! And, I don't care that you've all done amazing things with them, they're mine. And, I'm going to do what I want with them! And, there's nothing you can do about it! Neener, neener, neener!"


    And, nobody could reign him in this time.


    He's the worst kind of "artist." He's the kind of artist who doesn't trust his audience, who doesn't think his audience is smart enough to get his story. He doesn't realize that once you publish or produce a work it's not "yours" anymore. Not in the strictest sense, anyway. Good writing will mean something slightly different to each person experiencing it. With the prequels, we got to see just what kind of writer Lucas was with such wonderfully cardboard lines as:


    "...I have trained you since you were a small boy." Obi-Wan says this to Anakin in ROTS, like he's talking to a stranger. Like he has to explain to Anakin that they've been hanging out for the past 20 years, practically living together, forming an almost father/son relationship. Like Anakin doesn't know who Obi-Wan is or why he should listen to him.




    "My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count." Are we watching DragonBall Z? Does Anakin have some kind of Force-o-Meter to tell him how good he is? Nobody would say that!


    Mr. Lucas is breaking a fundamental rule of good writing. He's using dialogue for exposition. His characters are literally describing things in their world for the audience. Instead of letting the action tell us how ****** Anakin is, he has his character come out and quantify it for us. Instead of trusting the audience to know who Obi-Wan and Anakin are by the time ROTS comes out, he has one of his characters come out and say it. This is stuff you learn in Creative Writing 101. One doesn't use dialogue for exposition. It's bad writing, and it's insulting to your audience.


    It's not enough that he makes boatloads of money off of every book/toy/videogame/comic/idea that has anything to do with Star Wars, he has to pull his wang out and remind everyone that it was his idea to start with. It's not enough that he's raking in cash off of people far more talented than he. It's not enough that people still love Star Wars because of these more talented people and the stories they've told within that universe. He can't just sit back and watch this beautiful universe unfold and grow and expand. He's got to remind everyone that it's not how he would have done it, and therefore, it's not "official."


    Well, Mr. Lucas, if you had kept it all to yourself; if you had told the story the way you wanted to, nobody would ever have read/watched it. You wouldn't have an infinite revenue stream. You wouldn't have Skywalker Ranch. You wouldn't have everything you have now. You'd be that nerd in a basement writing stories and making movies for his Mom as she reads and watches patiently, knowing they're terrible but massaging your ego anyway because you don't have any friends.


    Good, you're "retiring." Maybe now the universe will be just a little less stupid. Maybe now we won't have to endure things like beloved characters being killed off because you don't trust your audience to know the difference between Anakin Skywalker and Anakin Solo (because no two people in any universe have ever shared a name, George /sarcasm). Maybe now we won't have to endure gungans or the idea that teddy bears with sticks and rocks could defeat an army of trained and battle-hardened STORMTROOPERS wearing armor designed to deflect small-grade blaster fire.


    You know why you get hate-mail George? It's because you're that spoiled kid everyone knew growing up. You're the kid nobody wanted to play with after about half an hour because nobody would play the way you wanted them to. You get hate-mail because even though you're that jerk, you make unlimited amounts of money. You reap the rewards of those better suited to tell this story than you, and you're upset about it! You sit on a pile of money that you don't have to work for and then have the audacity to complain about and degrade the way that money gets there.


    Sure, you created the universe, bully for you. We'd like you better if you weren't such a dick about it.






    Kind of like you and your page long cry thread.

  12. Well to be honest you cant say for sure it has more or less, because we dont know......For me Tor has more bugs then wow had on release, however has been seen in this thread some dont see the bugs in this game that I have seen, and I am sure it is the same with wow where people there saw bugs I did not see myself.


    The servers were down for weeks.....WEEKS.....

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