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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. I just hit level 50 this morning. I started playing late on the 2nd day of early access (meaning I got 6 days early access) and I have basically been playing this since then.


    But not non-stop. I have a girlfriend, a job, and my friends host a weekly poker night, plus with the holidays, I was very busy with family.


    I didn't space bar my way through, I did not use any exploits, I mostly leveled solo with the occasional pvp and flashpoint/heroic. I have always been here for one thing: Story. I did NOT complete every single planet, I finished most of the planet 'arcs' and a good portion of the quests on each planet as long as it coincided with my class story. Also, I run space missions at least once a day if possible.


    On a busy day where I have limited time, maybe I'd play anywhere from 1-3 hours. On a day where my girlfriend would be at work and I'd have nothing to do for 6 hours by myself at the house, I'd play this most the time.


    So, as of the 14th of December, I started my Jedi Knight, didn't re-roll, have had only a few issues that required me to stop playing. During the week, realistically I probably average a total of 4-5 days of 1-3 hour play sessions, and 2 days of 5 hour or more play sessions.


    So I probably have sunk about anywhere from 15-35 hours of gameplay per week. Over a little more than 3 weeks.


    Pretty much if I am not doing something social, or work related of some kind and am entirely alone with nothing to do, Swtor is my date.


    I also have a level 19 Inquisitor (sorcerer) and a level 11 smuggler (gunslinger)


    If I finished my class quest on a planet but had remaining quests, I'd finish up what I could on my way back to the space station, but I'd abandon any others because I'd rather have some other quests to do when I play through on other characters I have.


    But, I did NOT spend a lot of time exploring places where I didn't have quests, sitting around waiting for groups or chatting with guild people or in general on the fleet, and I haven't even begun trying to get Datacrons yet.


    I have maxed all my screw skills (slicing treasure hunting and diplomacy) and most of my companions affection is maxed with the exception of my last companion.


    Getting to level 50 certainly took a while, I wouldnt be surprised if people who started as early as me are more than half way behind me.


    But its all about how you play and how often. If you play for 6 hours but spend 3 of those hours doing random stuff in the game that doesn't garner experience (or at least a lot) then you may not level as fast.


    I was a day 1 Early Access player and i couldnt get into my server from day 3 of EA to 4 days after launch....your lucky.

  2. You haven't seen the giant green rays of light that make a foglight look like a tiny spark or the tiny sized NPC speaking to you when he should be normal size.


    How about the randomly despawning and spawning mobs or the missing animations when you use an object which means you're not actually using it but the channeling is there. Not to mention some of the quest objectives not picking up (I already entered the Imperial compound, why aren't you ticking?)


    Or the crafting menus acting up and displaying my splicing as level 31-40 missions and greying out the 48-50 missions even though it's 400 splicing. There's times when my companions don't even want to fight even when I tell them to attack the target.


    Don't get me started on the delays and when you fall off your speedbike and shifting between shooting at the thing that knocked you off and lying down.


    Actually i saw this once when i made a JC toon in the twiliek camp, never since.


    Didnt really consider it game breaking though.


    I was just wondering since i see alot of ppl having technical problems posting.

  3. never indicated that it was advertised as having a great space sim but this looks like a straight rip from a mini game from




    at least with galaxies they left it out until they got it right.


    I played SWG for over 5 years and 90% of my time there was in space as I loved the X-wing Vs Tie fighter experience.


    Here it seems for daily mission I may as well go for a beer and let my 5 year old click on the yellow targets lol


    I played for 8 years never once bothered to get Ace.

  4. OK loving the game so far and finally reached level 15 (Was taking my time to enjoy the story)


    so got my space craft and after playing Star Wars galaxies was looking forward to a great space sim, and what happened? The space missions seem to be on the likes of a crappy point and shoot free flash game?


    How can you make such a great game and leave space so..... indie?


    .....oh boy.

  5. You're not a "vet" of anything. Stop thinking you are, stop wishing you were, get off your chair and do something in real life.


    I've been playing MMOs since I was in grade 9 and started with Ragnarok Online. My favorite MMO by far was Final Fantasy XI. However, as time went on and I got older, I found that real life priorities needed to take over this includes:


    #1. Getting laid.

    #2. Riding (motorcycle)

    #3. 40 hour per week projects

    #4. Exams

    #5. Reunions with family member

    #6. Getting drunk

    #7. Separating myself from other software developers by getting jacked at the gym (pix to prove, don't make me link Facebook)


    2 of those are not optional and they take the absolute most time out of everything else. Due to this, I realized that I could no longer dump in 8 hours a day into my favourite MMO sometime around 6-8 years ago (forgot). World of Warcraft revolutionized the MMO scene to allow people like me, who once loved MMOs but now do not have the time to invest in them to make decent progression, to invest a small amount of time, and progress. It has even gotten better with the raid finder.


    There is a small % of people out there who either have retired early due to amazing financial decisions, or family inheritance. From my life science studies, this % of people in the Canadian or American world is VERY tiny. I forgot the exact %. Chances are, YOU are not one of them, and YOU are not vet. Statistics would favour you with the definition of a failure. The ones that never reached the "American dream".


    Stop using the word vet. You didn't fight in any battles, you didn't save the world, and above all, you weren't in World War II. Thanks.


    Well kiddo, im a desert storm veteran, an automotive engineer, a husband and father of 3 amazing children. Also i've been playing MMORPG's since UO. I think im entitled to the term "VET", if you dont too bad.


    BTW, your welcome.

  6. Wow another KIA member haven't seen one in a long time. I was in KIA for quite some time until I left the game. Vitroo here!


    Aylen Mando'a - KIA of here.


    Soon as FOE stole the guild i left Bria, no one else really mattered to me there.

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