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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. You'll definitely come back. That goes without saying.









    To answer the OP's question ... Yes .. I will.


    I was adamantly against SWTOR (anyone in SWG that knew me knows how much of an understatement that is coming from me).


    I decided to try it out though since LA pulled our license.


    I have to say that I am really enjoying SWTOR.


    I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.


    OMG, Krelos is a TOR fanboy now....im in shock.


    Glad you gave it a chance.

  2. I will, thanks you good sir.


    No thank you, and tbh i hope you do have fun fighting dragons and w/e the hell you elf lovers do in w/e game you end up in.


    Personally the thought of playing a fantasy game makes me throw up in my mouth a little but if it rocks your socks, then great, mabey my server qeue times will be a bit shorter with you and your kind gone.

  3. Im a star wars fanboy, i'll be here till they pull the plug, i played galaxies for 8 years and for 5 of them couldnt stand the gameplay...why? Star Wars. Have fun playing Harry Potter or w/e rehashed fantasy crap this "guild wars" game is. Long as theres a smuggler flying and a lightsaber huming, i'll be here.
  4. The answer to the topic is simple, "Bandwagon vocal minority nerd rage".


    Only on the internet do you find ppl spewing the vitrol and unmitigated hate about the prequals to the point of wanting ppl to die IRL because of them. In reality these same ppl are at each SW celebration every year with an Anakin or Jar Jar costume on.

  5. There may actually be a problem because I run 1080... looks nothing like that. FAAARRR Better and my friend runs the game in 3D... FAAAARRR Better. So either you're lying or theres a problem with the game interacting with your hardware. Good luck.


    I have to agree, i've never seen anything remotley that bad in game.

  6. It's fascinating how many people in this thread are rationalizing how dominating others through fear and power is a good thing because it brings 'order' or 'freedom'.:rolleyes:


    Or how making emotional responses are better than reason.


    The only path to peace is the utter and complete elimination of free thinking, for so long as there is an ideal of dissent, there will be struggle and chaos.

  7. You're wrong. Rift's release was somewhere in the area of 50 to 75% of TOR's release population. Warhammer, LoTRO, and Aion were all bigger than Rift. SWTOR is not as big as you guys think it is. Two days after launch, BW was bragging about "over a million" players. 8 days after launch it was still "over a million players." The game isn't growing significantly or we would have heard "over 1.5 million players" or "close to 2 million players." That's a little worrisome since MMO populations rarely get significantly larger after the first week of launch.


    You guys are both giving SWTOR too much credit for popularity at this point and not giving those other games enough credit for how big their launches were. They were all triple-A titles.


    I'm not talking about games like Chronicles of Spellborn that have less than 10K members here.


    I suppose by the highlighted


    A) Your trolling




    B) Your woefully misinformed.

  8. Lets say, like me, you'd like like to look like a sith lord on your SW. You finally find that one chest that hase a long black ****** looking cape on it. It's orange so it has modification slots, what you can do is change the mods (found on vendors for money or coms) in it out and keep it relative for as long as you like.


    I have a full set of orange at lvl 32 i dont plan on replacing anytime soon because i've seen the armor at end game and mines so much better looking.

  9. Give me a break. They'll never be perfect, but we've already seen FAR smoother launches from much smaller MMO companies than what we've seen in TOR.

    WoW also suffered from some distinct problems that do not affect TOR. There were SO MANY people who wanted to play WoW that they literally ran out of boxes on the shelves. They had to keep opening up new servers on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis to fulfill demand for the game. The game was MUCH more popular than they'd anticipated.


    And they weren't cropping the population caps of their servers to a fraction of their capabilities, sharding their world, and relying on instancing and "staggered release" to offset the problems either. It was everyone through the gates all at once. Server technology itself is roughly 20 times more powerful than it was when WoW released, the average player has a PC 20 times more powerful than the clients that played the original WoW, not to mention that the average player has about 5 times more bandwidth and much more stable broadband than was extant back then.


    Bioware has so many more technological advantages available to them that are tried and true, and it still hasn't kept them from having a very bumpy launch. Other recent MMO's all had FAR smoother launches than the early MMO's, and, I should add, smoother than the most recent MMO, SWTOR.


    Yes and those smaller games have 1/1000th of the TOR population.


    I havent had not 1 single problem with the game, so sorry if i sound a bit harsh, but i am a day 1 / 2nd wave early access player and so far the game and game play have been flawless on my end.

  10. There has been all these posts about how this game is bad because they want everything now....... I have been playing MMO's for some time now and, I was just wondering if any other veterans agree with me on how this is a new game not everything can come at once if you don't wanna play then ****, I mean am i right? Progress will come


    So far this game (and im a 10 year MMO vet) is head and shoulder above anyother MMO at launch. I hear ppl speak of "Rift" and i cant coment on it because the fantasy genre at this point makes me throwup in my mouth a little and i CBA to try "pretty WoW"...i mean "Rift".

  11. You know, there was a time when automobiles were notoriously unreliable and where families had to carefully plan whether or not they should attempt to drive more than maybe 10 miles or so in one. They had to be meticulously maintained and even then would still have problems. To start them they had to be manually cranked, they couldn't be driven up steep hillsl without stalling because they had gravity-feed fuel pumps, and the tires were always going flat. They also weren't very powerful and were more like motorized carriages than what we think of as automobiles today.


    If somebody released a Model-T today, they wouldn't be able to fall back on the argument that the early automobiles were notoriously unreliable. The industry has advanced to the point where both cars and MMO's are far more reliable, and part of the reason for that is by both learning from and avoiding the mistakes of the past, as well as better technology on the main.


    Sorry, but using bad launches of prior games to justify failure in TOR is pathetic. If you bought a new cell phone today and it kept disconnecting 20 times a day like the original cell phones did and only could acquire a signal in major urban areas, you'd be pissed and want your money back. Things progress, yes... even MMO's.


    And in 20 years MMO's will still be bugged and have problems at launch, thats the way it works, sorry, welcome to the genre. New design years for cars are horribly mared with defects, 2-3 years later the same model will be virtually flaw free and we've been producing automobiles for quite a while now.


    Welcome to the real world, enjoy your stay.

  12. What a long list of regurgitated drivel, most of wich is being worked on as we speak.


    I've been in the MMO genre a loooong time now and i've learned a few things. One is ppl that are going to quit do so with out a wimper, they just leave, ppl like you however stick around for years and cry every day on the forums.

  13. Ac is your class.

    You NEVER EVER IN ANY MMO can change from Mage to Rogue.

    Deal with it.

    Bioware told you 10 times over (I just put a char above ten yesterday) that AC is permanent and CAN'T BE CHANGED.

    Roll a new char, it takes about 5 or 6 hours. Less if you skip the conversations you already know now.


    SWG let you change your class....of course it was one of the dumbest ideas ever, but still you could with no lvl penalty either.

  14. You know, i dont RP or anything but for some reason i try to keep her happy with my decisions....it's really weird and just her, the rest of my toons companions i could care less about thier feelings....man, now that i think about it its just weird.
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